The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

I I.I- iJ.l V. I (I. It) (. 1 II li lI.M I A I I I Most Grains Firmer; ATTEMPT MADE Sr'' 'COAL TERMINAL Kudlich New Manager Of Wright Aero Plant REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING I Oliver, ll.iyce St. art's MiMU i.n.'ti; Sl'i.

of 17 (( Kims l. ri'li'K llll. Irfirelt.i C. K.mper ami Jo. her liilnhaii'l.

to liraie ot 01 li. Kon.4 t-titi. clivi.Hlon: (tux PRICE Mil. I. Nellie M.

fiohnlk tn Charlen .1111 Imihelle olilrleve, his wile, 11. 1,1 Well Avenue; $1 (tax $11 I. RKAIilN'l- llnrold Steggeman tn Helen Inn wile, an undivided one-half In. In 30 E. Benson St reel; $1 (lax 5.V I HE A DINii Ham R.

Bray to Clifford and Thelma Allen. 50 bv 1 1 2 feet on a proposed hi reel In Heetlnn 32, Sycamore lown-shlp; $1 (tax REAPING Flora Cornelt to Pearl Las-well, an Irregular lot on the east side nf Jefferson Avenue. 446 feel north of Reading Itoad; $1 (tax ROSELAWN Mathilda Ruehlmann to Marcella A Goodman and Leslie her hunund, an Irregular lot on a proposed street; $1 (tax $22). SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP E. W.

Wilson to Nelson W. Miller and Esther W. Miller, an Irregular lot on proposed Oak Knoll Drive, Section 25; $1 (tax SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP The Excellent L. B. A.

Co. to Jesse Woodruff and Idella, his wife. Lot 88 of Cincinnati Industrial Subdivision: $1 (tax SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP Carl W. Frey to John W. Latham and Marie his wife, Lot 97 of Rensselaer Park Second Subdivision; $1 (tax ST.

BERNARD Josephine Bauer to Olio G. and Madeline D. Klug. 40 by 95 feet on the west side of Tower Avenue, 0 feet south of Church Street; $1 (tax A i A SYCAMORE TOWN8HIP William Mathels to Ola M. Matheia, Lots 52.

80, hi, h2, 83 and 84 of Terra Alta Subdivision: $1. Ola M. Matheis to Clarence and Locie Belevlns, Lot 52 of Elman ft Hum-hrecth's Subdivision, Section 15; $1 (tax SYCAMORE TOWNSHIP Albert J. Bchu- holz and Charlott his wife, to Ronald A. and Flora A.

Lee. an Irregular lot on the south side of Kenridge Drive. Section 11; 1 (tax SYCAMORE TOWNSHIP Frances Wissel to Louis and Dorothy M. Brothers, an irregular lot on proposed Kenridge Section 11; $1 (tax TERRACE PARK Alma H. Vogele to George W.

Simmer, part of Lot 12, Block 16 of James W. Sibley's Third Subdivision; $1 (tax TERRACE PARK Alvln H. Hodges to Margaret Merkl, Lot 58 of Paulson A Iuen Subdivision; $1 (tax 99c). TUSCULUM Mary O. Slmms to Anna R.

anu DUKe c. Moran, part of Lot S3 of Longworth's Subdivision; $1 (tax WALNUT HILLS The First Presbyterian tor Uluo valley lu Appointments Made Thomas Graham, Louisville, has been elected Governor of the Investment Bunkers Association of America for Ohio Valley Group, it was announced yesterday. He is Vice President of the Bankers Bond Co. Graham was named for a three-year term, succeeding Stanley Mc-Kie, Vice President of Weil, Roth and Irving, Cincinnati, whose term expired. Three committee chairmen for the Ohio Valley Group also were named.

They are John Heimer-dinger, Walter-Woody and Heimer-dinger, Cincinnati, Municipal Committee; Marion Caldwell, Louisville, Education Committee, and A. J. Armbrust, Cincinnati manager of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Beane, Legislative Committee. These committee chairmen automatically become members of the corresponding committees of the national association, it was explained. It was also announced that the IBA is working toward cooperative educational courses in leading uni-vtrsties to train men for the investment business.

At present several such courses are being conducted experimentally in Eastern colleges, it was explained. Pulp Shipments On Way; Are First In Five Years Washington, July 9 (AP) Important shipments of wood pulp from Northern Europe have begun again for the first time in five years, the Commerce Department said today. One ship load has already arrived in New York from Sweden. The amount was 2,216 short tons valued at $210,887. In addition there were sample shipments on the vessel amounting to 18,053 pounds valued at $1,247.

Virtually all of the first of the ship load was rayon-grade pulp, suitable for making rayon and elastic paper. Commerce Department officials said quantities of pulp suitable for making paper also are reported to have left Sweden and that the total amount of wood pulp reaching the United States from abroad may be between 50,000 and 100,000 short tons in July. ARMY MAN TO SPEAK. Maj. James F.

Schooling of the AAF Convalescent Hospital, Ft. Thomas, will speak at the Credit Club luncheon, at the Hotel Sinton, today, Leonard Gruber, Chairman, announced. His subject is "The Community's Obligation to Returning Veterans." t.nurcn on wainui 11111s to Margaret Hayes, part of Lot 14 of Block of Elnathan Kemper's Heirs Subdivision; $1 (tax 55c). WALNUT HILLS Matilda Frlzzell to Alma Hasllt, Lot 122 of John A. Hoes-man's Second Subdivision of North Walnut Hills: also, part of Lot 121 of same subdivision; $1 (tax WALNUT HILLS Michael Leahy and Lo.

--retta, his wife, to Edward L. Lambert, part of Lot 51 of Stephen Kemper's Es- tate: $1 (tax WEST END Horvena Sudduth to Georae ann Aima xnomas. Lot 4. square 18. of David Gibson Subdivision (tax WEST END Michael Bauer to Alex Alsop.

insular ioi on tne souin side OI Poplar Street; $1 (tax WEST END Katie C. Haerr to Charles Kohn and Samuel P. Dorfman, trustees, 6 art of Lot 3 of Squares W. and of avid E. Wade Estate; $1 (tax WESTWOOD Helen Reck to Marie Wendt, part 01 imi 43 01 red W.

Schwartie Subdivision; $1. WESTWOOD Charles A. Punk and Edna, his wife, to Lucille Kroness, part of Lota 15 and 18 of Edmund Dexter's Estate; $1 (tax WINTON PLACE Gerald L. Gallagher to ociiiuru uaiiugner, Dy reel on tne sou'h side of Flatt Terrace, being part of Lot 1 of Plat A. of David Peters' Estate; $1 (tax CUTBACKS I D.

U. KUDLICK. The Wright Aeronautical Corp, announced yesterday that D. U. Kudlich has been appointed manager of the Cincinnati plant to succeed William D.

Kennedy, who recently was named Vice President and general manager of the Wright organization. Kudlich was assistant plant man ager under Kennedy since April, 1943. Prior to that he was manager of the engineering department of the local plant since operations were started in April, 1941. He ha3 been with Wright since 1934, having served in Paterson, N. before coming here.

He is a native of Weehawken, N. J. Herman F. Keil, production control manager, has been elevated to Kudlich's former position as assistant plant manager. Stockholder Opposes Plan; Says Can Meet Debts Baltimore, July 9 (AP) An af fidavit in opposition to the 3alti- moremore Ohio Kaiiroaa o.

a financial adjustment clan awaiting U. S. District Court approval was filed today by a iNew xork siock-hnlder who said the company was able, despite contentions to the contrary, to meet all its debts. The af'idavit was filed by tan-rioinh PhilliDB. New York, owner, he said, with Amy P.

Phillips and Darius V. Phillips, also or isew York, of $100,000 in convertible 4 ner cent bonds and other claims af fected by the proposed plan. Declaring that when the company obtained approval of a similar plan in 1939 it said it would require no further adjustment, Phillips said the had made a net profit since then of about $134,700,000 and an additional profit of about $5,000,000 fRom purchase of its bonds and notes below their par value. He contended that the company hoH nn hnnrl at. rjresent J70.COO.000 in cash and cash investments and a net working capital of about $40,000,000.

He also reported that ita mitstanrtins' debts had been re duced to $82,393,114 as of June 25, 1945, and it had no maturities in 1945. 1946 or 1947 that it would be unable to meet. NAVAL STORES Savannah. July 9 (AP) Tuvpen- HA a ralW.n el-in 1 7K I flll- callon sales 3,190 gallons: receipts 8 barrels: shipments nune; stoolis 7,273. Rosin: (luu-io arums) outruisa sales 44: receipts 46; 'shipments none; stocks 6.113.

Rosin prices unchanged. (Saturday receipts and tnipments inciuaeoj. FLOATING HOTELS New York, July 9 (INS) Three former "floating hotels," known as quarterboats, have been declared surplus by the U. S. Coast Guard and will be disposed of at public sale.

These ships were built by the U. S. Army Engineers Corps for use as living quarters for members of the armed forces, the War Shipping Administration, explained in making the announcement today. WSA officials said the boats are equipped with electric refrigerators, showers, lavatories, cooking stoves and other equipment. Sealed bids will be opened July 13, 1945.

Unlisted In Ammunition Hems Announced I 3,050 Workers In 110 Plants Are Affected. Cleveland, July 9 (AP) The Curb Exchange Sales War Department today announced cutbacks in the manufacture of miscellaneous ammunition item affecting 110 plants throughout the (BY ASSOCIATED PRESS) INDUSTRIALS. (Sales In Hundreds.) INDUSTRIALS. (Sales In Hund red i Sis. I Last.

Gorh Inc A I 5i 10 country. The Production Readjustment Committee of the War Production" Board meeting here approved the Sls.lLast, f.AC'r Brill war. tAero Sup tAir Investors Alreon Mfg tAlr-way El A.10g Ala Pow $6 Df 6 4Vi Gnrh MlK 2 pi 19! II 6 Grav Mte Hammr fap tHirttord Rav Alum Ltd h8 110 Hecla Min Alum Co Am 2, .1 31 46 Heyden cnem reductions as a further readjust- ment following victory in Kurope. The committee announced that of the 110 plants, only 25 will bj forced to release 50 or more em- ft To Drop Stock Value Of Louisville (ias, Official Says At SKC Other Activity Noted. Philadelphia, July 9 CAP)--George C.

Matthews, Vice President of Standard Gas Electric Co. and a former member of the Securities and Exchange Commis sion, said today during SEC hearings on the proposed dissolution of a Standard subsidiary, Louisville Gas Electric Co. (Delaware), that there has been "a concerted at tempt to drive down the value of the common stock of Louisville Gas Electric Co. (Kentucky), an op erating subsidiary. Matthews said today that the first time he met Mayor Wilson W.

Wyatt of Louisville to discuss the purchase "the discussion was started with the threat of litigation on franchise, of tax litigation and the threat of litigation on rates." This was held in Chicago, he said. Among those present Were the Mayor, the late President of the Louisville Board of Aldermen, an attorney for the law firm of Chapman Cutler (counsel to the investment bankers Interested in financing the purchase) and an engineer for Louisville. "At that meeting the Mayor was Very much concerned that publicity might break in Louisville before he had his statement ready and we were given to understand that most of the Board of Aldermen knew nothing about this," Matthews said. He said he told the Mayor he Would not recommend the sale on any basis that would not yield $25 per share net of taxes for the Kentucky common stock. Decision as to whether the record should include the text of a speech made last Friday before the House of Representatives by Rep.

Lyle H. Boren, Democrat, Okla-home, was delayed for action at the beginning of tomorrow's session. Wheeling. iV. Electric Co.

and Its farent. American Gas ft Electric asktd he SEC to approve Wheeling lrisuance to American Gai of 7,164 shares of iio par value common stock. Wheeling will t'se the 1. 000,000 proceeds to reinforce the south-em end of Its system by an additional iource of power supply. The commission approved Arkinsas-Mis-our.

Power sale under -ompetitive bidding of of first mortgage bonds, due 1974. Proceeds will be usod with Treasury funds to redeem a like amount of 1 cer cent llrst mortgage bonds, due it per cent of principal amount, plu.i interest. The Tappan Stove Mansfield. Ohio filed a registration statement (overing 25,250 shares of tb par value capital stock. Proceeds will be used to build a new plant at Murray, Ky.

The shares will re issued to holders of outstanding capital stock at the rate of one-fourth of a share for esch share held. McDonald Cleveland, Is the underwriter. Four Firms Penalized For Increases In Wages "Admitted violation of wartime wage controls" resulted in findings totaling $6,300 against four Greater Cincinnati companies, the Enforce ment Division of the Regional War Labor Board announced yesterday in Cleveland. For increasing wages above plant fellings without prior board approval there wa? a- $4,000 finding against the Smith Mills 2889 Spring Grove tool manufacturers, and a $1,000 finding against the W. J.

Baker Newport, makers of fly screens. Findings of $750 each were placed by the WLB against the Ohio Pattern Works Foundry 2735 Colerain and the Cincinnati Coffin 1020 Richmond for Increasing wages, creating new job Classifications and hiring new employees at rates above plant ceilings without board ppproval. CINCINNATI GEMERAL PRODUCE MARKETS DAIRY PRODUCTS. Butter, Tub Lots creamery as to score 10 -c. Buueriai, premium 4c, regular c.

Eggs Wholesale grades, cases Included: extras 1 and 2 40c, standards 1 and 2 36c current receipts 34c. hpgs Consumer 100 per cent Sand led. cases included: Grade large 24-oz up, brown 4Tc. Grade large 24-oz up, white ''ic. Grade medium 21 to 23 ot, white A.

medium 21 to 23 oz. brown 3Sc. Grade B. large 24-oz up, white Grade large 24-oz up, brown 39c. Dirties 34c.

checks 32c. POULTRY AND GAME. The following poultry quotations lire the teiling pricei estnblished by the OPA lor the Cincinnati market. Note The following table shows the mount that may be paid the transporter for hauling live poultry to Cinciiinnti, according to the number of miles specified: 133 than five miles Nothing 3 to 49 miles ijjc per pound VI to 99 miles 2 per pound 0(1 to 199 miles 2ljC per pounJ 00 miles and over 3 oer pound Fowls Colored. 5,4 lbs and over 24' Lto lbs under 4 lbs 2iVic: ghorns, 3 lbs and over 24 Vic.

4 lbs and ver 24 'fc: Leghorn fowls under 3 lb3 discounted. Roosters Old. under 5Vi lbs 20V4c, 5VS lbs and over JO '4 c. Stags Under 5'i lbs 20 Kc, 514 lbs and ver 20'ic. Capons 0 lbs and over 33c, under lbs 19.c.

Broilers Rocks, under 3 lbs 29c: Leghorns and other breeds 29c. Fryers Rocks 3 to 4 lbs 29c; Leghorns tnd other breeds 29c. Koasters Rocks ana colored. 4 to ov lbs 29c, 6' lbs end over 29c. Ducks Ynnne.

under 4 lbs 25c. 4 lbs end ver 25c; old 25c. All ducks under 3 lbs ell at a concession. Muscovy ducks sell at a discount. Geese Young, all weights, per lb 25Mt, Id 20c Guineas Youne.

all welthts. ter lb 30c; Id. all weignts, per lb 25c. One-pound Stock Is not wanted. Turkeys Young hens, light, under 18 lbs 15.

9c; toms, light, under in ins medium 18 to 22 lbs 35.9c; heavy, 22 lbs nd over 35.9c. Old, light, under 18 lbs 33.9c; medium, 1R to 22 lbs 33.9c; heavy, il lbs and over 33 9c HOMEGROWN PRODUCE Beets Per dozen bunches eO'fjeSc. Cabage Crates 40 lh. net $1.602.00. Collard Greens Per bushel J1.25.

Cucumbers Hothou'e. per pound 12V4C. Kale Pr bushel 1.25. Kohl Rahl Per dozen bunches 60c. Leaf Lettuce Hothouse, baskets, 10 lbs.

Bet 60c. Mustard Per bushel $11.25. Onions, Green Spring, per dozen bunches Parsley Per dozen hunches, mostly 40c. Raspberries RM 24 rt. crates 55.64.

Rhubarb Per dozn bunchi-s 75c. TomRtoes Hothouse, baskets 8 lb. net, Ko. Is 2.25: No. 2s $1 75.

Turnips Per dozen hunches, mostly il. Turnip Tops Per bushel $1.00. TREASURY STATEMENT Washington, July 9 (APi The position the Treasury July 6, compared with corresponding date a vear ago: Receipts. 22.807 SIP, 8'7, 967: expenditures, 82.608 net balance, hnl-nee Included. S23.8I1,026.;47 J20.269..

ctisloms receipts fir month, J4.59,7S7: receipti Iscal year Uulv 11. J409.296.394 ex- enditures fiscal year, i. excess expenditures, 304.376 S78 SI. 197. 654..

117; debt. $280,470,476,319 $201,6 16.852, 817; increase ever previous dav. $228.667, gold a-atts, 20,213,137,628 $21,133,210,646. STAPLE PRICE INDEX Wew York, July 9 The Associated Press weighted wholesale prices Index of 35 commodities todsy advanced to 109.38, previous day 109.27, week ago 109.46, month gn 108.62, year ago 107.67. I 1945.

1944.1 1013 I 1942. Hlsjh 1109.58 108. 731107. 64 103. 22 trfiw 1108.15:106.031103.431 95.54 (1926 average equals 100) DIVIDENDS Rye In Wide Move Chicago, July 'AP) Most grain futures were firm today although hedRe selling pushed wheat downward near the close.

December and May wheat closed fractionally higher, but Juiy and September contracts were off slightly. Some rye futures made fractional comebacks from last week's heavy losses, but the July contract, restricted to closing out operations, fluctuated over a 6'4-cent race and closed l6sl'8 cents a bushel lower. Since the only trading permitted in July rye was selling or short covering purchases, small transactions changed prices greatly. Oats were independently strong and corn and barley were firm most of the time. Bullish factors In all pits were unfavorable weather conditions in the corn growing and wheat harvesting areas, and reports that Europe wili have the worst crops this year since the war started.

Wheat closed lower to higher than the previous finish, July $1.63 corn was unchanged to 14 up, July $1.18, oats were to higher, July 66, Rye was down Vt to up July and barley was unchanged to Vi higher, July $1.15. Chicago. July 9 (AP) Grain range: High "I Low I Close X'at I I I Jnlv HI. 6611. 65V, Jl 65 63 1.83 V( 63 u.

1.63 63 18'(. 18 'i 17 68'i 63 44 1.44 36V4 1.36 1 35 31 Via 1.31 15 09 09 VI 09 September .1 1.64'i 1.83 I DecemDer 1.B4 l.tta'Ai Mav I 1.63 I 1.B3V4I Corn I I I Tulv i I I September .1 1.18V. naamKA 1 17. 1.18'M l.nvii 1.17 .86 4 1 .63 .63 I Mav I 1.17V4 Oats I juiv I September .1 .64 Decemrjer Miiy I .63 Rve July 1.48 1 il 1- 1 1 September r38 l'36Vi I 1.38 Mav 1.32H' 1.31 Vi 1 1, 1.14Ti I 1 1.09 I 1 Barlev Tulv 1.15 1 09 September uecemDer May 1.09 I I 1.09'4 1. I 1.09l J.

1.09 -i I Cash Grain Wheat. No. 2 red, new crop, $1.881411.70, sample grade red $1.63. Corn, sample grade yellow $1.13. Oats, No.

1 mixed 72'ji9 73c Barley, malting 1.39. nominal feed $11.21, nominal; -Mo. 4 Grain Trading. Mlnneanolls. July 9 (AP) Flour un changed, 100-pound cotton sacks, family patents 14.48, standards $3.39.

shipments 52.080. Bran all classes, flour middlings, Red Doe and second clears $37,753 38.25. SURPLUS PROPERTY SOLD To Cincinnatians Crosley, Flying Service Buy Airplanes. Two used UC-78 Cessna airplanes have been purchased here, one 'by Powel Crosley Jr. and one by the Queen City Flying Service, the semimonthly report of surplus property sales by the Reconstruction Finance Corp.

showed yesterday. The sale price was $8,500 each. The report, covering the period from June 15 to June 30, lists a number of sales of other types of surplus property to Cincinnati industries. They The Baldwin eight humidifiers and valves, $751.44, and one bddgit hoist, the Fosdick Machine Tool a unit of 33 milling cutters, the Cincin nati Machine Supply one Verson press brake, the Lockwood Manufacturing 5.610 pounds of new steel strip, $151.47, and 9.335 pounds of new steel strip, the U. S.

Electrical Tool five power units, $75; Lodge Shipley Machine Tool 4,500 pounds of new alley bars, $265.50. ARMY CUTS SHOE ORDER. Washington, July 9 (AP) The Army announced today a reduction in shoe production requirements for September. The output of combat boots will be reduced in September from the July-August production rate, to 1,500,000 and service shoes will be lowered from 700,000 to 350,000 pairs. This decreased schedule will be continued throughout the fourth quarter of the year, the Army said, adding that announcement at this time of the downward trend will provide a 60-day period for the industry to prepare for increased civilian production.

Quotations were gatnereq. Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask.

5.S2 19.98 6.50 1.49 25.03 15.83 24.92 47.25 6.93 28.84 6.33 Aetna L'f 1.20a. 51V. 21.55 ARricultural 80 V4 7.40 Am Alliance 21 V4 1.63 Am Equit 1 l9Va 26.77 Am Ins Nwk Via 17i 16.93 Am Re-Ins 2.... 60" 26.84 Am Reserve 19V, 45.75 Am Surety 2V4. 65 7.72 Balto-Amcr S'i, 31.61 Bank Ship 4..

78 Boston 16a 655 6.20 Camden Fire 1... 21 8.77 City of 1... 21 Vi 7.R7 Conn Gen 6)it 9.77 Contln Cas 1.60.. 48 9.56 Federal 1.40 50T8 6 68 Fire Asso Ph 2a. 57 0.32 Fireman 3.

8.94 Firemen's Nk .40 13Ts 10.45 Frank Fire 1.... 22-4, 11.19 Gen Relnsur 2.. 9.09 (ilbral 1. 20 8.4S Glens Falls l.flna 47'-i 8.67 Globe Rep V4. 6.09 Gt Am Ins 1.20..

31 7.14 Hanover 1.20 28V4 4.66 Hartford Fire 2a. 109 5.65 Htfd St Blr 1.60. 7.47 Home Ins 1.20. 28'i 5.71 Homestead 15V4 5.35 Ins Co A 2 98 6.69 Jer Ins 1.80. 374 1.78 Maryland 11V 30.76 Mass Bond 82 16.76 Mer ft .40 5H 1.12 Merc Fire AslV4a 54 Vi 1.19 Nat Fire 2 60 31.68 Nat Llbertv 6 15.67 Nat Union 178 29.77 Nw Am Cas 1...

28 32 29 New Bruns 31 21.67 New Hamp 1.60a 46VA 53 84 231, 20'i 19 63 67 7 Vfc 82 '4 680 23 23'; 51 52 i 60 101 'i 14 24 'i 57 Vi 50 11 325', 30 14 113Va 51 30 106 V4 40 V6 12. 86V4 6H 5714 63 714 18S 30 33 V4 49 15 40.39 6.14 7.98 7.16 8.83 8.70 6.07 5.74 8.13 9.51 10.67 8.27 7.69 7.89 5.53 6.49 4.23 5.13 6.79 5.19 4. SB 6.08 1.63 28.61 15.29 1.01 1.08 29.15 15.34 28.39 29 46 19.72 12.03 21.10 28.49 27.25 15.26 13.58 u.oi 1 tire 14 Mi 23.11 North River 1.. 31.37 Northeast Ins. 29 91 Northern 16.79 Pacific Fire 5..

14.97 Pac Indent 2a. 23 ii 25 5H 6U 89 93'. 98 105 57 6.28 6 97 Phoenix 2a 88V4 7.95 Preferred Ac .80. 13Vi 10.94 Prov-Wash 35'i 27.94 Rein Cp NY 5Vt 14.15 RcpInsCoTcxl. 20.

"SV4 15.54 Rev In 1.20... 2414 it A 2.... 10 00 Seab'd Surl.20.. 48 Security 1.40 33 gTtncfleld 414a. .116 92', 14 38 6H 31 261', 76 52'i 35 121V, 591 44 53 S0V, 351; 7.19 9.95 25.9S 13.16 14.22 4.52 9.25 7.35 5.67 7.85 4.57 7.45 9 11 6.26 8 63 2 5.14 8.30 ei in a vi ibl.

Fire 2 5014. 8 Guar 1.60a. 78 10.07! 6 94 15.28 8.53 15.33 12.49 9.58 10.17 10.61 11.70 11.82 Wcstch'ter 1.20a. 33i 15.13 a Also extra or extras Paid last year. Pc 7.75 13.96 11.37 8.71 Mared or paid so far this year.

9.25 BANK A THIST STOCKS. 9.65 10.65 10.57 11.19 8.66 8.83 7.59 3.23 .2.08 15.96 3.97 12.14 54.00 25.27 22.20 9.64 23.41V 8.62 19.25 19.02 Bld BofANTS SF1.60 39 Ask 41 of Man 1. 29Vi 31 9.52 nanK ni ni loi Bankers Tr 1.40a 49 5151 Bklyn Tr 4 119 124 Ccn Han 4.119 122 9.71 8.35 Kinase Nat 1.40.. 4374 Ti'i Ch BkATr I SO. 57 59'S commercial

ai 5i'i 4.3 Cont BnkATr .80 27 13.24 Cont III Chi 4.. 113V, 117V4 oi.i'uuorn nixnwi x.4U niva Tr 3.... 96 100 26.6B First Nat Bos 2. 5.814 24.27 'l HI 1(1 JM 10.55!Fst NNY 18f5 ps'fin'luaran'v Tr 12.35 o'liHrvlnrr Tr 18 IKInrts Cnuntv 81.1800 1 "SO 6i 20.75 I swvers 1 41 Mnnul'ct'rs Tr 2 fi9'-'. Do rif 2 49V RTOCKS Natl City 46' NY Trust 4.

4 AM. 11 47'. 17 'i Bid. Ask. Puhlr 454 Title fl 12 il Hon Gold h.4u 3 U'k Horn 1.60 2i 3J'va Humble Oil IV.

I 6 44v. Hussman-Lig 2i 1 45 tHygde le 8 vlll Pow pf I 61 58 till Zinc 26 Indus Finan vtc.l II 214 Do pf i 50i 72 Tnt Hyd El pf. i 2i 32 Int warl 3 13W Int Petrol I 15 20V Is Planned By Roads At Toledo To Handle Millions Of Tons Annually It. X. Y.

C. In Deal. New York, July 9 (AP) A new joint facility coal and ore terminal on Lake Erie at Toledo is to be constructed by a corporation controlled by the Baltimore Ohio and New York Central Railroads, It was announced today. Estimated to cost $15,000,000, the new terminal will be one of the largest of its kind in the country and will be located directly on the lake front at the mouth of the Maumee River. It will expedite the handling of coal and ore by the two railroads, which have separate plants located on the river some distance inland from the lake front.

The Ohio Legislature recently passed an enabling act, which will facilitate the financing of the project and construction is to be started immediately after the approval of governmental authorities and the allocation of materials by the War Production Board. The new terminal will be equipped with three electrically operated coal-dumping machines anii with two ore loading machines, and will handle annually millions of tons of lake cargo coal originating in Virginia, Southern West Virginia, Eastern Kentucky and Ohio. It will also be equipped for the mixing of cargoes at a single dock of the various grades of coal origi nating in the different fields serv ing the lake cargo trade. The plans provide for the construction of ample yards and the necessary bulkheads I with ship basins dredged to accommodate the deeper draft of the latest lake vessels. TO HONOR GRUEN CHIEF.

A testimonial dinner in honor of the 10th anniversary of Benjamin S. Katz as President of the Gruen Watch will be given by the sales organization at the Hotel Netherland Plaza as the closing feature of an annual sales conference which began yesterday. Speakers at yesterday's sessions were Katz, S. C. Gershey, Vice President; Aaron Thorne, ilos Angeles, Western Sales Manager; J.

E. Wessels, Maurice Merz and Bernard M. Kliman. FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York, July 9 (AP) Closing rales: Canadian dollar in New York open market 9A per cent discount or 90.81 Vi U. 8.

cents, uncharged. Great Britain, official S4.03. unchanged. Argentina, free 24.93c, up ,01 of a cent. B.azil.

free 5.25c nominal. Mexico, 20.65c nominal. INDUSTRIALS. (Sales in Hundreds.) i Sis. I Last.

tSpalding 1 pf 2ii 001 61 'i TSpencer Shoe tsitand Cap 3i 24'. Titd Drdg pf 1.60i II 2.1 Vy rSt Oil Ky 1 1 7: 20'i St Pow A Lt I III 1 Do pf "I rJllliS tStand Prod Vig. .1 i 17 tstand Sil-Lead 19 tj tstarrett Corp vtc.i 31 6 TStcrchiBrStrs Si 11 TSterl Al Prod le. .1 li i3 Ii tStenlng Inc 1 Stlnnes I 111 3 iStroock A Co ftm lt bullivan Mach lv.i 21 31 M50i 47 ivi 1 23 Vi 14; IUVj 2 30 vtel 91 3V, 1... .1 25! taun Ray Drug 1.2GI li 21 auu Port Cem .2731 5V't Do 1 li i 11 1S' Tnmna FI I Kll I 91 V2 Ji Technicolor 61 li o'n UTextron inc 'e.

I Si 29i shovel 50i 34,, Hi 12., 2 II 12 1.1 tTilo Koof il 13 Todd Slipyds 2'-jg''lJ0. 88 lonopah Min 161 2V, 10 111 lrans-Lux 1 .1 rVranswest Oil Vig! 47 pll 10,119 TTri-Cont war 2t 1 tiUHK-Sol LB .1021 "I 3 ji 33 1 .20.1 h.04 .1 I 16 2.v,'. 4S Si II IHVj 101 20 111 SV4 tUo of .60 1 li 14-i ildjiite torp Vie. I 21 8X, Unexcelled Mfg .1 30 6 t'unlt Aire frod 1.1 0O1 lb'n Unit Corp 1001 7-32 .1 12i 9 unit Gas 21 iHi Unit Lt A Rwy Vigi 2-11 18 V4 Unit Sh pf .01 46 Foil Vig. I 4 llfi, tU A Int I II lit 1 2 15 'A 75 29H I 4 4V tDo of 1'Ak.

86 2: 19 V4 5t 4H 77-i 9Vi 50 21 lUnited Stores 111 ii1 Wall Pap.l5e! 16 A' Univ Cons Oil 2, tUniv Cooler B.lOci 31 -l Utah PAL pf. S0 Utah Radio .40. I 21 Utility Equit li 150! 39 2 3'i 3 11 '4 II 11 Vs alpar Corp 3 tVenezuel Pet 31 11 V. ir JiVost Mfg I II 13; 16, 4', ywjitt Bd A 1150 27 ig: Jfl 11 i 4 u.t ra l' di morel Coal 50, 3s' Wiciuta R. Oil II l.i'i TWiiison t-rod 11 Woodall Ind II 10', Wooalcy Put .1 10'; 12o' Tl II .20 2i 75: Wr.gtu riarg .20.

I 81 li. 3' 50 DOMES i'IC BONDS. (Sales Am 6s S01 H108'-i Appal EP 3'iH '70; 3 109 Do 6s 2024 A. As Elec 4 'is '53. .1 9I100V1 I 1' .1.1 .1 14 1 1 18: 2 As A 5s 50 111 4.

7V, Do 5s '68 71 39 Vi TiO. 50 17 'i 3 il 2(1 U'i 41 13'a S' 6 21 13 3: SVj 51 78 Do 4'is .1 161 As TAT 61 's Bell 1 Can 5s '51 Bost Ed 28 '70AI I hi Ky 5s '27 ci 1 Cities Ser 5s '58. a 104 9il04V 531 85 BH04 Do 5s '50 1 vConGELBa 3Vis'71l Cont G4E 5s '58AI 1) LAW Do 4s '93 I 5 104 li 2 107 -i 41 77 47 Mi 30 tr.ast r.Ac 4s'5A 20:101 ill 4 35 II 'Elec it 5s 2030, 22 1073, Kit- flL OS 21)30. 1 22.107 III 6Vs'7i 3'103 lnd Svc os '50. .1 1 10314 I 101 78 11411 7 indnis pal 3'-4S'7i) Int Sec 7s '57 Do 7s '57 xcl Do 7s '52 Do 7s '52 xi.

Inters Pow 6s '52. Do 5a '57 It Sup Pw 6s '63 A tJeiC PAL3'js '651 Kentucky Ut 4s '701 PAL 4's W8I Do 5s '5b I 7I10H 11 60 6 60 II 60 17 58 81 86 'i 17I100H 51 57i 81107 1106 11103 1104 11103 H104 2I10S 131 93 5 93 21102 11102 2 lll05Vi 8104Vi 3l 72 1 105 2 IIOVJ 2H02V 2. 98 2I1064 2 103 3 lfi3Vi, 3 103 Vi 8 103 Vi 81 103 14 61 103 61 67 5 108J I 1 1105 H'il 2 '4 4 1 2 'A 2' 22 51 II 5 vi 8, MPAL 4Vis DO '05 Nehr Pw 4'2 8l Enc GAE 5s '50 Do 5s vent 411 J4 NEnePow 5Vi '54 II 20; II 4Vj 51 75(, l1 3 10 OS 41 NYAWeStH4s 2004 NYStEG3iS'64 Pac PAL 5s '55. 20'112'i Lex isnioas B4 4. 1150' 70 Cen LAP 4's'77 25'199v, 51 154 Phlla El 5'is '72 Port A 5s 50st 1' 32Ti PowCorC4Vis'59B scuilln stl 3s '01 tSoCalEd 3s .1 261 6v, I 361 5 II 11 .11701 73i 1 3'139 1.

.1 Hi 23 91 1 A. tSDa dine 5s StandGAE 6s'48 st DO es -48 cv st Do 6s '51 Do 6s '57 Do 6s "68. 14K, 61 1V4 11 12 91 17 UnltLARy 6s '52A Waldorf-Ast 5s' 54 WNewsoUn 6s '58 WestPaEl 5s 2030.1 120 I 18 87 1 FOREIGN BONDS JSaiceJn $1,000.) 1' 1SVf roi sin 2oi nu. 3' 2n; 41 II 23 61 l'(, 1' 1 4 22K a' 3 1 Dnnzl Port 31 33 '72 1X1 Si 85 Parana Bras 7s '581 21 4V SRnssinn 8V.s 19191 161 A ILln 8 1921. .1 8rSi SHnnes4s'48 3d stl 161 49 Vi Curb sales today.

330.000 shares; year ngo, 524.670 shares. Bond sales. $400,000: year ago, $600,000. I 371 7' tStocks and bonds so I Ri I 3' 3Vi I 141 4 I II 40 I 10' 91 II 13V II 48V, 111 a 111 7501 5.1' SH 14 8.V32. marked are fully listed on the Curb Exchange.

All others nre dealt on an unlisted trading basis. I Kates oi uividends in the foregoing table are annual disbursem*nts based on the last quarterly or semiannual declaration. Unless otherwise noted, sneclni or extra (lends am not Included. xe'x-nghts HAi extra or extras, bl'liis stuck dividend ilCash or stock. ePiiid last vear.

fPav-able In stock. pPcclnred or paid this year. hPnvahle In Cnnndin Funds. kAccumu-ntcd dividends Dald or declared thu year. urUnder rule.

wwWlth warrants, xw Without warrants. warWsr- II 1J, em 91 14' 8', 61 3'i, 31 11 1 ranis. Matured bonds. Ne 21 got lability Impaired by ma REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. (Tax Indicated In transfers Is affixed at Hie of 55 cenis for every $5'mi or frac tion thereof of vulue ot property conveyed.) ANDERSON TOWNSHIP Marguerite R.

Johnson and Carroll Johnson to Bulley Hinsnn and Margaret, his wife, part ui Lot 2 of Ferdinand Reed Estate; Survey 1747 and Survey 4243; $1 (tax 4 95 1. ANDERSON TOWNSHIP Marcella Jennings to Sarah West, 44 by 153 feet on the west side of Dyer Street, being part of Lot 5 of Marburn Subdivision; $1 (tax AVON DA LE The S. T. Realty Co. to Oc-tavla Koch.

Austin E. Podesta and Raymond D. Pmlesta, part of Lots 1 and 2 of Thomas F. Corry's Subdivision, being, an Irregular lot on the west side of Reading Road, 130 feet north of Rockdale Avenue; also, 4 by 98 feet on the west side of Reading Road. 128 feet north of Rockdale Avenue; also, an Irregular lot on the west side, of Reading Road, 192 feet north of Rockdale Avenue; also, an Irregular lot on the west side nf Reading Road.

79 feet north of Rockdale Avenue; $1. AVONDALF, The Industrial S. A to Will and Jeanette Stlnson, part nf hit 10 of C. Donaldson Subdivision; $1 (tax AVONDALE Bearelea Gordon to B-n J. Shapiro, Lot 14 of Macke and Vorheis Subdivision; $1 (lax aVONDALE Ida M.

Klocke to Thomas Klocke Lot 20 of Kdward Brunnoit Subdivision; $1 (tax CENTRAL Katie C. Haerr to Mary Holiey. 20 by 125 feet on tne norm siae nf Ninth Street, being Lot 228 of Jacob Burnet Subdivision; also. 21 by 125 feet on the north side of Ninth Street, 130 feet cast of Plum Street; $1 (tax $24,751. CENTRAL Mid-Town Realty, to the Central Trust trustee, an irresuiar lot on the east side of Race Street, 100 feet south of Seventh Street; $1 (tax CHEVIOT Hattle L.

Getzendanner to Mnrie Flseher. part ot LO' is 01 George W. Fenton Estate; $1 (tax $2,201. CLIFTON HEIGHTS Magdalena Mehler to Frieda Sennricti ann rneoonre. nei husband.

Lot 122 of Brown Hartshorn's Subdivision: $1 (tax CLIFTON Henrietta F. Gutjanr and George her nu nano. r. nun-pcher and Walter her husband. Helen wi'on and Virgil L.

WHson to Alice McMihon. 37 by 148 feet on the west side of Mlddieton Avenue, bc'ng oart or Lot 2 of Schwegman eM Hillenbrands Subdivision: $1 (tax CLIFTON HEIGHTS DvH M. Zellman to Blanch i.epoie, 2031 uruo raii $1 (tax S6.05I. COLERAIN TOWNSHIP Freda Elliott to Janet D. Gann and William E.

ann. 6771.000 ncre ot lana in occuon (tax CORRYV1LLE Chesley R. Weeks and Bes sie hiS Wlte. tO MliaWlll "ilia. Lot 30 of Mllis Greenwood Subdivision.

$1 (tax S8.25). COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP Elizabeth Cnlklns to Dorothy M. wainnnge ann rniui her husband, Lot 14 of Eastwood Subdivision No. 2, Section 22; $1 (tax COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP George H. Taubald to tawaro a.

ana Lunui.c m. Schaefer. Lot 325 of Euclid L. A Second Subdivision, Section 24; $1 (tax COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP Mabel C. Hentze to Naomi Cronley.

26100 acres of land in Section 33: $1 (tax COLUMBIA TOWNSHIP William O'Flah- ertv and Marvelle nis wue, 10 r.v I. Haines, part of Lots 11 and of Mon-teith Subdivision, Section 26; $1 (tax DEER PARK Peter Understeln and Margaret Understeln to Walter T. Moninger, five-year lease from date of license by Department of Liquor Control of part of Lots 541 and 542 of Henry J. Sclmlte's Second Addition, monthly rental 150. DEER PARK Anna H.

Thornell to Clem entine Steman, Lot 4 01 vicior num-brecht's Subdivision; 1 (tax DELHI TOWNSHIP John Thomas to Fred W. DuebrKT part 01 Lot 01 r. i. wn-ltams Estate, Section 11; $1 (tax DELHI TOWNSHIP Alfred D. Runck to Victor and uorotny meiniener, 2 acrca of land Ir.

Section 30; SI (tax 55c i. Same to Ben A. Reidel. 90 by 298 feet on a proposed street in same section; $1 (tar 55c). Same to Stanley and Marcella Story, 93 by 273 fet on a proposed street Hi same section; si (tax ooci.

Same to Stanley and Marcella Story, 2 acres of land in same section; $1 (tax 55c). DIXONCREST SUBDIVISION William H. Dixon to Harry G. Brown and Mildred H. Brown, his wife, Lot $1 tax S3.

30). EAST END Alvena M. Meyer and Joseph her husband, to Louise B. Kearns, part of Lot 205 of Longworth's Tusculum Subdivision; $1 (tax $18,701. EAST END Albert F.

Srtirlmper, per Sheriff, to May E. Griffith, Lots 9 and 12 of Robb Fee's Third Survey of $200 (tax 55c). EVANSTON Alice R. Green to Islay C. Doench, 45 by 140 feet on tne soutneasi corner of Crane and Bevis Avenues; $1 (tax EVANSTON Maude Noel to Melda Beat- lev, part of Lot 15 of Idlewlld syndicate First Subdivision; $1 (tax FA IRMOUNT Walter T.

Hart to Florence E. Schumacher. 25 by 115 feet on th north side of Denham Street. 250 feet west of Linden Street; $1 (tax FA IRMOUNT Louisa Turnau to Henry V. and Georgianna K.

Turnau, Lot 158 of John Geiger's Estate; $1. FA IRMOUNT Henry Welllnghoff and Christina, his wife, to Edward J. sanaer and Loretta O. Sander, part of Lot 182 of Clark's Subdivision and 172 of J. Geiger's Estate; also part of Lot 182 of William H.

Clark's Subdivision; $1 (tax GREEN TOWNSHIP William J. Anthony to John T. McNicholas. ArctiDisnop. an Irregular lot on the east side of North Bend Road, Section 11; $1 (tax 55c).

GREEN TOWNSHIP Meleney Golsch and Clarence, her husnana. to MaDei ti. Luechauer, 50 by 350 feet on Race Road, Section 22; $1 (tax GREEN TOWNSHIP Helene G. Forbes and George H. ner nusnana.

to Adele Mever. Lot 18 of Carroll's Subdivision, Section 14; $1 (tax HYDE PARK Henry W. Meier Jr. to Katherine M. Lyman, 40 by 104 feet on the northwest corner of Brentwood and Pembroke Avenues; $1.

M'DISONVILLE Pacquale Salzarulo and Mary, his wife, to Jlmmie Allen. 77 by 122 feet on the southwest corner of Whetsel Avenue and Desmond Street; $1 (tax MADISON VILLE Lena Gartrell to Perry McDanlel. Lot 42 of Northslde Place Subdivision: $1 (tax MA RIEM0NT Marion E. Douglas to George L. and Mildred L.

Stout, Lot 4, Block 33 of Town Plat; $1 (tax MT. AUBURN Adolpti G. Wulff to Estella Kinner. part of Lot 82 of Joseph Kinsey's Second Subdivision; $1. MT.

AUBURN John Fasold and Al'ce. his wife to Wlllard L. Lenahan and Ellen, his wife, part of Lot 12. Block 16 of James and Jane Findlay's estate; $1 (tax MT. AUBURN AlbeVt Haubner and Charles Glfford to Lovita Glfford.

Lot 284 of Burnet and Reeder's Subdivision; il (tax MT. AUBURN Richard V. Hlllgrove to Golda. nis wife, an undivided one-nan interest in Lot 28 of Auburncrest Subdivision; $1. MT.

HEALTHY Margaret C. Rechtin to Robert Herzog and Mildred nis wue, Lot 28 of proposed Coy Subdivision; $1 (tax MT. LOOKUT Robert O. Lovett and Helen, his wife, to August Grossl, part of Lot 7 of Kllgour's Subdivision; $1 (tax 513.20). NORTH COLLEGK HILL Laura Woods.

Emma Semler. Maud Lee, Hallle booso and Ada B. Semler and Arch Peelinan to Lloyd J. Ruckman, Lot 20 of John Meyer's Subdivision; $1 (tax NORTHERN LIBERTIES Tlllle N'euer to Harry Brenner, three-year lease from June 1, or sioreroom at me norm east corner of Reading Road and Broad way. being 400 Reading Road; monthly rental $135.

NORTHERN LIBERTIES Hax Zange Jr. and Margaret Scheer to Charles Lee, Lot 105 of Bcnham's Subdivision; $1 (tax NORTHSIDE Henrietta A. Burke to Jo seph Roedlg. part of Lot 59 of Timothy KlrDy Addition; Jl (tax J4.4U1. NORTHSIDE Minnie Spaeth to Leon I Hludt.

Lot 31 of E. William's estate; fl (tax 55c). Anna M. Fehrmann to Leon Hludt, Lot 32 of same subdivision; $1 (tax 55c). NORWOOD John F.

J. Schwallle and Got die, his wife, to Vlrgt Fussnccker and Marie, his wife. Lot 206 and part of Lot 207 of Norwood View Subdivision; (tax NORWOOD Ruth Moran to John K. and Rosemary Kirk. 33 bv 100 on the south side of Weyer Avenue.

33 feet last of Lowry Avenue; $1 (tax $8.05) NORWOOD Robert Sharoshnlr and Elma, his wife, to Effle M. Gibson, part of Lot 64 of Norwood Park Subdivision; $1 (tax NORWOOD-Owen Glhhs and Nella. his wife, to Harges and 8tella Flora, part of Lots 25 and 26 of Wllher E. Arnold 3 Subdivision; $1 (tax NORWOOD Josephine D. Heck to Rita D.

pieunaus. Lots 48 and iv ot mius ann Kline's Second Subdivision; Jl (tax NORWOOD Herman Buse Jr. to Frank Lewis and George Saks. 50 by 100 feet on the west side of Carthage Avenue, 50 feet south of West Norwood Avenue; $1 (tax NORWOOD Nellie S. Conway to Raymond L.

anil F.lsle J. Banes. Lol 31 and part of Lot 32 nf Peter Fitzgerald's Addition; $1 (tax OAKLEY Alice R. Btuner and Clifford Reehl lo Miami Systems one acre of land In Section 28, Columbia Town-fhip; HI (tax PLEASANT RIDGE Ray D. Knney end Hester his wife, to Dorothv Gallo.

Lot 36 of Mapleleat Heights Subdivision; $1 (tax $11). PRICK H1I.L Twl S. Hullnr.W tn Mar- tAm Beverage 31 Am Cen Mfg II tAm PAL An2-1l li tAm Cit 4 Am Cyan 1 fi! Ami Fgn war. 91 Am ForkAHoe Jg. 41 Am GasAEl 1.60a.

171 tAm Gen J2 of 751 Am Laun Mch 2. 50! Am 1.20. 41 Do Df l'i i Am Mfg le 75' tAm Maracaibo Am Republics kg1 Am Superpow 2001 Do Df I 31 Am Thread Df 'i .1 2' Anch Post 20e. 31 23 43 a 19 36 48 35'', 22 2S 61 3'. 13 Vi 1 32 5 6 's tint Raz tint Util pf Invest Roy .114...

'Irving Air Cli 1.1 filal Superpow vJumbs A .201 Jacobs ployees as a result of the cutbacks and it estimated not more than 3,050 workers in plants operated by prime contractors will be af- fected between now and October 15. No estimate of the total sub- contractor employees to be affected was available. Facilities for the manufacture ') of the items will be retained by most of the plants so immediate full-scale production may be re- Prest Wlrephoto. LEAD-OFF MAN Edward R. Stettinius former Secretary of Slate and designated by President Truman to be first U.

S. Representative on the World Security Council, was the first witness in behalf of ratification of the United Nations Charter when hearings were opencJ the Senate yesterday. business Briefs Capital Stock Acquired Miller Mfg. Co. of Detroit has purchased 87 per cent of the capital stock of Monroe Steel Castings Monroe, it was announced here yesterday.

The Monroe property will be operated as a Miller subsidiary largely with present personnel, Joseph W. McDougal, President of the Miller firm, said. Appointed To New Position W. F. Moore has been appointed general manager of foreign operations of the Texas it was announced today by Harry T.

Klein, Pres ident. The new general manager has been with the company 25 years. Salt Company Sold General Foods Corp. yesterday announced acquisition of the Colonial Salt Co. of Akron, Ohio, which it will expand and operate under present management and personnel.

Builds For Postwar Expansion Work was started yesterday on a $1,850,000 building at the West Lockport plant, Lockport, N. of the Harrison Radiator Division of General Motors Corporation, intended to care for postwar expansion. The building, expected to be completed in eight months, will represent a $4,000,000 investment when fully equipped. Shoe Output Up The Sole Leather Bureau of the Tanners Council of America estimated an increase of about 3,000,000 pairs a month in the output of civilian shoes with leather soles and uppers as a result of Army cutbacks in military shoe requirements, effective after August. Thirty-four per cent on August 31 and a further contribution to increased sole leather supplies for civilian use was seen in a considerable curtailment in lend-lease shipments of military footwear.

Many Miles Traversed United Air Lines yesterday announced completion of its mile of trans-Pacific flying for the Air Transport Command. This figure, United said, represents 3,342 one way flights over the Pacific which would approximate 1,000 trips around the world at the E-quator. At present the lines' crews are flvine 42,500 miles daily between San Francisco and Guam under the companys' ATC contract. LIVESTOCK Mvnuinoli market, as reDOIid bv the War Food Administration, Officj of Market Service, based on market conditions and sales reported up to 1 p. July 9: Cattle Receipts t3.

aieauy prices were paid for most Classes 01 cattle on display to start oft the current week's trading period. Spotted weakness developed on (trassy steers and heifers. Slow clearance In some divisions Indicated that catt le were in strong nanas. oeins fortified with orders if they were not taken bv local sHuithterers. A reliable Inouirv was In evidence for cows and bulls.

Some medium and good bulls brought firm prices. A suable truck lot or goou anu choice mixed vearlinES earned $16.85, witii odd steer and heifer yearlings averaging 700-7550 lbs at J16.50'g 16.75. A load of steer yearlings was held above $16.50 and some distillery-slop steers were held above $16.25 at this writing. Good 956-lb steer yearlinc ani some 600-lb mixed yearlings realized $16. Around good steers sold at J15.75 and some distillery steers weighting for an average around 1.025 lbs earned S15.SO.

Bulk ot tne meaium ana good steers and heifers, mamiy grassers cashed from $MCa 15.50, with some com mon and medium offerings from $12'd 13.50 Odd beef cows earned $13113.50, most arrivals grading common and medium and salable from $1012.50. Canners and cutters bulked from shelly canners selling Individually downward from the Inside qultation. Good sausage bulls topped at $13.75, most common and medium lightweights turning irom 13.25: odd fed bulls with weight upwards to $14.25. calves Receipts 375. steady to strong prices prevailed for vealers, a few Instances late in the day for a 50c higher trade on a very few choice to provide an extreme top $17.

Other good and choice vealers earned $1516.50, largely S15.50 and above, with common and medium arrivals from $10.50 14.50, and light culls $10 downward. nogs Receipts 2,000. Broad inquiry lor tlvlty at fully steady rates. Good and choice barrows and gilts 140-lb and over casnea at tne ceiling quotation or with most arrivals averaging from 200-275 lbs. A tew feeder pigs averaging slightly over 140 went out at $15.50.

Bulk of sows brought $14.75, with moat stags from S14UI14.15. Shfep Receipts 1.450. The early spring lamb and stoorn ewe trade developed considerable activity at largely steady rates. Later sales included some choice springers at strong to 25c higher levels. Spring lamos topped at $16.25 paid for lots, with most good and choice from A large per cent of the spring lamo orrenng were medium and good that casned from $14'n 15.50.

Sort Ing was very light. Shorn ewes at steady Prices ranged downward from with a few choice llghtwlghts to $8.25 or 25c auuve previous quotations. Chicago, July 9 AP) (WFA) Hogs i.uuii, toiai s.ouo; active and fully steady' good and choice barrows and gilts at 140-lb. up at $14.75 celling; good and choice sows at Si 4: complete clearance. Shippers took 1,000.

Cattle 17,000, total calves 1.000, total 1,000: fed steers and yearlings generally steady; strictly good and choice kinds active, others rather slow at $18 downward; top 18; sizable supply 17.8r: general bulk S15.7R17.50; heifers slow, steady; bost $17.75: cows airaln verv scarce, firm: light cutters $8.50 down; most beef cows S9.50SI 12.50; steady to strong market on hulls and vealers: weighty sausage bulls to si 3.50. mostlv $15. down on fat beef nuns; vealers sit) down; stock cattle In very moderate stinnlv. steady. Sheeo 500.

total B.50I1; spring lambs supply very light hut demind correspondingly nnrrow; Tew sales venk and some helne carrld for Tuesday's market other classes about steady; few verv small lots good and choice native sorlna- lambs $16. 35rd 16.40 bucks discounted 11 common down to $13 good and choice 9g-1b. fed shorn lambs No. 1 pelts, SIS: shorn nti 18 TArgus Inc I 6' liJer PAL 7 pf. Ark wat Gas I 3 Po A I 31! 5S Kana TScL Do pf .60 1 71 UK tAro Eauio g.

II 17U tKidde (Wi A tKingstonProd Kirk Lake GM Corp Uke Shore tAshlsnd OI1AR .401 41 8 Asso I.aund I 71 Ik sso V250! 12 Atlantic Fish. I Likey-FtiyAM tAtlas Corn 9 4V4 LamsonCorp tAtlas Forge Vigl 2i 12 Vi tLane-Wells 1 anas ny i i 3(ii z.i tAutnmat Prod .401 1 Lang Un Ba Leonard Oil tAvrshire Coll BahrockAWIll g. tBaldwin Loco war! Barium Stl I fBarlASeel A 1.20; tBasic Refract .401 Aire Hgl II 2 52! Lit Bros 32 135, 4 19 Vi 5'i Locie.StlChl.20a Lone Star Gas Long Is Lt. ct. Do pf Louis A Lynch Corp 1 24 roerKieuay rurn.

Cj h.S HG. A 2 Dev. sumed to meet possible emergencies I .40.1 -Mlunati Sug war I tBickfords lg IBirds Fdy Vig. Bliss EW 1 tBlue RidTe Do cv pf 3d. Blumenthal 80 Bohack HC Bowm-Bilt Braz Tr Aim tBrown FAW Do A lg Brown-F nist Brown Rubber Bruce EL 1 Buckeye Buf pf.

Do 5 pf Bunk Hi lifts Burma Ltd 150 16 1 7iv lis' McCord Corp iSi NOas.lOGI 2: 54'ii'Memtt-C A il Mesabl Iron 11 'jsjitMich Stl Tube 511 Do pf 714 HO Mid El PB 23'' tMId West Corp SulMidvale 2 31 "itMid-West Abr HUltMid West Rcf Wnhl pf 7 114i tMojud Hos 13 i TMniyoaenum tMonogram Pict 1311 2 1 1 1 vtc. .1 Jul 53i 15 Tness bid and asiu quotations represent orices at which one or more dealers, members ot the National Association of Securities Dealers, would trade with tlie Vj Do Df .55 5 tBurrv Biscuit .1 301 Cal El Pow 4' tCallite Tung si Camden Ins 1. 50 Can Marconi 12! Carnation la Catalin Am 3i Mt City Cop Mount Prod Mount St Pow VuskegPRine al RellasHrss tNat City Unes 8'i 1'-" .80: I Nat Fuel tNat Rub Mch 1. tNat Un Rad I tNeptune Met A Ve' tNEPA 61 pf I N'ew Eng TAT 3g': Zinc l'-jg Mex A Aril Ld. I in the future, the committee ad- vised.

SUIT IS FILED. New York, July 9 (AP) Dr. Richard J. Forhan, originator of Forhan Tooth Paste, has filed suit in State Supreme Court for $100,000 damages against the Zonite Prod- ucts manufacturers and distributors of the product. Forhan charged that his original formula had been altered and that his reputation as dentist had been damaged.

The Zonite firm entered a general denial. OFFICE HOURS SHORTENED. The office of Dr. E. H.

Schoen- ling, County Health Commissioner, will close at 3 p.m. daily and at noon Saturday in July and August, he announced yesterday. GENERAL PRODUCE Chicago, July 9 (AP) (War Food Administration I The butter market was firm today and unchanged at OPA ceilings. Egea were firm; large No. 1 and No.

2 extras 40.2(5 40.5c; no other sales. Clilcajto. July 9 (AP) (War Food Administration) Live poultry, firm; receintl 1 ltrucks. 1 car f. o.

b. prices: fowl, 2o.6 5 27.1c; Lechorn fowl, 25.01 27.1c- roasters. 30.231.7c; fryers, 30.Se.n31. 7c; Leghorn fryers, 30.2i 31.7c: old roosters. 21.

623.1c; ducks, 26.5028c. WEATHER REPORT. Observations made at 7:30 p. m. (East- era Standard Time): ATLANTIC STATES.

Temperature Station, Albany, N. Atlantic City, N. Boston, Mass Jacksonville, Miami, Fla New York, N. Y. High.

low. Preo. no A 81 88 92 85 81 72 78 70 0 Ccn Sta El pf. 3301 64 Do 6 pf M75i 24V'. Do cv pf new.

501 2 Cen A Ct I 141 4 tCessna Aire 4 4 Chi Flex Shaftl 1' 40 Chief Cons 4' 1H Childs pf 21 lll-i. Cltls Service I 211 21 Do pf 150133 Do pf I 31 i. Do pf BB 101129 City SuhHom.601 2 9 Claude Neon tNYAHonRos 1.30R tNVSpbrl fdshlVsg g. .1 Pow! .1 11251 31 4.1 8V4 .1 51 4'(; 501 2S1i I'il 2' 41V .1 II 38 30' 1' 25 6 general public at the time the quotations CINCINNATI STOCKS. Did.

Ask. Comwlth Delaware fund Diversifd Tr D. Dividend Eat 4 Fd Eat How Stk Fidelity Fd Inc First Bost Cor First Mil Tr Fd Fund Invest Inc Acme Alum Do pf Aeronca Corp. Am Leam. Am Barge L.

Do PI Am Therm A. Do pf Carey Do 5 Do Drackett. Fox Paper General Box Gen Mach Jioson Hotel Do Df 8Vt 9U 5 54 Vi 14-1; 5' 3S'i 59 Vj 25 .100 .127 1: 2.2j 36 4H 29 4 -it 2ll'i 10 25 .75 37 22. 16V4 iGen Cap Corp. Gen Investor Tr 1S Grn Sec Afcric.

Do Automob, Do Aviation. Do Building. Do Chemical. Do Foods Do Full Adtn Do Gen Bond 2.45 38V A lOS'i in. Do pf Gruen Do Inst Bond Do investing Jness Hnrshaw Cue IcidelberR Brew, Hoover Marathon new.

27 Vi Do Low Price Do M'chandi. Do Mining Do Petroleum Po RR Bond .8.1 HUli 9', Do 6'n xd lO.V-i Master Tire. Do RR Equip Do RR Stock Po Steel Po Do Util Popue 0 pi. 104 27 Vfc 18 1, 57 Knineianaer r. Richardson Sore Paper Do 6 Snorts Products.

51V4 101 15 )i Income Fnd Fd Incorp Investrs Instl Sec Av Gr 17 "1 4 Tennessee Prod. 4 12 'i 2.F0 49'i 50 Vi 81 20Vj BUI un ui Bank Grp Do Insurance Trailmoblle Shoe new. Vulcan Corp 14 22V4 Invest Co 3 15 Invest Fd Inc Kevstone Cu Bl Do 33 pi Do 4V4 Pt-. Whitaker 54 54 Vi 22J4 Ask Do 2 Do 3 Do 4 Do 1... Do 2...

Do 1... Do 2 Do 3 Do 8 4 WurllUer "Banks. Mlas Nat 342 Central Trust ...141 Columbia lO Fifth Third b'irst Nat Cln 219 231 Knlckbker Fund Manhat Bd Fnd Mass Invest Tr Nat it tPirst Nat Nor. 21 Vt 24V4 Guardian 12! Lincoln 257 Nor-Hyde 4 130 Do 2d Fd Ino Mutual Natn Wide Sec Natl Natl Bond feopie Peoples Lib Cov. Provident 3 39 Vi jecontl Nat 223 Do Do Low Bd Po Low St Po Ind Po Pref Stk.

Po 10. tsa par. Bonds Bid. Asit vT Vims Hot A8s'47 1)2 Vi Do 4s lnc'47 43Va Ch of '52 76V4 Cinti Club lliUs 33 Drack 5s '59 105 Gibson Inc 4l '47 New Enc Fund Stks Auto Po Aviation. Po Ftk Stks.

Po Bide Sup Do Itc wa Slobe-W 105H Mast is '67 76V4 Po Chemlcsl, r. n.ib 3 Itc 57 Po F.leo Eqp Po Insurance Do Po Oils Po Po RR Equip Do Steel A Tr Sh 1955 Do 1956 "utnnm Fund Rcpub lnv Fnd 3d Am 8h Inc Slate St Invent Trim lnd Shrs. Union Bd Fd A Po Do Un pf Stk Fd Po com 8 Kd I'S KILUPA. WellliiRtnn Fnd Smlth-K SViTolte B7V4 VManorlnc trojoi insurance Bid. Ask "87 V4 Am Drue M1 Ohio Cas 29 Ohio Nat li INVESTING COMPAMKS.

Aeronaut Sec, 8.84 9.7. Affiliated Inc 5.1.1 Amerex Hold, 32 12 Am Pus Shrs. 4 29 Am For Inv. 13.79 Axe H'niBht in. 81 Bnnk Nat lnv.

.37 Blair Co. 5.112 33. 112 4.7.1 14. 15. OS 7.

on Rnd In Tr Am.105.sfl liiuo Boston Fd Inc. 20. 1 22. Ill Broad 8t lnv. 34.09 Bullock Fund.

18.90 Can Inv Fund. 3.8S Centurv 8h Tr. 32 Chemical Fund, 10.96 3S.85 1NSVIUMT 20.71 4.25 35.00 Aetna ran 11. Aetna lna 1.60.. A 2 0, Vig.J I 1.20I ny wat svc pr.

rNIi Hud Pow. Do 1 nf Liayton ft Lam 1. 2 19U. Clev El Ilium 2. I 21 41 'd Clinch Coal 501 4(1 tcolnn Develop 1 1 4 tColonlnl Alrl 81 lsu tColo Ful A I warl 31 6 Colts Arm I II 36'.

Colum A pf Ri 21 91i'. Comwlth So warl 53: 332 tComm Wat Svc. 8i Conn Gas A 51 2V4 tCons Bal3.60l 71 78 tCons Gas Ut .30.1 10 7V4 Cons Mng AShla150! 62 tCon Ret Strs 41 13 tCons Royalty 31 2 Cons Stl Corp lg 21 22 tCons Textile 151 6'i Cont Fdy A Mch 1 51 21 Vi Ciok Pt A 11 19 Comuc Mln li tCor A Rey pf Jk 201 98 tCoden Petri il 3 v. tDo pf tk. li 371'.

Creole Pet 31 28 Vi Croft Brew 51 1 tCrown Pet 81 10 Crown IntA.PSk- 50! 17-x Crown Drug II 4 VI tCuh All Sug 381 26m Uejay Ntrs 61 10 tnennlson AVig II 71, tDrbv Oil i.g. 4 9 1M Gray Ir 171 2 Det Mich 8iV.20g 81 1 Diamond Shoe 1.20 2' 20 'Diana Strs .80.. il 24 tD.vco Corp 31 23'j Doheckmun 1 36 Draper Corp 3... i 25 79VJ Duro-Test .10 51 4' I 63: 3 Do 6 pt 16751 57 Do pr pf 1375: 99 East Stm pf B. 35; Sug As pf 44 tay Vtsh MtfVig 6l 10 El Eond A 67' 1 Do pf 6 2 102 El A I 2 A BO 110'J Electrogphlc Mc, 61 14 tElllott Co 1....

7 2V. tDo pf 2..125 77 tEqulty Corp 2l 2 Do $3 pf lVtk'1225 45 '4 tEsqiilre Inc 1' 9'i, Kverahnro Inel.iOi 11 37'' tKalrrld KkH 171 3is tFnlstaf Bi-ew 4' 16i Kaniteel Met Kc l' 49 Feddcrs Mfg gl 6 3n Fire As Phil 2a I 10 MK Frank Strs 41 12V IFulli-r A 1 20 'i Gurrrlt 4'urp Ri 0 1 vC.ellmn Mfg 91 1 tOen Finance 7'4 tUen Uliarn I tDo pf 7d 1(11 99 Oeorg Pow pf A 'I 3n'liiV. Ulen Aid Coal lg 21 23 C.nbel Ine I 4i Godrhx Bug A 41 251 68 Do We 43 Ooldflcld Con 641. l' Nlnet'n Hund Mip'slnc Mnsh.ooei Noma Elec Nor Am Lt A Nor Am Ut Rrc. Northeast Alrl Nor Nat Gas lv.

Northrop Aire M)gden Torp Ohio Brass B.80gl I'ne CAE pf Do r.i- Df 1. Pac PuhSvcpfl Pan AmAlrwwarwii247 tpantepec oil PrKsbg rar Penn Traffic Pennroad V4e Pa Cas A El Pa PAT. $7 nf Pa WatAow Pepnerell 10 tPharls T1 tPhlllips Pkg 'Plorce-Qovern Pioneer Gold Piper Aire Pltnev-Bowes PlttsALake Pitts PI G1 3 Powdr A Mex Premier Old Pressed Met Prod Cnrp Prosperity CoBVcl Pug 8d PAL OhiIiit I1KO opt war Rwv A Pack Raym Con nf Rivthnn Mfs Rod Oil. Rlc Stlx DOds'lg! n'chfleld Oil war. Richmond Rid rtlo Or Val G.03el ti'nta'-y El S' L.

tRynn Aero St I.n renee nf Rt. Reels Pan. Salt Dome Oil Savov OH S-hulte DA Scovlll Mfg 2 lyan-SBW pf 'scuinn Mil Seeman Bros 3. Sel Lock H. Indus tDo cv tDo nr 5', Sh'-rwIn-Wms 3 Do pf 4 Sllex JOnirer Ml'u 6s. 8mllh Pan tSnlnr Aire Solar Mfg .60. tSonolone ,20 tSoss Mfg V. So Cal Ed pf Po pf Pn Col pow A tSouthl Royal la. A. 7.

.60. 5. 3." .1 I 1 .1 I hi I 94 87 4 Raleigh, N. Washington, D. C.

GULF STATES. Atlanta, Oa 91 Fort Worth. Tex ol 68 78 81 78 73 78 82 63 89 7 65 67 A3 68 53 62 66 68 70 71 66 63 71 61 66 65 66 88 48 60 67 55 66 62 71 60 60 71 62 56 Galveston, Tex 91 INew Orleans, I. a 93 San Antonio. Tex BT Tampa, Fla 91 MIDDLE STATES.

Buffalo, N. Chicago, III Cincinnati (Ahhe Cincinnati (Airport). Cleveland, Ohio Columbus, Ohio Davenport, Iowa Detroit, Mich Duluth, Minn Grand Ranlds, Indianapolis, lnd. Kansas Cltv, Mo Knoxvllle. Tenn Little Rock, Ark Louisville, Ky Madison, Wis Memphis, Tenn Minneapolis.

Omaha. Nebr Pittsburgh, Pa 84 82 88 89 80 81) 83 83 7 7H 85 87 92 93 90 82 94 88 82 90 85 .16 0 .24 St. Louis, Mo PLAINS STATES. Albuquerque, N. Mex 90 Bismarck, N.

71 Casper, Wyo Denver, Colo 77 Didge City. Kans 91 Havre, Mont 7 Huron, S. Dak 89 North Platle. Nebr 80 Oklahoma City. Okla 93 WESTERN 8TATFS.

Boise, Idaho 95 Los Angeles. Calif 83 Phoenix. Arlt 104 Salt Lake, Utah San FrsncUco, Calif Seattle, Wash. .01 .34 0 .01 .01 .21 .02 .70 .01 .07 .06 .01 I- T. I I 1 Vig" 1 il I .40..) I 1 1 I 1 Beatl Bmmmell Ties, 10c.

30, July 18 Cuneo Press, 37V4c Aug. 1, July "0 neneral Shoe, 25c 31, July 17 Goodyr Tire Rub, 50c. 1ft, Aug. 1 si 65 ll Maturity. United.

8tates0a 1515 1575 guerite hi wife, part ot Lot 1ft of down..

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.