The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER SUNDAY AUGUST 25 1957 AJIM ANO AtON TODAY'S TV MERION The first of the Plain Dealer Readers Buy Most $6120 LENS (Modl 2) lyl pre Cement Jobs are Easy KODAK DUALEX IV DE LUXE MH the 1 lay brick er Made Patch wath floor Ik I hi Assorted CONTACT LENSES YOUBS Mail Coupon Now xtj in rear 50 25 camera hooded (4 lamp) olding Movie Light And a field case is included The complete gift boxed outfit i oc that you Wear Them or A Trial Period Budget If You Wish a preyed by an actor It's incredible that anyone ever started the rumor 'that Gary Cooper talks largely in terms of and He's an articulate ex tremely Intelligent conversa tionalist who unquestionably would make a superb master of ceremonies on television Just possibly someone still will con vince him of that fact ta TV Nets ail to Rope Gary Cooper RANCES RAERTY AND REX REASON End their lives more difficult when one of them becomes a recipient of a million dollars in "The Millionaire" at 9 pm Wednesday on Channel 8 The prices and pictures are taken directly from the official East man catalogue and show list prices as of today All equipment is packed in original factory cartons and fully guaranteed evtdoer badwew Steve Allen will star In com edy sketches with a pair of Hollywood beauties Hedy La marr and Irish (Sheena) Mc during his show tonight at 8 on Channel 8 other guests Include Joe Brown Pat Kirby and the Coasters Louis Nye Tom Poston and Don Knotts will be featured in In the interviews On Sullivan Show Recording artists Sal Mineo Guy Mitchell Carmen Mac Rae and Lavern Baker will be among the featured guests on the "Ed Sullivan tonight at 8 Comedian Paul Gilbert will also be featured Sullivan will also show filmed excerpts from Sun Also starring Tyrone Power Ava Gardner Mel errer and Errol lynn Encore for Lausche Senator rank Lausche who was interviewed by the before last presidential election when he was still considered a KODAK STEREO OUTIT Gift parked for pnoiorrtpny a oj 1 onaJ co*kr tildes Kodak Ste reo Camera smoothest handling surest shoot camera Iti field And there's th Wnria alirt fit reo Viewer Camera i Dual 200 lub Shutter Camera lash model ths lath holder with bat i flash lamps and 2 rolls of film $1525 lt iaftiW tai toitil By Charles Mercer NEW YORK While It's a trifle premature to state so flatly it appears that Gary Cooper become a perma nent television fixture next season as the host of a regular weekly Western series Cooper looking bronzed fit and young as ever wrestled with the question on a visit to New York recently Even when wrestling with a problem how ever he remains relaxed His shoes off and his feet on a coffee table he munched blue berries and talked candidly Is shifting so he said "that going on it is a risk for anybody I want i to explore this idea of my be ing master of ceremonies of a show very The idea according to sources other than Cooper was first broached to him by ABC TV After that network didn't get far with the idea CBS TV took it over and began press ing it such a master of cere monies job selling a lot of things besides the product of your Coop er said selling the show itself You're selling your self And you're selling in a way your own movies My feeling is that bad business for me to do Does he mean bad business economically or from the ar tistic viewpoint of Gary Cooper actor? Assuming that the tax situa tion could be worked out satis factorily he said that "I know more about movies than tele vision I'd be moving into a competitive business You can't do television with one hand If you go into it you should go manner one seldom hears ex in with all four feet" As examples of people gone into it with four Cooper cited Jack Webb and Lucille Ball Both were in the movies previously though neither attained star ring status Another aspect of television that bemuses Cooper is what he calls its material used up so rap idly and a performer suffering To encourage other pursuits young baseball playing friends darkhorse for the Democratic h's father takes him to see the gue5t of $teve en Dodgers hoping the boy will take an Interest in the game The experiment is such a suc cess that the boy decides 1o Iry out for the local Little League team This experiment is not a success He returns to Ebbets ield to study the game more closely and meets his Idol Sal Maglie Between the two of them they discover that little Benjie though not of playing caliber has something to offer to nomination will face that pro panel again tonight at 6 on Channel 3 Radio station WHK will broadcast the same discussion at 6:30 Lausche will be Interviewed by Jack Bell of the Associated Press James McConaughty Jr of Time May Craig of the Portland (Me) Press Herald and permanent 'panelist Law rence Spivak Detective Wallace A private detective who Is chief investigator for Confiden tial magazine will face a bar rage of questions on "The Mike Wallace tonight at 10 on Channel 5 The Otash dential stories lished Otash is expected to be questioned on what he knows of the methods of the maga zine currently involved in a libel trial Says Wallace: "We have no intention of dragging names or lurid details into our inter view tile the wnivi'wtin yovll End your MERION law "todi wotor withrtandi dator wwinf tok hard pwnidiment withoirt toting its beautiful dark tjreen earpetJike appearance MERION crowds out dheate retittent tool Mare seedt per pound cater larger area spread fatter Sow MERION this fall have beoutrfvt lawn next spring! Bo sure mixtures cantata at leait d0 MERION! Aik yevr Dealtr for tEE MERION brochure of helnful lawn care hinto IERICI ROEGHSs" BSSGCIBT10K 151 ork Avenue Hew York 17 BROWNIE BULL'S EYE LASH OUTIT Brownie with luxury features never before evnilab'a in ns price range Its hard coated Twu with using "private red is employed by Confi to check the details in before they are pub GET ANOTHER ONE OR 1c Solve Your Christmas Problems Early 1 1 Give a Photo Gift! DOUBLE BARRELED COMBINATION new Susanna" series on Channel 8 on Sept 14 will find Gale Storm entertaining Pat Boone The two stars in addition to having their own TV shows are also among the nation's top recording artists Cameri with Kodat Lens I a shholder batteries 2 rolls of film See Stark's World famous DWAR and STANDARD RUIT TREES Grow delirious troe rlre fnilt REE PARKING BROWNII MOVIE CAMERA Z7 SAKRETE JUST ADO WATER CHEEPING PHLOX (PNox SubdatO Mom Can Now Be Worn All Day and Night Newest inest CONTOURED LENS Permits ull Circulation Greatly Reducing All Ireaking ln Sensation Ideal for correcting all degreet of near and far tightednesi and aitigmctitm KODAK DUALEX IV LASH OUTIT Kodak's reflex Big brilliant waist find Double poiure vention STARK BRO'S fruit tree and landscape catalog Loads as easily as a snapshot camera No foe using ull vision sports type "Click stop" lens openings 29 95 KODAK PONY 135 CAMERA OUTIT The attractively designed gift box contains Kodak Camera Model with match ing Kodak St andard I a hholder plush lined box iP'th oto DR A BERGER COMPUTE OPTICAL SERVICE 10545 Euclid Ave Optometrist OA 1 1554 LASH OUTIT ait KodeV e'ement lumt nixed lens double eipoi lire prevention Includes: Cam era Kodar fl Lens ield Case lashold er flash lamps batteries and 2 rolls film KODAK TOWN AND COUNTRY The Town and Country Out fit la built around the Kodak Bantam a fine rangefinder Another Import ant feature: color slides and black and white nesaUvea i amera it focusing lent 1300 flash Outfit (camera flash holder and C3e) mp 16 Clubs BROWNIE HOLIDAY LASH OUTIT Grand gift aven for vary young picture makers The camera is Kodak's famous Brownie Holiday' Hash Camera outstand ingly easy to use but capable of really fine a ofs results Just aim and press the but ton for crisp clear Koda color or black and white I Sg95 JKODAKSALE "IT A KILLER! They are made by Eastman so you know good! BUY ONE AT THE REGULAR PRICE PATCH WALKS! SET POSTS! anyone can do it with SAKRETE Nationally advertised Sakrete makes it easv for von to get professional results on cement jobs No spe cial tools or skill neededjust add water and mix in bucket or on sidewalk No fuss No waste Ask for Sakretethe only guaranteed strength ready mixed cement In the bag with the yellow diamond At hardware building supply or lumber dealers ADD COLOR TO YOUR CEMENT JOBS RED YELLOW GREEN BLACK Add one box of Campbell Color to each large bag of Sakrete Brightens your summer living Where'er Sakrete is sold Snd 15c for rage Cement Project Bookl with pic tures instructions for hundreds of cement jots to Campbell Products Depf 13 Towson 4 Md Makes Home Plaster Repairs Simple CAMPBELL PLASTER MIX now paten cTacKSjnasrer noirs cover up scams Used for scratch rw finish It wnn't ano or shrink works and finishes easily At any Sakrete dealer now Exclusive with Campbell Products Put la there sturdy peteal aid pUaa cow enjoy si stardint how of color la April rnd May Ute tdgtoR ia your tocci garden or alone tPT and ice what wonderful masted displays tbeut colors make! SHOAL for early otden or $2 tad this ad plants assorted colon 1 PLUS wC frtt hardy bal loon flower (platycodoa) Double orders aUowed or each SI worth ordered please sead 10d to help cover shipping vr will OD ROCKNOLL Nvriery lE MefreWfOnw Yau Can Mak Eaay EXTRA M0NH1 ull tun or spore hoars bpero uu wp ooteher aven red f4 1484 eeh lent jw Just write today and pet absolutely REE ournew pare Surit landscape and ruit Tree Catalog It's all in eoioi" packed with useful information and planting idea died with natural eotar picture of Stark Bro'a Prise Winniis Roeea rorreooo lower ing Shrubs lovely Vines and Shade Trees You'D see the amaxingUJantPsten ted or Trade Marked ruits including Stark Exclusive Luther BorbarJc varieties Contains valuable Landscape guide Stark now eelebratins 142nd year 1 write ror your Ktr eatmoff xooayi GloriousStarkRoseslNewVarietiesJ See Mwast Stark and Bvtaak Rom van as well as all thold rose fiTontmtoo I Garden Calendar Calendar ef Garden Club Erenta TODAY DAHLIA AND PLANT Home of Jerry Kovar Routs 422 South Inrton Picnic 3 om MIDWEST CACTUS A SUCCULENT SOCIETY Home of Mr and Mra John i Bock 935 Maple Drive Sharon Pa Mem ber will celebrate their 21st anniveraary 3 TLTSDAT NORTHEAST GARDEN Eudid i Park Clubhouse Lake Shor Boulevard at 222nd Street Euclid Dessert bridge card partv 1 i WTLLOWICK Garden Dudle ield Recreation Hall WtUowick Drive betweea Bayridxe Boulevard and 310th Street Mn Zelda Schulke well known flower arrangement lecturer Judge Instructor and author will rive a dem onstration ot Arrangements The public is Invited Reservations should be made with Mrs William lick 7 331st Street Eastlake or Mrs Edmund Tally 379 308th Street Willowick Hostesses will be Mn Russell Dickens Mrs Ray Upchurch Mn Robert orestall Si 15 WEST SHORE Home Of Mrs "hn Arney 21331 Aberdeen Road Rocky River Mr Josiah Easter bmok will analyze flower arrangements brought by members 10:30 a WEDNESDAY CLEVELAND BONSAI Carden Center East Boulevard and Euclid Avenue RIVERCREST GARDEN Home of Mn John Stanley 3641 Wooster Road Rocky River Show Brief ing by Mn Stanley Assistant hostmes Mn John Campbell Mrs Scherr 1 tn WESTERN RESERVE HERB SOCIETY (Culinary Groupi Home ot Mrs Sebelin Hill Creek Lane Gate Mills Workshop meeting nw the ways and means committee: Members are requested to bring dried basil marjoram savory thyme oregano cele leaves parsley tar ragon and orange peeL 10:30 ajn ARM AND GARDEN BROWNIK HAWKEYI LASH OUTIT A compUte outfif io snap pictures indoors and out i CAN SCORE OR YOU! MERION'S vigorous growth fostait recovery oer herd that's why univenitie aaoa Ae nation choose MERION for theiv athletic eld turf in Heights Map Show Th tecond annual Shaker Square fall flower show spon aored by Shaker Square Asso ciation and staged by 16 garden clubs f'om the Heights area I will be held Thursdaiy from 5 to 9 pm on the terrace of! Stouffer Shaker Square Res taurant I The public Is Invited to view uie aniuc arrangeraenis which will follow the theme "Patio Panorama Gracious Modem On display will designs suitable' barbecue co*cktail and bridge: parties outdoor living arrange juciitp apeuunen cui iiowersiE and potted plants for the patio or terrace Assisting Tod Buzard president of the Shaker Square Association are Arnold Davis and Ashley Norcross director and assistant director qf the Garden Center of Greater Cleveland Members of the following clubs wil enter arrangements: Arcadian Aquilegia Arbor Beautiful Gardens Better Gar dens Better Gardens Auxiliary Colony East Shore airway lower Lovers Gardeners Hyacinth Junior League Group II Little Gardens Planters and Weeders and Shaker Laks I STARK BRO'S NURSERIES Dept 34788 I PleaMwndma REE STARK BIG NEW I COLOR PHOTO LANDSCAP RUlTClor I I ecotimvaIwbteHofnLarKiacpePUnatepGmd I Bead 8M yaar pedl oft tr tor tarty order I I in for deer close up $49 95 $19:95 I I Pl VT 1TII A rk UrtN UAILT 0 IU 'IYIvItUAI I IL TM WoTOTRON uf: Maghe to Take Mound in Baseball Drama Brooklyn Dodger pitcher Sal Maglie will have a featured acting role in the "Goodyear comedy "The Llt tlest Little tonight at 9 on Channel 3 The cast includes Nehemiah Persoff Jacob Kalistih and Peter Lazer in the title role Lazer as 10 year old: Benjie Hauptmann is a brilliant youngster whose scientific dab bling leaves no time for nor mal boyhood games or friends This turn worries his parents from overexposure to pie pub lic he added with a grin "I'm a lazy son of He likes to make two pic tures a year at the and one picture is better he thinks if very good "A first rate picture is inevitably successful at the box office these he said I see why anybody bothers to make a second rate or third rate picture People juSt bother to go see All who have seen advance showings of new pic ture "Love in the say first rate Co starring Cooper with Audrey Hepburn and Maurice Chevalier it was filmed in Paris over the course of three months in what Cooper calls nice rench work ing hours of noon to seven in' I the 1 1 He enjoyed working wdth Miss Hepburn "a sweet nat ural girl the same type I girl as and with Chevalier great warm per sonality who docs a wonderful characterization in in the AttAmnnn On nf tho niP3nr nf mfik i ing movies Cooper feels is that he has time to do the things he wants to: no work in the fall shooting season and the chance to travel leisurely! with his wife Instead of racing around in traveling he likes toJL Lv in your wd with Start Dwart go to a specific place and stay 0 injperianryrrut nse trw inMi there for while and come to I for Pentin and bordm too! know it well After "Love in the After noon" he went to Vienna for soell and traveled along the Iron Curtain between Austria STARK co and Hungary He can describe 34738 Louisiana Missouri ine country wiui we line eye for detail which usually char acterizes a writer and in a (tep ibove a mpshot cuner and movie on (Al Aft 8mm Kodachrom Brownie Movie I2T iJw1" Kit with eimoi tM Bfftw Mfwia Urht I tkvSMMS Ml OM 1 HUl 7 I' At irfwt Wk js i 1 ift jQERfeS aL 7 Bi I II rrwnni Ik s99 S95 10 86545 MW UKjBMayn VSBHtalHaiLA 1 I 1 dr bi a tax sv 1 PlirrL 1 Mt raeHMMW ww ww A AC A reAi worfh Wr 4 5 1 lit hv Au vS r3Tr77ntffiEBS uZSB Bn MuiL ka 4or BA Add o0s A He to 7 ii i VJ BROWNIE MOVII BROWNII CAMERA KIT MOVIE CAMERA Th I lux model Brownie Th world moet popular with 119 lent The morlf Cimert lighting equipment offer economy is the Cine Kodak IVf prlced 3ust taMtogkrJ YOUBS REE Mad Coupon Now.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 5724

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.