Root Canal Specialist in Issaquah | Endodontic Treatment | Evergreen Endodontics (2024)

Root Canal Specialist in Issaquah | Endodontic Treatment | Evergreen Endodontics (2024)


Is it better to go to an endodontist for a root canal? ›

Since endodontists specifically focus on issues with the interior pulp of teeth, they do have more training and definitely more experience performing root canals than dentists. This is especially true when it comes to treating complex cases.

How do you know if an endodontist is good? ›

Be sure the endodontist is up-to-date with the safest and most clinically sound technology available.) What medication and pain-relief options are offered? What is the cost of treatment, and do they accept your dental insurance or offer third-party financing options?

Who is best to do a root canal? ›

endodontists: the superheroes of saving teeth

Learn how endodontists' advanced training, specialized techniques and superior technologies make them the best choice for root canal treatment to save your natural teeth.

Who is best at root canal? ›

What is an endodontist? Endodontists are highly skilled dental specialists in diagnosing and treating tooth pain and performing root canal treatment.

What is the hardest tooth to get a root canal on? ›

Molar root canals are usually more difficult than incisors because they have more roots and require specialized instruments to access them.

What is the downside to a root canal? ›

But, the most common root canal risk is a seal failure. Once your root canal is finished, your endodontist will need to reseal the access hole they used for the procedure. Any cracks or gaps in the seal will allow bacteria to re-enter the tooth. It is also possible for a seal to erode.

What is the best age for a root canal? ›

When it comes to root canal treatment, there is no single age requirement for the procedure, but you are more likely to need a root canal in your thirties and forties. You can do many things at home to maintain optimal oral health, such as maintaining an excellent oral hygiene routine and a well-balanced diet.

Is there a better option than a root canal? ›

Direct Pulp Capping

Used to treat severe damage or decay on a tooth that exposes the pulp, this is the number one recommended alternative to root canal procedures by most doctors. This procedure is applied when the pulp exposure is minimal, and there is little to no decay or inflammation.

Are endodontists more expensive? ›

Are Endodontists More Expensive? Endodontists have the expertise and a higher level of training in root canals, so they may charge more than a general dentist to perform a procedure. Endodontic treatment typically produces exceptional results, with higher success rates than getting a root canal at a general dentist.

What is the most expensive part of a root canal? ›

While a root canal on a front tooth will cost around $1,000 on average, a root canal on a bicuspid tooth may cost around $1,100. The molars in the back of the mouth are usually most expensive for root canals, with an average cost of $1,300 to $1,600.

Should a specialist do a root canal? ›

There can be many benefits to choosing an endodontist for more advanced cases that need specialty root canal treatment. However, for more basic procedures, a dentist is more than qualified to handle the work and can offer you a number of benefits as well.

What's the most painful part of root canal? ›

The most painful part of a root canal is often the severe discomfort your tooth causes before treatment. And infections and damaged nerves can affect not only the injured tooth but the gums, tissue, and even bone surrounding it.


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.