There's a sweet deal cooking with Maliki & Shabibi is supposedly happening tomorrow which is Friday -- a holy day and a great day to celebrate. They don't celebrate receiving money, but their independence.

Chapter 7 is lifted...and the trifecta -- We would celebrate one item: Gaining financial wealth.

Iraq would celebrate more than one thing: Financial gain, freedom, lifted shackles, and make them look irresponsible or educational about the economics of the world...set back with not much of anything. They're catching up with technology. They're going to prosper trading!

Financially, they've been forgiven, free to the world, and a GOI.

Darline believes they're getting ready to let the cat out of the bag...the phone call that we trust, is that M & S may make an announcement to the world on a Friday that they could celebrate and honor their Allah.

Maliki will be announcing the ministers -- not approving or voting. These are the ministers. If that happens with that perfect stage, for Shabibi to come in and say, I thank you and appreciate your cooperation and coordination and working together (a year behind schedule:) -- He could announce the complete government to the world with Parliament in tact. For many months he's been trying to explain the process and to lift the 000's, the monetary plan which was done and we're moving forward. He's brought in investors, our oil's moving, infrastructure moving soon, and now they need the Iraqi citizens to finish this and put into hands that which was taken away....and the rate is going up.

Darline says that Iraqi TV is showing that people are bringing in 25,000 dinars and giving them to the bank teller in bundles with rubber bands TODAY.

Frank says...we've been telling you since last year since Oct. 1st, they weren't supposed to use the IQD any was part of the 000's...the Iraqi citizens were using only American dollars, gold, silver, bartering, making promises to fulfill later...hoarding their dinars. The Iraqi government collected them with auction after auction which takes a slow time. They have done an amazing job for bringing them back in.Most of the remainder is going to be used to launch the lower denom’s. This is what we believe may happen tomorrow.

IF IT DOESN’T HAPPEN, hold on! They’re writing those speeches, they’re working on something. The key is to announce the GOI first…can’t have an RV before that. If it doesn’t happen this way tomorrow, hang in there…maybe it will happen Sat. or Sun…We can’t give you a link or article and we’re not about to give you our sources because we protect them viciously. We’ve done things with dignity, and we’ve disciplined those who have shouted from other places. We’ve been doing nothing but articles and Iraqi TV.

Between now and June 7th, there’s a lot of reasons to have the rate. On June 13th, the Parliament returns from vacation. Also on that date Mazaroni…maybe will be done before that. On the 13th thru the 15th there’s an Oil, Gas, and Power Conference….this is kind of a big thing with serious investments that could occur. I wouldn’t want to invest anything until I knew it was fine…yes, I know the banks have linked up with everything, but until the Government is announced it’s seated to protect the banks, the money, etc. it’s a security thing.

Darline: It’s 6 months since the sanctions had been removed. UN gave them 6 months to file.

Frank: When a man or woman is set free from prison without their number on their striped uniform, you don’t have to share that room – you’re free. If you had to serve a 20 year sentence, you may as well be in a dungeon….not knowing much about the rest of the world. Once free, you may as well be on another planet…or Disneyland….these people are so eager to enter the world, and from Dec. 2010 to June 15th, 2011, it closes the file with Kuwait.

It’s like the Paris Treaty (Debt) – it’s like making payments on a credit card…but if those payments stop, they’ll come after the whole debt. Follow the rate of Kuwait…once established and set, whatever that rate is set at, our rate will be 2-3 pennies under it. One of the mandates from Kuwait – on June 15th, you have permission to lift Chap. 7, not all, part. Kuwait said Iraq can go ahead, but they better not be one penny over Kuwait’s.

June 15th – CBI is going to complete a lot of the work done with banks in their nation…they’re finished. You can do all kinds of things now with the CBI – financial packages gotten together, deposit in the US with social security numbers…it’s amazing how they customized things to make it easy IN CASE you make a lot of money. The government will do everything possible to take your money away from you, so be smart, family!

At our seminar I had a gentleman named Roy Strong on how to diversify your money – I don’t care if it’s Roy or anyone else, but I’m bringing as many people as possible about offshore accounts, trust, 501’s – everything and anything you can study, but I will admit, his package may not be for everybody, cost wise. The same package yesterday…we had a professor of a university with a doctor’s degree in financial law, Prof. Vincent. Listen to him because what’s costing $20,000 is less – I don’t care where you get your information, but I do care not to trust just one source. Please seek counsel and pray to God – you can’t make a mistake…it’s a once in a lifetime event for you and your children.

PT. 2 - FRANK’S CALL – June 2nd
(After the commercial.)

Frank: Darline, do you know what’s happening between June 22nd – 23rd, the Asian Pacific Corporation and the International American Banks will have 21 members there. They’re getting more and more involved with “toilet paper money” – it’s actually a plan and really is coming about…and the IMF will be involved with the Asian Pacific Corp. This is impressive – you don’t have people coming to a country that has no future or money.

Have you visited Ali from Dinar Trade – his website? Do it, go to the top left hand side – questions, the 4th item…click. Do you see any initials? -- Yes, a bank initial…HSCB here. Dinar Trade is always in the market to buy dinars, but HCB is letting you know their banking services and letting you to know if you want to become an HCB holder. (I MISSED SOMETHING IN TRANSCRIBING.)

Why is Ali using a bank like HCB….? It’s for business services…Ali is a great business man, but I didn’t know how he would let us open an Iraqi account with HCB…Why?
Final day..June 30th? The biggest thing is the DFI is removed, the Ch. 7th is lifted…independence with the world…Along with the IMF and CBI to end their debt files…yes, which we believe has already been done. Once again, this is very, very big.

The article we were tearing apart…the first form Shabibi to strive to bring back the Iraqi dinar where it was…that was in 2006. The article that came out yesterday, I call the Omega, it’s an article that’s literally saying..this is it!

We started something yesterday we had a wonderful time with this…on the left hand side we had words that meant nothing to you in translation but we developed a pattern to learn what the words mean. If you didn’t hear it, I’d advise you to go to **********.com – see the archive calls on June 1st…fast forward for an hour where I promote my website…listen to what Darline and I did regarding the CBI is about to drop the 000’s….it was enjoyable!
We left off at 27 trillion Iraqi dinars before we were interrupted by George….let’s pick up from there. We’re reading this article ….”He (Shaleh) was advisor to the CBI…the appearance of Mohammed Shaleh…[he shows up as the advisor who said in an interview weeks ago] the bank’s [the CBI] readiness to delete the Iraqi currency…pointing out that those 000’s that are added to the IQD during the last period [quarter] formed a cluster of large cash [through the sterilization process] amounting to 27 trillion dinars…[when we looked at those 000’s, that itself added to the IQD with the large cluster – removing the 3 zeros and added a hole mountain of large cash of 27 trillion dinars – they originally printed in 2002, 25 trillion – why are they saying 27 trillion – what’s a CLUSTER of large cash? Dinars they collected back.

….On the other hand…[if you have something on one hand, and have something on another hand, is that a completely different issue? – he’s trying to make another point, revealed advisor to the CBI] –Iraq entered the first time a system of payments through an electronic clearing away from the hand and entered into the 6 banks [for 2 months – there were 5-6 banks] and the exchange of incidents of banks of authority [all the things Reuters have been telling you amongst banks and the rest of the world] and will link the Smart Cards [this week] are electronically talking to each other, no more need for stealing, thievery, and counterfeiting.] The CBI would be 3 years – which sets protocol [What does Shabibi want? Coordination – let the government be known, though hiding it, do it with properness.] The CBI would be 3 years after 3 years of “counsel of payments” [what they’ve been paying for the infrastructure since 2008 – contracts are being fulfilled are being approved by Parliament and the GOI…the “counsel of payments”, I believe, the budget’s been given the rate and have been making payments which sets a protocol and the infrastructure of Iraq. That’s why the infrastructure hasn’t grown…and those who do sign contracts are surviving and hanging in there…this is sweet!

Previously, specialists Iraqis showed Shaleh in the field of economics have played down the 000’s and the purchasing power…and also HOPESE THE GOVERNMENT FROM BEHIND THE MOVE as the review of researchers that the costing of the 000’s would be the biggest, given it would be the strength of the productive sector to provide goods and services. [Means, before – remember everyone told S this is dumb, this won’t work…and didn’t Delta say to avoid this man? – all this time, Shabibi has been telling everybody they would be doing this, everyone’s been doubtful, including his aids. – Let’s sing Koumbaya!]

Did you know the CBI is freezing funds? Related to the UN Resolution. Article June 2nd, the CBI at the persistence to freeze Iraqi funds in contravention in the UN Resolved. They’re putting the brakes on all cash-flows….are they getting ready for June 30th? This article seems to say that, I’m not to sure.

Darline: I think they’re getting ready for tomorrow…did you know he visited the CBI with an entourage.

Frank: If I was M. I would now walk into an area that’s none of my business and say…would you like to kiss my ring…I’m about to announce my government. That’s his attitude…He doesn’t belong in those banks…it’s a completely separate entity – not the GOI, but need cooperation. He’s saying…are you ready?

Another thought…Darline…do you know where Hillary will be on Friday? We told you to watch her for a couple of months. She’s going to host a business forum for Sr. Executives to discuss the NEW IRAQ. WOW! The NEW Iraq.

Hillary will be the Omega…I don’t know how she’s going to be involved, she’s involved deeply…I’ve been following her with our team, and we’ve been waiting for her. She’s been dealing with the other mid-east countries, thought she was positioning herself.
D: I don’t think she has anything to do with it personally.

F: I’m sensing that but not letting it go based on my information…let’s watch her.

D: She’s keeping track of her for the other billion from Osama Bin Laden (HA!)

F: Credit ratings…Moody is slashing the US credit rating…why? He’s not aware of what the authors are doing and what’s in our Fed. Reserve?

D: I think they know that the IQD would be tied to the USD and may not, indeed, be tied to the USD. Why did Obama visit the Queen last week…they hate each other, wasn’t invited to the wedding and took his own entourage to make his meals. They have access to Iraq on the credit rating…why is he going to finance the products? Figure it out?

F: Bravo…very well done. I’m still in the school of though that the IQD will be tied to the USD. Our debt ceiling is in bad shape, yes, we have the RV coming but we’re not figuring it in now, like us.

D: This may be a lost market…so many have asked about it. The State bank of Vietnam has asked the state owned firms to sell their foreign currency beginning on July 1 – outlined in Feb. to eliminate foreign investment.

F: Doesn’t that sound like what Iraq did last year? A mirrored image? That article came out today? Don’t know about that – let’s tear that one apart too. We know what to look for…there’s actually code and bars, and ways to trace articles.

D: There’s one sentence: These steps come after the dinar lost 15% from the USD from the past 2 years, the CBI has stopped it 4 times….xxxx (sorry, didn’t get it)

F: China’s counting their pennies…

D: China got their first oil from Iraq yesterday.

F: They’re very clean, like soldiers, with the latest technology – can’t even see their faces with gear that protects their identity…don’t know if it’s on purpose. The Chinese are like army ants…subconsciously many of them…doing an amazing job. Not surprised they were the first to get oil.

D: Speaking of China…there’s a lot of skuttle-butt in about our president selling one of ours to China…

F: Our mayor in Toledo has been in communication with China for over a year and we’re about to sell our river front in Toledo, Ohio which is devastated…30—40% who live here and in Detroit with the car industry who produced …Obama will be visiting us who’s coming to talk to our mayor.

D: What about Rush Limbaugh -- what happened today?

F: He thought that it was an historical or precedented day …didn’t hint and came back to work but didn’t say….he was going to say why he didn’t come, but he lost his train of thought and I don’t know what excuse he gave. But between me and you….

D: He signed a disclosure…

F: He did?

D: I saw it who listens to the show…he’s not at liberty to talk about it…

F: He better not…he’d have everyone shutting him down….it’s like the guy who worked at the federal building and the 2 aids were walking down the hall…he asked them if they knew anything about the Iraqi dinar and they froze…walked away in the opposite direction! Whoa! (Hear no evil…) He said, I’ve gotta call Frank…I thought…oh, not that building…it’s a story, and I told it.

I love the bank story…all of you are involved in it. A dear friend called a friend who worked at the bank who was retired after 20 years..talked to someone to inquire if the Iraqi dinar went up in the rate…he’s working as an employee, he doesn’t care…the guy says no, not in the last 2 years, we were expecting an increase today…checked…no, not yet! Ha!! That’s as good as those calls can get…we know who it is and we trust these souls and it makes us feel good.

D: Well, I’m out.

F: We did good..last night, I wish to apologize indirectly – no idea of the gentleman who sent that email and we went on for another 15-20 minutes…He said he nothing against me, but with all due respect, you’re telling me to calm down…but I don’t have that much clout. As for the others sites…I don’t pay attention…I don’t hear that. God protects me and our little forum and we tell the people what’s going on.. I’m not telling you 100% truth—no one can.

I miss Delta…please pray for him. We hope he’s doing well…I know you hear me sir, just keep on doing what you’re doing!

D: Saleah said: Iraq economy is starting on next June and a clear movement. CBI gave the appearance to Salaeh that the economy of Iraq is next June is clear. The investment budget allocated by the GOI – 30% xxx and 20% GDP is enough to bring about positive changes in trends of local market.

F: The moment the Iraqi citizens have the lower denom’s in their fingers, it only adds stability and credibility to the IQD…What did we say yesterday? Don’t be surprised if you see a cornucopia from the GOI? Today any? No, nor yesterday. Smoke will be blown in the last days except the CBI…that’s why we could care less about the 3 monkeys..hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil.

Jesus: Stop – that’s insulting to monkeys. (Ha)

F: They are 3 ministers – they don’t want to lie…they shut up.

D: Iraq in a golden opportunity by investing oil resources to re-build oil infrastructure

in community…the development management is the main obstacle in their government. (His own government.) -That’s it for today!

F: The articles shared, look at the patterns…it’s all wonderful and I love it’s only from who we want to hear from..the authors of the plan work with the CBI – I could care less what the GOI pretends to do.

Deb: Everyone’s emailing ---What should we be looking for tomorrow?
Darline: All I can tell you is this…a changing day in history in Iraq will begin tomorrow…will we see it, WTO? Ch. 7? 3 ministers announced…a changing day, monetarily tomorrow, if not Monday. Over and out.

F: No doubt about it…I tell you what (Sings Everyday I love You more and more…) Remember that song?

Deb: Question – it will be a changing day, possibly stay tuned on Monday…is that Sunday for us or our Monday…

D: I mean, BING-BANG-BOOM before the 10th. I’d love to stay tomorrow…but too many people take it to heart, then they get hard, cranky….so anyone can tell you that.



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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.