Lost In Time - Chapter 4 - ReginaMera, SSuperNovaCO (2024)

Chapter Text

Branch…was panicking. Floyd was gone again and hasn’t returned for weeks. Even worse, Branch made sure Floyd lived beside him to make sure nothing happened…and something happened. Was no place safe anymore?!

The only clues he found were that one of his traps was tripped and a red feather was leafy behind.

Branch, of course, presented the information to Poppy, who had no idea. That’s when he decided to have a bigger audience and Poppy agreed. Now, Branch and Poppy are meeting together with all of their friends to discuss the current issue.

As soon as everyone got comfortable, it didn’t take long for Branch to exclaim, “FLOYD’S BEEN KIDNAPPED!”

“Not again.” John Dory sighed with a deadpan.

“Your brother has a lot of weird fans.” Barb commented with a few blinks, her feet kicked up and a rather large piece of fried food in one hand.

John Dory blinked but for a different reason. He spotted the food in her hand. “…Is that a fried chicken leg?”

“I brought a whole bucket.” Barb comically slammed the bucket on the table and took a large bite out of her chicken leg.

“Who brings a bucket of fried chicken to an emergency meeting?” Trollex asked in complete confusion.

“I would.” John Dory said with a smile. “That’s if I would have remembered, though. Instead, all I have are a pack of salted peanuts.” He pulled out the pack…before he popped a few in his mouth.

Poppy…deadpanned. “Seriously guys. We’re not here to talk about food.” She pouted afterward.

“Yeah. My whole brother is gone and the topic of the day is fried chicken versus salted nuts.” Branch twitched at that.

John Dory waved it off. “Ah, Branch. Relaaax. We found him once. We can find him again. He probably got kidnapped by an obsessed fan…again.” He said as he chewed.

“It’s not like you can kill a troll twice.” Barb said before she saw them all look at her. “…Unless you can…that’d be metal as f*ck.” She grinned a bit and continued chomping on her food.

Trollex facepalmed.

“Well, he ain’t a ghost.” Cooper spoke up with a blink. “I poked him a few times to check. So, I guess you could kill him twice since he ain’t dead.” He smiled at that.

Branch…grabbed a nearby stress ball and began to rapidly squeeze it to death.

“Huh…still metal.” Barb shrugged and waved her chicken leg.

Poppy sweatdropped before she said, “Okay guys, let’s focus just a liiittle bit. Now, all we have for a clue is a tripped trap and a red feather.” She pulled out the feather and showed it to them. “I don’t have any ideas. What about everyone else?”

After a moment or two, Smidge spoke up, rubbing her chin. “It looks like a bird took him, but a bird that’s probably our size or something.” She shrugged, having to stand in her seat since she was so small.

Guy Diamond stared at the feather and grinned. “Can I have it?!” He reached for it from his seat.

“What?! No!” Poppy pouted at him.

“But it’s so sparkly…” Guy Diamond pouted at that.

Tiny Diamond, who was peeking out of his father’s hair, pouted for a different reason. “Daddy, get a grip. That’s our only lead. She just can’t let you have it.”

Guy Diamond sighed at that. “Fine. What about after we find Floyd?”

“Maybe.” Poppy blinked at him.

“Yay!” Guy cheered with a grin.

“So, we’re looking for Polly?” Barb asked as her unusually sharp teeth munched on the chicken bone. When everyone looked at her, she blinked. “You know…‘Polly want a cracker?’ A parrot? Pirates have ‘em?”

“I guess. I can ask my parents if I can post photos around Vibe City. If you guys give me a pic, Incan post it online and IRL.” Prince D offered with a smile.

Poppy perked up at that. “Thanks, D. That will be a big help!”

“I can help with the internet search.” Trollex offered with a smile.

“Clay and I can search the forest.” Viva smiled as well.

Clay nodded at that. “And we will do it safely. I have the perfect helmets picked out for a moment like this.” He rubbed his chin in thought.

“We can make search outfits!” Chenille grinned while Satin nodded.

“Mr. Dinkles and I will ask around to see if we can find more clues.” Biggie happily offered.

Poppy nodded at that. “Nice. Can I count on you to alert your people too?” She looked over at Trollzart and Delta Dawn.

“I’ll spread the word faster than a hot fire in a haystack.” Delta smiled with a determined expression.

“I’ll let them know in…more eloquent terms.” Trollzart said with a nod.

“Great!” Poppy cheered, minding his words. “Alright, guys. Let’s get to work. We have a troll to save.” She grinned at that…

Before Branch exclaimed, “And do it fast!”

He was still freaking out.


Floyd had spent the past hours staring aimlessly at the TV, watching cartoons in a language he didn’t understand. While the spoken gags went over his head, he still found the visual ones to be funny. He was sure to stay quiet, though, due to the fact that Valentina was still fast asleep.

At some point, she also ended up cuddled up to him, but honestly, he didn’t have enough energy in him to want to move her away. So he let her rest against him while he watched his cartoons.

Eventually, Valentina began to stir. She lightly hummed as she began to come to. She must have been very tired. She didn’t even remember when she had fallen asleep.

“Hm..?” Valentina looked up once she was mostly awake. “Oh, hey. Sorry, I needed that.” She said, rubbing her eyes as she snuggled up to the warm thing she was up against.

“It’s fine. This cartoon is pretty entertaining…there’s more visual gags I think.” Floyd shrugged slightly and glanced down at her.

Valentina tilted her head at the cartoon. “Oh, yeah. That one. It’s very-“ She blinked…when she noticed what she was holding onto.

Her eyes traveled up his body before she saw how cuddled up to him he was. “Uhhh…” Valentina trailed off.

To make matters worse…that’s the moment Hua walked in through the front door.

Hua walked in with a smile. “Hey, Val. I’m home. Sorry I was gone all day. I was hoping I could make it up to you with some…mochi.” He stared at the sight with slitted eyes.

“sh*t.” Valentina swore as she stared at the male…who was staring back at them.

Jun walked in right behind him before he also stared…before he pouted. “C’mon, Val, why’d you have to steal the one with the gay earring?” He fussily growled at her.

Valentina merely deadpanned at the sight of the male. “Double sh*t.” She mumbled before she sighed and tried to explain. “This…That’s…not what this is! Nuh uh!” She shook her head and pouted at Jun. “I just fell asleep on him!”

“And then you were gonna sleep with him.” Jun continued his comical and rather pitiful whines.

“I was-wait what?!” Valentina hopped up at that. “Why would I want to sleep with him?! We don’t even like each other!” She said, forgetting she was still speaking English.

“Who’s to say you wouldn’t have if you had gotten comfortable enough.” Hua huffed before he peered over at Floyd. “Look at him…” He comically growled at the sight of the male. “And why are you speaking English?” He furrowed his eyebrows at her.

“No one’s listening to me~” Valentina rubbed her temples as she spoke in a sing-song voice.

Floyd comically looked between them all. “Uhhh…”

“He totally understood that.” Jun stuck his tongue out at her.

Valentina glanced back at him and twitched. That’s when she started speaking Chinese. “Alright, you two. Quit it! Nothing was happening!”

Valentina pointed at Hua. “Why would you care? You’re my master.”

Hua deadpanned and folded his arms…before he looked at the male and growled again.

“And you.” She looked at Jun. “Why are you here?” Valentina folded her arms.

“I was invited.” Jun said and put something down before he also folded his arms.

“Invited?” Valentina blinked at Jun.

“Yes.” Hua agreed with the male. “I invited him over for mochi. I felt you could use the company since you were…alone all day.” His eyes halved at her.

Valentina sweatdropped. “Ah, I see. Master…it’s not what it looks like. He’s merely a hostage I sort of saved. He just needs a place to rest while we try to find a way for him to get home. The bad guys you were talking about captured him and-“

“Bad guys?” Hua blinked…before his expression turned more serious. “You went into all of that danger alone?!” He looked her up and down.

“Yes.” Valentina huffed at him. “Yes, I did and I rescued him twice,” She pointed a finger at Floyd. “And I got this.” She removed the sparkling turntable from her hair.

While Hua’s eyes widened, Valentina handed the disk to him. “Tell the emperor to suck it.” She said confidently. “…Don’t actually tell him that. You know what I mean.” She pouted at the end.

Hua stared over the item…before he growled and sighed. “I suppose…we can all sit together for ice cream.” He growled in thought.

“…I’d tell him to suck it if I wasn’t banned from the throne room.” Jun comically raised his hand.

“…Respect.” Valentina blinked at him. “Also, you should be glad I’m playing nice to our ‘guest’.” She pouted at him. “Really, I was not…going…to sleep with him.”

“Mmhmm…” Jun sassily hummed then smirked.

“What?” Valentina furrowed her eyebrows as Hua led them to the table.

She also watched as Hua deadpanned and motioned Floyd over as well.

Floyd blinked and pointed at himself before slowly walking to the table.

Hua…watched him walk over, observing the pop troll as he did so. “I am Master Hua. Valentina told me you were a hostage kidnapped by nuisances and that you need a place to stay.” He sat on a mat…gesturing for Floyd to sit beside him.

Floyd comically stared and gulped as he creeped over and hesitantly sat down. “Uhh…yeah that’s right. I don’t know the way to Pop Village, my home.”

Hua growled in thought. “I see. You may have a guest room for tonight. That is…before I must send you two off.” He sighed lightly as he looked at Valentina.

Valentina merely blinked and paused from serving Jun a few mochi ice creams. “Send who off..? Me..?” She pointed to herself.

Hua nodded at her. “Yes. Apparently, it is your destiny.” He leaned forward. “You were able to activate the gateway to The Pool of Yin and Yang. That gateway only accepts the gem of its maker. It’s embedded with a magic “code” of sorts.” He said, using air quotes.

Valentina furrowed her eyebrows. “But I’m not the maker…nowhere close. I’m not good at math.” She comically said.

“I know. That could only mean one thing.” Hua shrugged at that. “You are a descendant of Silver, the great scholar who invented the divine pieces.”

Valentina’s eyes widened before she cracked a small smile. “…Really?” She asked in amazement.

Hua nodded at her with a soft nod. “Yes. That technically means this is yours now.” He smiled and offered the disk back to her. “This piece is known as Ballad, Goddess of Pop. At the moment, she seems to be sleeping. That’s probably why those crooks brought this pop troll here. Only the touch of a pure pop troll can awaken the goddess.”

Valentina glanced between them…and the disk that was now in her hand. “Okay. Understood. Erm…but why do we have gods in the shape of CDs?” She comically asked.

“They were sealed into this form by their maker for their own sake. They are capable of turning back into their original forms, but they have to be all together and harmonize, recreating the first perfect family harmony. That’s the reverse switch. You need every piece together and they have to sing. If not, it won’t work. That is why you must travel and find your pieces before those evil morons do.” Hua nodded and rubbed his chin.

Valentina stared before she looked away with a light wince. She looked over the disk. “That…sounds like a lot of responsibility…and work to do on my own.” She rubbed her arm.

“And family harmonies are a piece of work.” Floyd mumbled to himself before he caught them looking his way. “I was trapped in a diamond perfume bottle for two months, family harmony was needed.”

Looking over the male before Valentina shook her head at that. “There’s…There’s no way I could do this on my own.” She seemed like she was about to hyperventilate. “Leave the cave, find the pieces, deal with those idiots again..?”

“I thought you were supposed to take him?” Jun pointed right at Floyd.

“Why would I take him? That’s just more baggage.” Valentina folded her arms and pouted…before she blinked when Hua wanted to see the disk.

Hua took the disk and said, “Because of this.” He comically bopped Floyd on the head with the disk.

“Ow…easy on the whacking…” Floyd pouted a bit and rubbed his head.

Hua smirked a bit in satisfaction.

After that, the disk flashed and hummed from the touch. It floated to the center of the room…and began to spin. The spinning was slow at first but gradually began to spin faster, kicking out a ton of glitter before it began to zip around the room in a hyper manner.

Hua smiled at the sight. “Oh, good. She’s awake.”

“It’s what?” Floyd comically asked…before he saw it stop and seemed to stare right at him. “Oh no.” He winced and promptly tried to crawl away.

The disk stared at Floyd, watching him trying to crawl away before the relic zipped right toward him. Before it made impact, it transformed, wrapping itself around Floyd in the form of a pink diamond necklace.

However…the force sent Floyd tumbling…and covered in glitter from the transformation.

Floyd comically twitched a few times before he coughed. “Glitter…in lungs…”

The disk, called Ballad, happily began to talk to the male telepathically as she now emanated a pleasant glow.

“You okay, Floyd?” Valentina raised up to look down at him.

Floyd stared off into space before he muttered. “I’ve officially lost my mind…”

“What do you mean?” Valentina blinked at him.

“There is a voice in my head…telling me that it likes my hair.” He twitched.

Then the voice…began to tell him more intimate things.

Hua chuckled at that. “Heh. The disk. She is a goddess. She is talking to you through telepathy. When she is around your neck, you two are one. You have access to her powers, abilities, and…her thoughts. Unfortunately, I think she’s the most chatty.” He said in humor.

“She…she…agh, I am in a room with other people-stop talking about that!” He hissed out and closed his eyes.

Valentina…smirked at him. “It’s not like we can hear it.”

“That is not what I am worried about.” He quickly crossed his legs, his cheeks heated.

Valentina snickered before she elbowed Jun a few times. “Heheh and what might that be?”

Jun smirked back and returned the action.

“I-I’m not telling!” Floyd exclaimed and crawled away to hide behind the sofa.

Valentina smirked wider at him. “I think I already have an idea.” She said in amusem*nt…as Ballad seductively spoke to the male.

Cut it out.” Floyd practically growled…which only made things worse as Ballad found that attractive. “GAH!”

Hua smirked as he ate his mochi, “Heh. Dinner and a show.”

“It’s pretty entertaining.” Valentina nodded with a snicker.

“SHUT UP!” Floyd comically yelled and waved his fist. “You two have no idea what it’s like to have someone with the mindset of a hormonal virgin yakking in your ear and asking about the size of your equipment!” His whole face was bright red.

“She’s gonna see it in a minute.” Valentina merely said before she used her chopsticks to pop a mochi in her mouth.

“W-What’s that supposed to mean?!” He asked and squinted at her.

“I’m just saying that there’s a reason you crawled behind the couch. A pop troll would never abandon ice cream unless it was serious.” Valentina said as she munched. She seemed very humored as she watched the male.

“I-I…” He stutters, failing to come up with a proper response.

“And this is what you have to look forward to traveling with.” Hua sighed at that. “At least you won’t be traveling alone. We will talk about travel arrangements later tonight. You need to be out of here by morning if you don’t want to be pestered by that group of crooks. As long as you have a piece, you are in danger.” He growled and furrowed his eyebrows.

Valentina frowned a bit. “And what about you?”

Hua sighed and looked down at her. “I will be fine. I am where I’m supposed to be. I’m merely honored that the universe gave me the opportunity to raise someone as special as you.” He said with a small smile.

“Even though I’m a screw up?” Valentina asked with an apprehensive tone.

Hua growled in thought before he said, “Valentina, believe it or not, you are more skilled than you think. All you really have to do is concentrate more and really think about the consequences of your actions. You are quite the loose cannon, which is good in a way, but a skilled warrior always strategizes, even in the heat of battle.” He smiled kindly at her and rubbed her head.

Valentina stared up at him, feeling her eyes want to gather tears. “…I’ll miss you.”

Hua stared back at her, clearly trying not to cry. He merely brought her into a gentle embrace and said, “I’ll miss you too.” He smiled a bit, starting to purr as he held her.

Valentina allowed the male to hold her, appreciating the way he rocked her as if she were still a child. After a few more minutes, Valentina sniffed. She wiped away a few tears that managed to escape. After that, they parted and rubbed her eyes. That’s when she managed to see Jun stalking over to Floyd.

Valentina chuckled at the sight before she asked, “Jun, what are you doing?” She asked with another sniff.

“He smells nice~” Jun smiled while his ears twitched, slightly purring.

Valentina merely looked at Floyd with an amused expression. “Yeah. My friend is an omega.” She gestured to Jun…who Hua hopped up and grabbed with a growl and a wince.

“I can tell.” Floyd blinked a few times.

“Lemme goooo! He’s got the earring!” Jun fussed and growled, trying to escape Hua’s hold.

“No! No boys for you! Your father would kill me!” Hua pouted at that…before he buried Jun in his fluff.

Jun…comically devolved into a squirming growly mass, making all sorts of demands in draconic, while his tail swished erratically.

Hua sweatdropped at that. “He needs some air. If you need us, we’ll be in the courtyard.” He told Valentina before he fled with Jun in tow.

Valentina hummed with a soft smile. “I’m gonna miss those guys…Whoa you do stink.” She chuckled a bit as the male’s scent traveled to her nose.

“And I wonder why.” Floyd huffed and continued hiding.

Ballad snickered before she made more fiery comments. She clearly saw something Valentina didn’t.

“Because you’re getting horny from a necklace.” Valentina said in amusem*nt.

Floyd pressed his legs even tighter and let out a soft guff. “Y-You aren’t hearing what this necklace is saying. It’s a level above bedroom talk.”

Valentina rolled her eyes. “Just take it off, take a cold shower, and relax. I gotta go pack.” She finished up her ice cream and stood up…heading his way so she could go to her room.

Floyd made a comical noise when he saw her getting closer and crawled elsewhere to try and stay out of her sight.

If anything, that made him more noticeable.

Valentina stopped in her tracks to blink at the crawling male. “…What are you doing?”

“Don’t look!” Floyd waved a hand at her.

Valentina sighed and turned around. “Getting turned on by a necklace and he calls me weird…” She mumbled to herself as she placed a han on her hip.

“You try being in my situation.” He fussed as he continued moving away.

“Pffftt.” Valentina said before she snorted. “Pick a guest room. Don’t let your dick hit you on the way out.” Once he got far enough, she started back to heading towards her room.

Floyd grumbled at her, clearly beyond annoyed with everything in general.


After a very interesting night, Valentina and Hua woke up before dawn to prepare for their trip. Hua had given her many things such as a campfire grill, portable cookware, portable kitchen utensils, a large tent, and many other things she would need. For the most part, she and Floyd would be doing a lot of camping since the distance between the other kingdoms were long.

Now, Valentina was already at the foot of the mountain, saying goodbye to Jun and Ping.

Hua, on the other hand, was meditating in the courtyard. He was waiting for Floyd to finish his breakfast. He wanted to have a word with the male before he left. The thought of it…caused him to release a low growl.

Floyd was…more tired than before, hence the reason he drank any of the caffeine offered to him. He finished up his breakfast and stood with a yawn before he moved to leave and catch up to Valentina.

Hua watched the male walk by, acting like he was not waiting for him. “Ah, there you are.” He stood up and walked over to Floyd. “I wanted to wish you farewell, pink one.”

“Uh…thanks?” Floyd blinked at him and nodded.

Hua nodded as well. “I hope you two will have a safe trip but that’s a lot to ask for with the current situation. Valentina is well trained, but you are not. All I can ask of you is to stay alive.”

“That’s my goal.” Floyd sweatdropped a bit.

“I must ask of you a few more things.” Hua continued as he raised a hand. “I request two eggs from you. After all, I consider myself more than just a master to Valentina and I am very experienced. I also don’t look my age, which I consider a gift.” He smirked a bit. “I would like for her to have a mate that is more built and less pink but I suppose you will do if the goddess has chosen you.” He scratched his neck as he looked the surprised male over. “But yes, two eggs. I wish to have grandsons, but if I have granddaughters then I will love them all the same.”

Floyd stared at him with surprise before his expression deadened. “I…don’t like her like that.”

Hua…merely snickered. “As I said earlier, I am very old and I know my Valentina. If you two don’t click then more power to her. I honestly think she could do better…but it’s her choice…” He mumbled the last sentence. “Anyway, you should be off. Head deeper into the forest before anyone becomes suspicious.”

Floyd deadpanned at him before he rolled his eyes. “Sure, whatever, thanks.” He said and immediately turned to leave.

Hua waved at the male with a content expression.

When he finally made it down the stairs, he saw Valentina struggling to carry all of the supplies as well as the large backpack on her back.

“Hey. You finally ready to go?” Valentina asked, stumbling a bit from all the supplies.

“Yeah, just got slowed down at the door. All good.” Floyd said, glancing back over his shoulder before he nodded.

Somehow, Hua was already at the bottom of the staircase and standing right beside Valentina. “There’s no way you can leave like that. Even a small wind can blow you over.” He said in humor.

Valentina pouted at him. “This is a lot of stuff, master.”

“And you need every last bit of it.” Hua told her before he gestured elsewhere. “That’s why I got you this.”

He was pointing to a large wooden wagon. The one strapped to the large wooden wagon was a baby tarantula. As a tarantula, it was still pretty large for a baby. This spider, however, was no ordinary tarantula. It was covered with fluffy fur and was smooth to the touch. The fur was multicolored with every vivid color of the rainbow. Its legs were pretty short, making its body seem large. That coupled with four big pearlescent green eyes made the creature look adorable. Each of the eyes were large and had mostly pupil. They perfectly matched the emerald crystal horns on her head. Her mouth was small and shaped more like a cat's than a normal spider's.

Valentina gasped at the sight. “You got me a ride!?” She bounced a bit, tossing off her backpack to run…and dive onto the baby spider’s large back.

“Yep.” Hua said, starting to load the items into the wagon.

Ping whistled at the sight of the baby tarantula. “Eight legs, fast speed, able to swim, and climb. Ah, and it’s a Rainbow Tarantula.” He said, noticing the horns. “A hot rod and the most poisonous model.” He smiled at the baby as he rubbed her on the head.

As the spider cooed, Hua snickered. “Uh huh. Definitely better than the mouse the dealer tried to sell me. She cost more but she’s worth the price.” He told Ping but glanced at Jun.

“And yet he wouldn’t get me a pet for my birthday.” Jun comically pouted and folded his arms, still fussy about the night before.

Valentina rolled onto her side to look at Jun. “Oh, don’t be like that.” She smiled at him. “You’re one of my only friends and I’m going to miss you. I don’t want that face to be the last one I see.” She said, pointing at his large pout.

“It isn’t going to be the last face you see.” Jun continued pouting. “I don’t get it. My family hates me but I can’t go on fun trips around the world like you two because of my family worrying.” He looked at Hua. “What’s that all about, huh? I thought I was officially disowned.”

“Are you referring to the emperor and your siblings?” Hua asked with a curious growl.

“Duh. You know, the same emperor who said I’ll never be anything because I was born defective.” Jun growled and thrashed his tail a bit before he grunted. “And don’t get me started on my siblings.”

“Easy, young one.” Hua patted Jun on the head. “I don’t like them either, but there is a time and a place. Your closest companion is leaving and we do not know for a certain if she will succeed in her mission or not. If anything happens to her, there is nothing we can do. Give her a proper farewell first, then come by my house tonight and I will explain everything.” He said in a soft tone.

“What is there left to explain? I have to stay here and sit on my useless bum and do nothing. I feel so…so ugh.” He growled before he looked up at Valentina. “Good luck…don’t die…have fun with that guy.” He tried to sound sincere, but he was clearly upset.

Valentina stared at him…before she turned her head to the path ahead. She swallowed. She hadn’t been out of the cave since she was abandoned. She grabbed the reigns, getting a feel for them before he nodded. “Bye…” She glanced back at Jun in a much softer tone.

After that, she turned back to the spider and mumbled, “Go.”

As soon as the spider heard her, she released a purr-like coo and took off, comically almost leaving Floyd as she took off down the trail.

“Can you not have a sad, sappy heartfelt goodbye for two seconds and remember that I exist?” He comically chased after her as Jun hissed at Hua in the background and seemed to vanish into thin air.

Valentina…now had a trembling lip with glossy eyes. She glanced back at him before she pulled on the reins, urging the spider to slow down.

She didn’t speed back up until Floyd was safe in the wagon. “…Sorry…” Valentina said as she tightly held the reins.

“It’s fine.” Floyd mumbled and shook his head.

Valentina sniffed and wiped her face using her shirt sleeve. She tried to regain her composure and focus on other things. Sitting on a fluffy spiderling felt nice. That was definitely good for long travel.

It didn’t take them too long to exit the Hollow. When they did, the rays of the awakening sun began to hit them. They passed by random stones and scattered falls until they were away from the cave entirely. That left them in a forest area. They were still on a path, but the trees were massive, an incredible size. So were the bushes and the plants. They were so small even grass could consume them.

Valentina merely kept her eyes on the road as her sky blue hood blew in the crisp morning wind. She…clearly wasn’t in the best mood.

Floyd kept glancing at her before he softly yawned. “I hope you slept better than me…” He began, before he looked around. “Then again it would be hard to sleep when you’re surrounded by all this.”

Valentina snapped out of her depressed funk and glanced back at him. “Oh…yeah.” She cleared her throat. “I-uh-didn’t sleep much either. I had to pack and I was pretty stressed. After everything I trained a little bit and then meditated until I fell asleep.” She sighed at the thought. “So…no. Not really.”

“…Yeah, I got like thirty minutes of uninterrupted sleep. This deity necklace…being…wouldn’t stop bothering me and asking about everything. She’s like a super fan and a super horny teenager all in one.” Floyd sighed as well and leaned his head back.

“Better you than me.” Valentina smirked a bit at the thought. That statement mildly cheered her up.

“Hey, at least I’ve dealt with the type before. You should’ve seen my few remaining fans when they realized I was of age. There was a lot of begging and asking of…stuff. It was crazy.” Floyd laughed a bit.

Valentina snorted at that. “It must be the boy band thing because I have no idea what they see in you. No offense.” She said in amusem*nt

“It was the whole…sensitive guy thing JD made me play up. Lots of sappy lines in all our songs, super cringy flirts and about a million other corny things that a teenager shouldn’t be saying.” Floyd shrugged a little. “I entertained some of those fans, but I was responsible about it all. There’s no ‘mini Floyds’ running around.” He chuckled afterwards.

Valentina shook her head before she said, “I’m not into boy bands, but there is a singer that I am a huge fan of.”

“Yeah?” He tilted his head up to look at her.

“Uh huh. He used to belong to a boy band before they all had to break up and do their own thing when one of them had to serve in the royal guard.” Valentina shrugged before she pulled out her cellphone.

That was definitely an advanced device that only certain trolls had. Floyd had only seen Funk trolls with them. Apparently, the trolls of the Hollow had them as well.

Valentina pulled up a picture of the male and said, “His name is Suga Pop. He’s a real cutie of a K-Pop troll.” She smiled at the picture of the shimmering pistachio green troll. “He’s on tour right now. I think he’s at Mount Ragious at the moment.”

“Huh, I bet he’s having fun there. Rageons love pop singers.” Floyd tilted his head at the picture, staring at the troll in it.

Valentina melted from the picture. “Yeah…He’s really getting up there too. I’m glad his solo career is taking off.” She smiled wider…before she noticed that Floyd was still staring. “You okay, there?”

“Yeah…yeah.” Floyd quickly glanced away.

Valentina smirked at him. “I know he’s hot. Relax.” She said with a light chuckle. “We have a long trip ahead of us and we’re not taking breaks so you could jack off.”

Then she said, “That reminds me. Hand me the map and compass that’s in my backpack.” She put her phone away and held out her hand.

“Oh yeah, sure.” He reached in and handed her both.

Valentina licked her lips before she looked ahead. There were now two paths to the left and to the right. “Hm…we’ll take the left one towards the jungle. I don’t want to deal with much water today.” She nodded and looked down at the compass before she led the spider toward the left path.

Lost In Time - Chapter 4 - ReginaMera, SSuperNovaCO (2024)


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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.