10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (2024)

Chest | Back | Shoulders | Biceps | Triceps | Legs | Abs

The triceps make up roughly two-thirds of your upper arm, so if you want bigger arms, building your tris is a must. The problem is, every lifter has a different approach. Some simply perform all manner of push-downs, while others spend an hour parked at the dumbbell rack. Which is better? Well, it depends on what move you're trying to do there.

That's why we've narrowed down your dozens of choices to these 10 best exercises for building muscle in your upper arms using the following criteria:

  • Ease of learning and performing
  • Total muscle stimulation and intensity
  • Popularity among diehard lifters and bodybuilders (This matters!)
  • Availability of equipment in commercial gyms

You can also put these moves into action with the three full workouts below. Pair one with the best chest exercises on Monday, then another with biceps on Friday, and you've got a recipe for a tighter T-shirt. Just don't forget to eat and supplement for growth, too!

10 Best Triceps Exercises

  • Skullcrusher
  • Close-Grip Bench Press
  • Triceps Dip
  • Bench Dip
  • Triceps Machine Dip
  • Board Press
  • Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension
  • Cable Overhead Extension with Rope
  • Single-Arm Cable Kick-Back
  • Cable Push-Down
  • Best Bodyweight Choice: Close-Grip Push-Up


10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (2)

Why it's on the list: This move—also known as a lying triceps extension—hammers two of the three heads of the triceps: the long and lateral heads. The most popular version is performed on a flat bench with the elbows locked over the head (hence the name), but it's also great on a decline or incline bench. It also works with a wide variety of resistance including not only an EZ-bar, but also dumbbells, cables, or even the Smith machine. The article, "Your Complete Guide to Skullcrushers" gives plenty of options to choose from.

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (3)

Skullcrusher Variations for Triceps Growth:

  • EZ-bar skullcrusher (flat, decline, incline)
  • Barbell skullcrusher
  • Dumbbell skullcrusher
  • Band skullcrusher
  • Behind-the-head skullcrusher

In your workout: After warming up your elbows, perform 3-4 sets for 8-12 reps as the first or second exercise in your routine. Don't be a hero and risk your skull! Hit your reps and it'll help you build tris to match your bis.

Your Triceps Will Be Weeping Abel Albonetti turns skullcrushers on their head with dropsets and tempo training in this brutal 4-week onslaught. It will hurt, but you will grow.

Close-Grip Bench Press

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (5)

Why it's on the list: If you've read our 10 Best Exercises guides for chest, back, or shoulders, then you already know that we favor compound (multijoint) exercises. Why? Because they're the best for progressive overload and muscle growth. Even though the bench press is usually a chest exercise, a close-grip press has been shown to hit the triceps harder than wider grips, particularly when performed for heavier sets.

To really torch the back of your arms, use a close grip, but keep your hands around 8-10 inches apart. Tuck your arms in to decrease the amount of stress on your pecs and shoulders while increasing the demand on your triceps.

Close-Grip Bench Press Variations for Triceps Growth:

  • Barbell close-grip bench press
  • Smith machine close-grip bench press
  • JM press
  • Close-grip dumbbell bench press

In your workout: Perform this movement first or second in your workout. Do 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps. If you're going heavy, don't hesitate to use wrist wraps for extra support.

Triceps Dip

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (7)

Why it's on the list: Dips are a proven mass-builder on their own. Their only problem: Lots of people can't do enough reps to get within the ideal muscle-building rep range of 8-12 reps. Either that, or they can do way too many. In the former case, use the assisted dip/pull-up machine or a band. In the latter, add weight with a dip belt or a light dumbbell between your knees or feet.

Dips hit both the chest and triceps, but to favor the tris, keep your body as vertical as possible. Don't lean forward and keep those elbows tight to your sides. Think dips won't work for you? Take a look at any male gymnast; horseshoe triceps come standard issue with all those dips!

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (8)

Dip Variations for Triceps Growth:

  • Triceps dip
  • Ring dip
  • Russian bar dip
  • Banded dip

In your workout: You can start your triceps workout with dips if they're tough for you. Otherwise, use them in the middle of your workout to pump those arms full of blood. Shoot for 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.

Bench Dip

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (9)

Why it's on the list: Another dip? Yep. EMG evidence suggests that there's substantial triceps activation during a bench dip. How can you make this classic calisthenics move even better? By bumping up the load with added weight!

The best and safest way to load up is to have a partner place weights across your lap. Intensity boosters like dropsets are easy to do: just remove a plate to extend your set.

Bench Dip Variations for Triceps Growth:

  • Bench dip
  • Weighted bench dip
  • Feet-elevated bench dip

In your workout: Put this in the middle or at the end of your workout, shooting for 3 sets of 8-12 reps. If you are feeling super fatigued, this may not be the best exercise, since your shoulders could end up in a compromised position by rounding forward.

Triceps Machine Dip

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (10)

Why it's on the list: This compound exercise makes it especially easy to pick and change weights for different rep ranges. This makes it easy to do forced reps, dropsets, or even rest-pause sets to boost your intensity.

Pro tip: Many trainees mess up here by failing to go to full triceps extension and stopping short of fully bending their elbows. Your triceps are elbow extenders, so perform the full range of motion.

Triceps Machine Dip Variations for Triceps Growth:

  • Dip machine

In your workout: Do this early or in the middle of your workout for 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps, and you'll be convinced this is one of the best arm muscle-building machines out there. Alternately, up the reps to double digits as an upper-arm burnout.

Recover Faster with Fast-Digesting Protein As soon as you finish that last rep, it's up to your muscles to start repairing the damage. Give your body what it needs to repair, rebuild, and refuel for your next big day in the gym!*

Board Press

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (12)

Why it's on the list: Take a look at the bench press and you'll notice that the last two-thirds of the movement is mostly elbow extension—in other words, triceps. This is one reason why super strong pressers prioritize triceps training and love the board press to do it.

The board press is a partial-rep version of the bench press where you place 2x4s on your chest to preferentially train the lockout. Don't have boards? An easier gym hack may be simply to move a bench inside the rack and set the pins a few inches off your chest.

Board Press Variations for Triceps Growth

  • Board press
  • Pin press
  • Floor press

In your workout: Hit this early in your triceps routine and go heavy! Shoot for the low end of the hypertrophy rep range at around 4 sets of 8 reps. If you're a big presser, wear your elbow sleeves to stay strong and in the groove.

Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (14)

Why it's on the list: Once your arms go overhead, the long head of the triceps gets prioritized. This head is difficult to target otherwise, which is why it's always a good idea to include some kind of overhead exercise in your triceps workout.

Luckily, you have options! You can go one arm or two, seated or standing, and if you have a partner, you can go heavy and do some forced reps.

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (15)

Dumbbell Overhead Extension Variations for Triceps Growth:

  • Seated triceps press
  • Standing dumbbell triceps extension
  • Single-arm dumbbell triceps extension
  • Barbell overhead triceps extension

In your workout: Do your extensions toward the second half of your workout, after heavier movements, for around 3 sets of 8-10 reps. Concentrate on getting a good stretch during the eccentric portion of the lift as you lower the weight.

Cable Overhead Extension with Rope

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (16)

Why it's on the list: Like dumbbell overhead work, cable overhead presses focus on the often underdeveloped long head. The constant tension provided by the cable might actually make this a better choice than dumbbells if you're picking between the two.

Cable Overhead Extension Variations for Triceps Growth:

  • Low cable overhead triceps extension
  • High cable overhead triceps extension
  • Single-arm low cable triceps extension
  • Bodyweight triceps press

In your workout: This is a great second or third exercise in place of push-downs if you do 3 sets of 8-12 reps.

Single-Arm Cable Kick-Back

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (17)

Why it's on the list: We're not big fans of the dumbbell kick-back because there are so many ways to cheat it and the angle of resistance is less effective than what you can achieve with a resistance band or cable. Surprisingly, one study by ACE fitness found that a well-executed kick-back can be as effective at activating the triceps as either dips or overhead extensions.

Just make sure you don't drop your elbow—a very common mistake, but one that's important enough to qualify for the "Laws of Triceps Training." Keep your upper arm parallel to the floor as you fully extend your elbow and squeeze. Don't use a handle here, just grab the rubber ball at the end of the cable. Alternately, you can use a resistance band.

Kick-Back Variations for Triceps Growth:

  • Single-arm cable kick-back
  • Single-arm band kick-back

In your workout: Maximum contraction is key and you won't be able to go very heavy with this exercise, so place it last in your routine. Shoot for 3 sets of 10-12 reps. To optimize this cable kick-back for maximum muscle activation, take a bench and incline it up to about 60 degrees. Facing the weight stack with your chest on the bench, perform the cable kick-back with your upper arm locked parallel to the floor.

Cable Push-Down

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (18)

Why it's on the list: For many lifters, this is the quintessential triceps burnout move, and for good reason. It effectively targets the lateral head, is easy to perform—just don't let your arms drift from your sides!—and lends itself easily to dropsets.

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (19)

Cable Push-Down Variations for Triceps Growth:

  • Cable V-bar push-down
  • Cable straight-bar push-down
  • Cable rope push-down

In your workout: Since this is a single-joint or "isolation" exercise, do it toward the end of your workout for 3 sets of 10-12 reps or slightly higher.

Best Bodyweight Choice: Close-Grip Push-Up

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (20)

Why it's on the list: Unlike other muscle groups such as the back, you have plenty of choices to train your triceps with body weight alone. So consider this a bonus addition to this list! And if you're an aspiring bodyweight bodybuilder, you need to know the close-grip push-up.

Traditional push-ups are usually done with the hands just outside of shoulder width to allow the pecs to do most of the work. But bringing your hands in and tucking your elbows can produce greater muscle activity in both the triceps and the pecs.

Close-Grip Push-Up Variations for Triceps Growth:

  • Diamond push-up
  • Tiger-bend push-up

In your workout: Do this as a finishing exercise. If sets from your toes are too easy, put your feet up on a bench or have a partner put a weight plate on your back.

Best Triceps Workouts

  • Hard and Heavy Triceps Workout
  • Triceps Workout for Beginners
  • Machine Pump Triceps Workout

Hard and Heavy Triceps Workout

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (21)

If you're someone who neglects to train triceps as hard as biceps, this high-volume workout is for you. It starts with heavy skullcrushers, then switches to lighter dumbbell and cable variations.

Hard and Heavy Triceps Workout


Incline EZ-bar skullcrusher

4 sets, 6-8 reps (rest 90 sec. )


Triceps dip

If you can't perform 8-12 reps with body weight, perform band-assisted or machine-assisted reps. Add weight if needed to hit target rep range.

4 sets, 8-12 reps (rest 90 sec. )



Perform all of the reps on one side, then switch to the other. Don't rest between sides and rest 1 min. between sets.

Single-arm dumbbell triceps extension

3 sets, 10-12 reps (left side, no rest)

Single-arm dumbbell triceps extension

3 sets, 10-12 reps (right side, rest 1 min. )


3 sets, 10-12 reps (rest 1 min. )

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (30) 10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (31)

Triceps Workout for Beginners

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (32)

Have you been guilty of crushing curls and skipping triceps? Use these three moves to give your arms everything they need to get stronger and grow. This workout can be added on to your chest or biceps day, but it's also great on its own at a lower volume 2-3 days per week. That's the approach taken in the popular program Six Weeks to Sick Arms by Jim Stoppani.

Triceps Workout for Beginners


Close-grip bench press

3 sets, 12, 10, 8 reps (rest 90 sec. )


Low cable overhead triceps extension

3 sets, 12, 10, 10 reps (rest 90 sec. )


Bench Dip

Add weight if necessary to stay in the rep range.

3 sets, 15, 12, 12 reps (rest 90 sec. )

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (37) 10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (38)

Machine Pump Triceps Workout

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (39)

Got that pre-workout flowing? Get a great upper-arm pump and focus on your mind-muscle connection with this high-rep, short-rest workout. Using machines makes it easy to mix in some dropsets and rest-pause sets to get the most that your triceps have to give.

Machine Pump Triceps Workout


3 sets, 8-10 reps (rest 90 sec. )

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (40) 10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (41)



Perform all of the reps on one side, then switch to the other. Don't rest between sides and rest 1 min. between sets.

3 sets, 8-10 reps (left side, no rest)

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (42) 10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (43)

3 sets, 8-10 reps (right side, rest 1 min. )

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (44) 10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (45)


Low cable overhead triceps extension

3 sets, 10-12 reps (rest 1 min. )


3 sets, 10-12, 10-12, 12-15 reps (rest 1 min. )

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (48) 10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (49)

Best Triceps-Building Programs

  • What Are the Best Triceps Programs for Mass?

What Are the Best Triceps Programs for Mass?

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (50)

The best triceps-building programs feature arm workouts you'll be looking forward to all week long. Lift heavy, finish with a pump, and give your triceps everything they need to grow.

  • 30-Day Arms with Abel Albonetti
  • Killer Arms with Julian Smith
  • Six Weeks to Sick Arms by Jim Stoppani
  • Garage Gains: Dynamite Dumbbell Workouts for Size

To follow a similar blueprint to build the rest of your body, check out the companion pieces in this series:

  • 10 Best Muscle-Building Chest Exercises
  • 10 Best Muscle-Building Back Exercises
  • 10 Best Muscle-Building Shoulder Exercises
  • 10 Best Muscle-Building Biceps Exercises
  • 10 Best Muscle-Building Leg Exercises
  • 10 Best Muscle-Building Abs Exercises

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

10 Best Triceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle (2024)


What exercises hit all the tricep muscles? ›

Three exercises that hit all 3 heads of the triceps are: Cable Triceps Pushaway for long head. Diamond Cutter Pushup for lateral head.

How to build muscle in triceps? ›

Sit or stand with a dumbbell in each hand. Extend your arms straight overhead, bend them at the elbows, and lower the dumbbells behind your head. (If this is too difficult with a weight in each hand, just hold one weight between both hands.) Extend arms back straight overhead to the starting position and repeat.

How many tricep exercises to build muscle? ›

How many tricep exercises should I do? You should do 3-5 tricep exercises per training session, making sure to choose exercises that hit all 3 heads of the triceps, put the long head of the triceps on stretch, and hit overlapping strength curves.

What is the fastest way to build triceps? ›

Overhead Tricep Extension

In fact, multiple studies, including the European Journal For Sports Science, have found a significant increase in tricep activation and growth when performing tricep extensions in the overhead position compared to neutral elbow positions (elbows by your side).

What exercise has the most tricep activation? ›

Porcari and his team reported that muscle activity was greatest while subjects performed the triangle push-ups, which made it the gold standard of triceps exercises. “All across the board, the triangle push-ups elicited the most muscle activity in our subjects,” says researcher Brittany Boehler, B.S.

How long does it take to build triceps? ›

Typically, it takes around 6-8 weeks for you to start noticing changes in the appearance of your arms. At around the 12 week mark, this is typically when you can expect to see more significant changes, especially if you didn't already have a large amount of muscle mass in the area!

What is the best exercise to build triceps at home? ›

Lying Single-Arm Cross-Body Triceps Extension
  1. Lie faceup with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. ...
  2. Slowly bend your elbow to lower the weight toward your opposite shoulder, so that you're crossing the midline of your body. ...
  3. Lift your arm back to the starting position.
Dec 18, 2023

Can I train triceps every day? ›

Training your triceps every single day is not recommended, as it can lead to overtraining and potential injury. For maximum growth, we suggest training triceps 2-3 times per week, allowing at least 48 hours of rest between sessions.

Why is it so hard to build triceps? ›

When someone asks, “Why aren't my triceps growing?” one of the most common reasons is that the person is leaving triceps exercises for last. It's hard to push your triceps if your arms are already exhausted from tons of bicep curls. To see gains, you need to give your tris your complete attention.

How to get massive triceps? ›

The long head of the triceps makes up two-thirds of the overall size of the muscle. So, if you want to get big triceps, you need to prioritize this area. Exercises like Overhead Triceps Extensions, Lying Triceps Extensions, and Triceps Pushdowns with a rope attachment can help you target the long head.

Do triceps respond better to high or low reps? ›

Generally, this means that biceps will respond greater to slow movements while the triceps will respond better to rapid reps.

Do pushups work triceps? ›

While it's often thought of as a chest exercise, it also works the triceps, anterior deltoids, and core muscles, as well as the pectoralis major and minor. Notable benefits of performing push-ups include building upper body strength, reducing the risk of cardiac events, and improving body composition.

What is scientifically the best tricep exercise? ›

Upon completion of the testing, the EMG data were crunched and processed. Porcari and his team reported that muscle activity was greatest while subjects performed the triangle push-ups, which made it the gold standard of triceps exercises.

What grows faster triceps or biceps? ›

The triceps are a larger muscle group than the biceps, which means they have more potential to grow.

Are triceps harder to grow? ›

The triceps have three muscle heads. To get balanced arm growth, you need to spend at least 33% more time on them. If you have an hour for arm day, you would dedicate 35 minutes to triceps versus 25 for biceps.


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