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Madras a city of wide expanse and low density. This was noticed by European travellers andcommented on by officials.

Q Source: Page 331: Themes in Indian History – III: 12th NCERT

13 Consider the following statements about Indian Depository Receipts (IDR).An IDR is an instrument denominated in Indian Rupees in the form of a depository receipt created1.by a custodian of securities registered with the SEBI against the underlying equity of issuingcompany.A foreign company can access Indian securities market for raising funds through issue of Indian2.Depository Receipts (IDRs).

Which of the above is/are correct?1 onlyA.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2 C.NoneD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Justification: Indian Depository Receipt (IDR) is a financial instrument denominated in IndianRupees in the form of a depository receipt. The IDR is a specific Indian version of the similar globaldepository receipts.

It is created by a Domestic Depository (custodian of securities registered with the Securities andExchange Board of India) against the underlying equity of issuing company to enable foreigncompanies to raise funds from the Indian securities Markets.

The foreign company IDRs will deposit shares to an Indian depository. The depository would issuereceipts to indian investors against these shares. The benefit of the underlying shares (like bonus,dividends etc.) would accrue to the depository receipt holders in India.

Standard Chartered plc was the first foreign company to have publicly elicited interest in making anIDR issue in India.

Q Source: Chapter 10: Shankar Ganesh: Indian Economy: Key Concepts

14 The categorization of Indian states in Parts A, B, C and the like was abolished by

Indian Independence act, 1947A.The Seventh Constitutional Amendment (1956) B.Declaration of India as a republic in the Preamble of the ConstitutionC.Mountbatten’s Plan, 1947D.

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Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Learning: Initially these (category based) states acceded with respect to defence, communication,external affairs to India; but later they felt that a closer association with Indian politics wasnecessary.

The five unions and Mysore accepted Indian jurisdiction in Union, concurrent subjects excepttaxation and subject to differences as under Article 238 and the supervisory power of Union for tenyears.

The Seventh Amendment (1956) abolished Part-B states as a class, and formed one class out ofParts A and B; thus special provisions relating to Part B states were deleted.

The Indian states thus lost their identity and became part of one uniform political set-up.

Q Source: Chapter 4: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

15 Sannyasi revolt were the activities of sannyasis and fakirs (Hindu and Muslim ascetics, respectively)against the East India Company rule in the late 18th century in the region of

Bengal A.ChittorB.AwadhC.Odisha (Orissa)D.

Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Justification: It is also known as the Sannyasi rebellion which took place around Murshidabad andBaikunthupur forests of Jalpaiguri (now in West Bengal).

Historians have not only debated what events constitute the rebellion, but have also varied on thesignificance of the rebellion in Indian history.

While some refer to it as an early war for India's independence from foreign rule, since the right tocollect tax had been given to the British East India Company after the Battle of Buxar in 1764,others categorize it as acts of violent banditry following the depopulation of the province in theBengal famine of 1770.

Learning: Another Chuar Rebellion occurred in 1798-99 in Bankura / Midnapore districts ofmodern West Bengal.

The Famine, enhanced taxes, oppressive demands and economic distress due to famines werecommon reasons of revolts of that period. The term Char or Chuar was used for local tribals in

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Bengal and it was a derogatory word {meaning pig}. Leader of this revolt was Durjan Singh, adisplaced Zamindar who along with his 1500 followers created havoc.

He established his rule over 30 villages and attacked the East India Company establishments. TheBritish was able to suppress the rebellion with utmost cruelty and deceit with the help of locallandlords. Around 200 rebels were executed in the process.

The uprising lasted from 1766 to 1772 and then, again surfaced between 1795 and 1816.

Q Source: Chapter 13: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

16 Consider the following about Chikungunya Fever, prevalent in India.It is a mosquito-borne disease.1.It is caused by bacterium.2.No anti-biotic treatment is available for the disease.3.

Select the correct answer using the codes below.1 and 2 onlyA.2 and 3 onlyB.1 and 3 only C.None of the aboveD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Justification: Statement 1 and 2: Chikungunya is a mosquito-borne virus that causes a disease. It istransmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. Its symptoms are characterised byabrupt fever and severe joint pain

Many incidents of the disease were recently reported in Delhi.

Statement 3: Since it is a viral disease, it is obvious that anti-biotics cannot be developed for thedisease. Moreover, there is no commercial chikungunya vaccine. Chikungunya treatment is directedprimarily at relieving the symptoms.

Researchers from United States have developed the first vaccine for Chikungunya fever made froman insect-specific Eilat virus.

Q Source: Delhi Chikungunya episodes

17 Which of these necessarily implies that the Total fertility rate of a country is increasing?

Population of the country is growing. A.Population is ageing.B.Death rates have declined considerably in the past.C.None of the above D.

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Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Justification: Option A: Population may increase due low death rates or immigration too. So, A isnot necessarily correct.

Option B: Ageing population implies that survival ratio (death rate) in the country is low,particularly those countries which have had high birth rates in the past. It does not give conclusiveinformation about the total fertility rates. So, B is also incorrect.

Option C: It follows from A and B that C must be incorrect.

Option D: Hence, D is the only logical choice.

Q Source: Chapter 2: NCERT XIIth: Fundamentals of Human Geography

18 Consider the following about Statutory Grants given to states by the Central government.They are mentioned in the constitution.1.They must be awarded compulsorily to every state.2.They are charged on the Consolidated Fund of India every year.3.These grants are to be given on the recommendation of the Finance Commission.4.

Select the correct answer using the codes below.1, 3 and 4 only A.1 and 4 onlyB.2 and 3 onlyC.1, 2 and 4 onlyD.

orrect Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Justification: Besides sharing of taxes between the Centre and the states, the Constitutionprovides for grants-in-aid to the states from the Central resources. There are two types of grants-in-aid, viz, statutory grants and discretionary grants:

Statutory Grants Article 275 empowers the Parliament to make grants to the states which arein need of financial assistance and not to every state. So, 2 is wrong and 1 is correct.

Also, different sums may be fixed for different states. These sums are charged on theConsolidated Fund of India every year. So, 3 is correct.

Apart from this general provision, the Constitution also provides for specific grants for

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promoting the welfare of the scheduled tribes in a state or for raising the level ofadministration of the scheduled areas in a state including the State of Assam.

The statutory grants under Article 275 (both general and specific) are given to the states onthe recommendation of the Finance Commission. So, 4 is correct.

Q Source: Revision: Chapter 15: Indian Polity: M Laxmikanth

19 The causes of Poligars' Revolt, 1799-1806, could be thatThe British showed little honour to the customs of the Poligar’s land and denied due share of the1.crops to the peasants.The British not only waged a series of wars against the Poligars, but deposed and even executed2.several of them.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 onlyA.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2 C.NoneD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Justification: The Poligars of Dindigal and Malabar rose up against the oppressive land revenuesystem under the British rule using 1801-06. Sporadic rising of the Poligars in Madras Presidencycontinued till 1856.

The Period from 1799 to 1801 was the most important one in the history of Kayathar. It was one ofanti-British outbreaks to free the land from the British conquests. The growing unrest in Kayatharculminated in the Poligar Rebellion of 1799, and the East India Company suppressed the rebellionwith an iron- hand.

Though the Company reorganized the Poligar system in 1800, it could not eliminate the sources oftrouble. Therefore there was another rebellion which spread far and wide in 1801. But the Companysuppressed it with determination and violence. The triumph of the British arms over the rebelscontributed to the consolidation of the Company’s power on a strong foundation.

The causes for the anti-British feeling were many. The English reduced the hereditary rulers to thehumiliating status of a ‘widow’, and treated the ‘sons of the soil’ like “dogs”.

They showed no honour to the customs of the land and denied due share of the crops to thepeasants. The Company not only waged a series of wars against the Poligars, but deposed and attimes, executed them. This policy excited much jealousies and created bitter hatred against theEnglish.

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The discontented people decided to liberatre the land from the British domination and restore theold royal instruction to their former glory.

The British finally won after carrying out gruelling protracted jungle campaigns against the Polygararmies. Many lives were lost on both sides and the victory over the Polygars brought large parts ofthe territories of Tamil Nadu under British control, enabling them to get a strong hold in SouthernIndia.

Q Source: Chapter 13: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

20 With reference to the economic conditions in India during the 1850s-60s, consider the followingstatements.

The economic conditions in India had worsened due to a crash in cotton prices after the end of the1.American civil war in 1864.Government's unwillingness to increase land rent and consequent lack of interest in improving land2.productivity caused a succession of bad harvests during this period.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 only A.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2 C.NoneD.

Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Justification: This was the time of the Deccan riots. Read the following in this light.

The ryots of Deccan region of western India suffered heavy taxation under the Ryotwari system.Here again the peasants found themselves trapped in a vicious network with the moneylender asthe exploiter and the main beneficiary. These moneylenders were mostly outsiders— Marwaris orGujaratis.

The conditions had worsened due to a crash in cotton prices after the end of the American civil warin 1864, and the Government's decision to raise the land revenue by 50% in 1867, and a successionof bad harvests.

In 1874, the growing tension between the moneylenders, and the peasants resulted in a socialboycott movement organised by the ryots against the "outsider" moneylenders. The ryots refused tobuy from their shops.

No peasant would cultivate their fields. The barbers, washermen, shoemakers would not servethem. This social boycott spread rapidly to the villages of Poona, Ahmednagar, Sholapur and Satara.Soon

Q Source: Chapter 13: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

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21 The term “bipolarity” and “multi-polarity” often used in the context of international relations refers to

Liberal vis-à-vis conservative trends in international negotiationsA.Success of democracy in modern worldB.Ideological tilt of international bureaucracy C.Balance of power in the world D.

Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Learning: The cold war saw new defensive alliances, NATO in the west and the Warsaw Pact of theSoviet satellites.

The world was divided into two camps, and the "third world" nations were courted and pressured tojoin one or the other. The world was thus divided into two World (poles) which came to be known asa bipolar world.

USSR and USA emerged as major powers, and thus the balance of power in the world wasessentially bipolar.

Later, when the cold war ended, the USSR could not remain a superpower and USA emerged as thesole superpower, resulting in a unipolar world.

However, in the modern world, many new powers emerged, such as EU, China, Japan and the worldeffectively became multi-polar in nature.

Q Source: Revision: Chapter 2: 12th NCERT: Contemporary World Politics

22 Pabna Agrarian Leagues, during the 1870s and 1880s, were formed in the region of

Uttar PradeshA.HyderabadB.MalabarC.Eastern Bengal D.

Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Learning: During the 1870s and 1880s, large parts of Eastern Bengal witnessed agrarian unrestcaused by oppressive practices of the zamindars.

The zamindars resorted to enhanced rents beyond legal limits and prevented the tenants fromacquiring occupancy rights under Act of 1859.

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To achieve their ends, the zamindars resorted to forcible evictions, seizure of cattle and crops andprolonged, costly litigation in courts where the poor peasant found himself at a disadvantage.

Having had enough of the oppressive regime, the peasants of Yusufshahi Pargana in Patna districtformed an agrarian league or combination to resist the demands of the zamindars. The leagueorganised a rent campaign where the ryots refused to pay the enhanced rents.

Challenging the zamindars in the courts funds were raised by ryots to fight the court cases. Thestruggles spread throughout Patna and to other districts of East Bengal. The main form of strugglewas that of legal resistance; there was very little violence.

Q Source: Chapter 13: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

23 Which of the following would strengthen the forces of globalization?Increase in specialization of labour across borders1.Liberalization of external accounts such as capital account convertibility2.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 onlyA.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2 C.NoneD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Justification: Statement 1: Globalization is an inevitable result of specialization of labour acrossborder, for e.g. developed countries produce capital goods where developing countries produceprimary goods as later possess abundant primary resources. If this proceeds, it integrates themarkets of all such complementary economies.

Statement 2: Full capital account convertibility would allow one to convert capital in any currencyto and from any currency for both short-term and long-term investments, such as FDI or FII.

Low capital account convertibility is a blockage in integrating global economies.

Q Source: Additional Research: Chapter 6: 12th NCERT: Macroeconomics

24 Which of these is/are among the listed objectives of the National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture(NMSA)?

To adopt comprehensive soil health management practices based on soil fertility maps1.To optimize utilization of water resources through efficient water management to expand coverage2.for achieving ‘more crop per drop’To develop inter-linkages of Peninsular and Himalayan rivers for efficient and equitable allocation of3.river water across India

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Select the correct answer using the codes below.1 and 2 only A.2 and 3 onlyB.3 onlyC.1, 2 and 3D.

Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Justification & Learning: Other objectives are:

To make agriculture more productive, sustainable, remunerative and climate resilient bypromoting location specific Integrated/Composite Farming Systems;

To conserve natural resources through appropriate soil and moisture conservation measures;

To adopt comprehensive soil health management practices based on soil fertility maps, soiltest based application of macro & micro nutrients, judicious use of fertilizers etc.;

To optimize utilization of water resources through efficient water management to expandcoverage for achieving ‘more crop per drop’;

To develop capacity of farmers & stakeholders, in conjunction with other on-going Missions e

To pilot models in select blocks for improving productivity of rainfed farming bymainstreaming rainfed technologies

To establish an effective inter and intra Departmental/Ministerial co-ordination

You can read the mission strategy here:


Q Source: https://nmsa.dac.gov.in/

25 The Constitution lays down that the following bills can be introduced in the Parliament only on therecommendation of the President:

A bill which imposes or varies any tax or duty in which states are interested1.A bill which affects the principles on which money may be distributed to the states2.

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Which of the above is/are correct?1 onlyA.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2 C.NoneD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Justification: This is to protect the interest of states in the financial matters.

Statement 1: The expression “tax or duty in which states are interested” means: (a) a tax or duty thewhole or part of the net proceeds whereof are assigned to any state; or (b) a tax or duty byreference to the net proceeds whereof sums are for the time being payable, out of the ConsolidatedFund of India to any state.

The phrase ‘net proceeds’ means the proceeds of a tax or a duty minus the cost of collection. Thenet proceeds of a tax or a duty in any area is to be ascertained and certified by the Comptroller andAuditor-General of India. His certificate is final.

Learning: Other types of bills are:

A bill which varies the meaning of the expression ‘agricultural income’ as defined for thepurposes of the enactments relating to Indian income tax;

A bill which affects the principles on which moneys are or may be distributable to states; and

A bill which imposes any surcharge on any specified tax or duty for the purpose of the Centre.

Q Source: Revision: Indian Polity: M Laxmikanth

26 Consider the following statements.The Trade Union Act, 1926 recognised trade unions as legal associations.1.Trade Disputes Act (TDA), 1929 forbade trade union activity of coercive or purely political nature.2.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 onlyA.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2 C.NoneD.

orrect Answer : C

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Answer Justification :

Justification: The Trade Union Act, 1926

The Act recognised trade unions as legal associations;

laid down conditions for registration and regulation of trade union activities;

secured immunity, both civil and criminal, for trade unions from prosecution for legitimateactivities, but put some restrictions on their political activities.

Alarmed at the increasing strength of the trade union movement under extremist influence, theGovernment resorted to legislative restrictions. It passed the Public Safety Ordinance (1929) andthe Trade Disputes Act (TDA), 1929.

The TDA, 1929 made compulsory the appointment of Courts of Inquiry and ConsultationBoards for settling industrial disputes;

made illegal the strikes in public utility services like posts, railways, water and electricity,unless each individual worker planning to go on strike gave an advance notice of one month tothe administration;

forbade trade union activity of coercive or purely political nature and even sympatheticstrikes.

Q Source: Chapter 15: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

27 Consider the following statements. Assertion (A): India was not a founding member of the League ofNations. Reason (R): India had signed the Versailles Treaty after the First World War.

In the context of the above, which of these is correct?A is correct, and R is an appropriate explanation of A.A.A is correct, but R is not an appropriate explanation of A.B.A is incorrect, but R is correct. C.Both A and R are incorrect. D.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Justification: India had signed the treaty of Versailles. It did so largely as a result of having

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contributed more than a million soldiers to that war.

In the 1920s, it was a founding member of the League of Nations, the International LabourOrganisation, and the International Court of Justice. It participated in the Washington Conferenceon Naval Armaments in 1921-22.

From 1920 there was an Indian high commissioner in London. Even before the First World War,Indian nationals were staffing a few diplomatic posts. It was no accident that Indians formed thelargest and most influential non-Western contingent in the United Nations and allied agencies verysoon after independence.

Q Source: Chapter 16: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

28 Consider the following statements.M.K. Gandhi issued a manifesto in March 1920, announcing his doctrine of non-violent Non-1.Cooperation Movement.C.R. Das moved the resolution on non-cooperation in the annual session of the Congress in Nagpur2.in 1920.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 onlyA.2 only B.Both 1 and 2 C.NoneD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Justification: Gandhi was the main force behind the movement and C.R. Das moved the mainresolution on non-cooperation in the annual session of the Congress in Nagpur in 1920 and played amajor role in promoting the movement.

A successful lawyer, he boycotted the law courts and gave up a lucrative practice. His threesubordinates and supporters, Birendranath Samsal in Midnapore, J.M. Sertgupta in Chittagong andSubhash Bose in Calcutta played a major role in uniting the Hindus and Muslims.

All these led to the fomalization of the movement.

Q Source: Chapter 16: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

29 Consider the following political parties and their place of establishment.Communist Party of India: West Bengal1.Congress Socialist Party: Madras2.Swaraj Party: Gaya3.

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Select the correct answer using the codes below.1 and 2 onlyA.3 only B.1 onlyC.2 and 3 onlyD.

orrect Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Justification: Statement 1: In 1925 a communist conference was organised in Kanpur. Theconference was convened by a man called Satyabhakta.

At the conference Satyabhakta argued for a 'National communism' and against subordination underComintern. Being outvoted by the other delegates, Satyabhakta left both the conference venue inprotest. The conference adopted the name 'Communist Party of India'.

Statement 2: It was established in Bombay. We have covered the details in the last test.

Statement 3: It was established as the Congress-Khilafat Swarajaya Party, formed in 1923 after theGaya annual conference in December 1922 of the National Congress, that sought greater self-government and political freedom for the Indian people from the British Raj.

The main leaders were Motilal Nehru and C.R. Das, among others.

Q Source: Revision: 12th NCERT: Politics in India since Independence

30 Who was the first Indian woman to become the president of the Congress?

Sarojini Naidu A.Kalpana DuttB.Kamaladevi GhattopadhyayaC.Nellie SenguptaD.

Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Learning: Indian National Congress was founded in the year – 1885.

First Indian woman president of Indian National Congress: Mrs Sarojini Naidu (1925)

Woman Presidents of Indian National Congress: Mrs Annie Besant (1917), Mrs Sarojini Naidu(1925) and Mrs. Nellie Sengupta (1933)

Q Source: Chapter 16: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

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31 Which of the following are counted under Capital Account Balance?External Commercial Borrowings (net)1.Non-resident deposit (net)2.Foreign investments (net)3.

Select the correct answer using the codes below.2 and 3 onlyA.1 onlyB.1, 2 and 3 C.1 and 3 onlyD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Justification: Capital account can be regarded as one of the primary components of the balance ofpayments of a nation. It gives a summary of the capital expenditure and income for a country.

The capital expenditure and income is tracked by way of funds in the form of investments and loansflowing in and out of an economy. This account comprises foreign direct investments, portfolioinvestments, etc. It gives a summary of the net flow of both private and public investment into aneconomy.

A capital account deficit shows that more money is flowing out of the economy along with increasein its ownership of foreign assets and vice-versa in case of a surplus. The balance of paymentscontains the current account (which provides a summary of the trade of goods and services) inaddition to the capital account which records all capital transactions.

Q Source: Chapter 10: Shankar Ganesh: Indian Economy: Key Concepts

32 Consider the following statements. Assertion (A): A Member of the International Court of Justice(ICJ) is a delegate of the government of his own country. Reason (R): The ICJ is composed ofrepresentatives of governments as jurists.

In the context of the above, which of these is correct?A is correct, and R is an appropriate explanation of A.A.A is correct, but R is not an appropriate explanation of A.B.A is correct, but R is incorrect.C.Both A and R are incorrect. D.

Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Justification: A Member of the ICJ is a delegate neither of the government of his own country norof that of any other State. Unlike most other organs of international organizations, the Court is not

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composed of representatives of governments.

The International Court of Justice is composed of 15 judges elected to nine-year terms of office bythe United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council. These organs vote simultaneouslybut separately. In order to be elected, a candidate must receive an absolute majority of the votes inboth bodies. In order to ensure a measure of continuity, one third of the Court is elected every threeyears. Judges are eligible for re-election.

Members of the Court are independent judges whose first task, before taking up their duties, is tomake a solemn declaration in open court that they will exercise their powers impartially andconscientiously.

In order to guarantee his or her independence, no Member of the Court can be dismissed unless, inthe unanimous opinion of the other Members, he/she no longer fulfils the required conditions. Thishas in fact never happened.

Q Source:http://www.insightsonindia.com/2018/10/04/insights-daily-current-affairs-04-october-2018/

33 Which of the following was a major factor leading to Warren Hastings' impeachment in England?

Strained relationships with Chait Singh, the Maharaja of Benaras A.Act of 1781, under which the powers of jurisdiction between the governor-general in councilB.and the Supreme Court at Calcutta, were clearly divided Third Mysore War (1790-92) and Treaty of Seringa-patam (1792)C.Permanent Settlement of Bengal, 1793D.

Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Justification and Learning: In 1775 the Nawab of Oudh died, and the East India Company (theCompany) decided that the governance of Varanasi no longer resided with Oudh, and wished to takeover the city. Anxious to raise money to fight the war in Madras, Hastings decided to install aBritish Resident, Thomas Graham, and to charge Chait Singh the 2.3 million rupees that he wouldhave paid the Nawab. He then imposed an additional “war tax” of 5 lakhs of rupees on Chait Singhfrom 1778 to 1779 who paid up with considerable reluctance.

In 1780, the Company demanded that Chait Singh provide them with 2000 mounted troops. ChaitSingh ignored this demand, which resulted in the Company reducing its demand to 1000 mountedtroops, with a counteroffer from Chait Singh of 500 mounted troops and 500 foot soldiers.

Chait Singh failed to provide such troops. Hastings then decided to pay him a visit in 1781 with 500soldiers and a few aides. The news of this prompted Chait Singh to offer gifts of several lakhs ofrupees to Hastings, some of which was accepted and deposited with the Company.

When Hastings arrived at Varanasi, further negotiations having failed, he ordered 2 companies of

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sepoys to arrest Chait Singh. An odd fact is that these soldiers had not been provided withammunition. The palace guard had no trouble slaughtering the sepoys. In the meantime Chait Singhescaped using a rope made of turbans. He lived in exile for another 30 years, a “broken man”.

This and other events later led to the 7 year impeachment trial of Warren Hastings with EdmundBurke leading the prosecution.

Q Source: Chapter 16: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

34 Balance of Payments (BoP) of a nation concerns

Only public or government transactionsA.Only private transactionsB.Both (a) and (b) C.NoneD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Learning: The balance of payment of a country is a systematic record of all its economictransactions with the outside world in a given year.

The term 'all transaction' means transaction of government as well as private. It is a double entrybook keeping. Double entry book keeping means recording each transaction twice consisting of twoopposite entries with equal values: one with a credit entry (signifying inflow) and the other with adebit entry (signifying outflow). For example while importing the goods the good imported inflows.It is credited as 'import'.

At the same time equivalent amount of money needs to be paid. It is debited as 'payable' in thename of the person from whom the import was made.

Q Source: Chapter 10: Shankar Ganesh: Indian Economy: Key Concepts

35 The Hunter Commission setup under the tenure of Ripon as the Governor-General d India(1880-1884) concerned reforms in

Education A.Factory Act, 1881B.Local self-governmentC.Vernacular Press ActD.

Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

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Background and Learning: Besides the chairman, William Hunter, the commission consisted of20 other members. There was a good representation of missionaries and Indians in the commission.Among the Indian members were Sayed Mahmud, Bhudev Mukherjee, Anand Mohan Bose andK.T.Telang.

The background to the above was the following:

As a result of the first struggle for Independence by Indians in 1857,the power ofadministration was transferred from the East India Company to the Crown.

The Queen’s Proclamation of 1858 advocated a policy of strict religious neutrality.

The missionaries were greatly disappointed with the Government policy for religiousneutrality and started an agitation and formed the “General Council of Education in India” inLondon.

The General Council of Education requested Lord Ripon, the viceroy of India to institute anenquiry into Indian education.

Lord Ripon appointed the Indian Education Commission on 3rd February 1882, with SirWillium Hunter as its Chairman. It is known as Hunter Commission of 1882.

The following also happened under the tenure of Ripon:

Repeal of the Vernacular Press Act (1882).

The first Factory Act (1881) to improve labour conditions.

Continuation of financial decentralisation.

Government resolution on local self-government (1882).

The Ilbert Bill controversy (1883-84).

Rendition of Mysore

Q Source: Chapter 16: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

36 Consider the following statements about the 100k Genome Asia Project.

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The project intends to sequence 100,000 Asian individuals in hopes of accelerating precision1.medicine applications for Asian populations.The project is an Asian branch of the general and overarching Human Genome Project.2.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 only A.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2 C.NoneD.

Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Justification: A group of Indian scientists and companies are involved with a 100k GenomeAsiaproject, led out of the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, to sequence the wholegenomes of 100k Asians, including 50,000 Indians.

About 100k Genome Asia Project:

A non-profit consortium called GenomeAsia 100K has announced an ambitious plan to sequence100,000 Asian individuals in hopes of accelerating precision medicine applications for Asianpopulations.

It will also leverage on big data analytics and advances in data science and artificial intelligence.Participants from 12 South Asian countries and at least seven North and East Asian countries willbe selected.

In the first phase, the project will focus on creating phased reference genomes for all major Asianethnic groups—representing a major step forward in understanding the population history andsubstructure of the region.

The sequencing of 100,000 individual genomes will be paired with microbiome, clinical andphenotype information to allow deeper analysis of diseased and healthy individuals in the context ofinferred local ancestries.


With recent insights into the genome diversity of Asian ethnicities, it will become possible tounderstand the biology of disease in the currently under-studied Asian populations that represent40 percent of humankind.

Furthermore, the unique genetic diversity prevalent in South, North and East Asia provides avaluable source of clinical insights that should enhance our understanding of several rare andinherited diseases, as well as chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Q Source:http://www.insightsonindia.com/2018/10/13/insights-daily-current-affairs-13-october-2018/

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37 How can policymakers restore the domestic currency value from depreciating heavily in the forexmarket in the short-term?

By tightening domestic monetary policy1.By selling domestic currency in international market2.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 only A.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2C.None D.

Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Justification: Statement 1: Tight monetary policy means interest rates move upwards in the nation.A rise in the interest rates at home attracts foreign investors who search for high returns on theirbond investments.

As foreign capital inflow increases, it leads to a higher demand for domestic currency. This isbecause foreign investors must buy domestic currency and sell their foreign currency to invest inhost nation. High demand for domestic currency leads to its appreciation and the problem is partlyresolved. So, 1 is correct.

Statement 2: It should be the exact opposite. Selling domestic currency will only bring its valuelower in the international market as supply exceeds demand for the currency. If, however, theCentral bank starts selling foreign currency (from its forex reserve) to buy domestic currency on alarge scale, this would increase demand for domestic currency and help appreciate its value. So, 2is incorrect.

Q Source: Page 81: 12th Macroeconomics NCERT

38 Categorisation of Civil services into Imperial, Provisional and subordinate was done under the tenureof

Lord LyttonA.Lord CurzonB.Lord Lansdowne C.Lord Dufferin D.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Learning: Lord Dufferin 1884-1888:

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The Third Burmese War (1885-86).

Establishment of the Indian National Congress (1885)

Lord Lansdowne 1888-1894

Factory Act (1891).

Categorisation of civil services into imperial, provisional and subordinate.

Indian Councils Act (1892).

Setting up of Durand Commission (1893) to define the Durand Line between India andAfghanistan (now between Pakistan and Afghanistan).

Q Source: Chapter 16: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

39 The head of ‘Invisibles’ in the account of a nationFactor and non-factor services1.Private transfers2.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 only A.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2 C.NoneD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Justification: Statement 1: Trade in services denoted as invisible trade (because they are not seento cross national borders) includes both factor income (payment for inputs-investment income, thatis, the interest, profits and dividends on our assets abroad minus the income foreigners earn onassets they own in India) and non-factor income (shipping, banking, insurance, tourism, softwareservices, etc.).

Non-factor services refer to all invisible receipts or payments not attributable to conventional factorof production, i.e labour (remittances from overseas migrants). Thus Non-factor services mean theexport and import of services alone.

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The non-factor services includes Group of Services viz., Travel, Transportation, Insurance,Govemment Not Included Elsewhere (GNIE) and Miscellaneous Services, which encompasscommunication services, construction services, financial services, software services, news agencyservices, royalties, management services and business services etc. The software services compriseinformation technology (IT) and IT-enabled services CITES).

Statement 2: Private transfers include grants, gifts, etc., which do not have any quid pro quo.Without any quid pro quo means it need not be compensated. Once it is received it need not berepaid.

Q Source: Chapter 10: Shankar Ganesh: Indian Economy: Key Concepts

40 In geography, the antipode of any spot on Earth is the point that

Lies on a similar latitude but on an exactly opposite longitudeA.Experiences the same coriolis force in the other hemisphere of earthB.If a straight line connects two antipodes, it would pass through Earth's centre C.Experiences a magnetic field same in magnitude, but opposite in directionD.

orrect Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Justification: Antipodes on Earth's surface diametrically opposite to it; the antipodes of a regionsimilarly represent the area opposite it.

A pair of points antipodal to each other are situated such that a straight line connecting the twowould pass through Earth's center. Such points are as far away from each other as possible, a great-circle distance of 20,000 km.

In the Northern Hemisphere, "the Antipodes" may be used to refer to Australia and New Zealand,and "Antipodeans" to their inhabitants.

Geographically, the antipodes of Britain and Ireland are in the Pacific Ocean, south of New Zealand.This gave rise to the name of the Antipodes Islands of New Zealand, which are close to the antipodeof London at about 50°S 179°E. The antipodes of Australia are in the North Atlantic Ocean, whileparts of Spain, Portugal, and Morocco are antipodal to New Zealand.

Learning: The largest antipodal land masses are the Malay Archipelago, antipodal to the AmazonBasin and adjoining Andean ranges; east China and Mongolia, antipodal to Chile and Argentina; andGreenland and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, antipodal to East Antarctica.

There is a general paucity of antipodal land because the Southern hemisphere has fairly little land,and of that, the antipodes of Australia are in the North Atlantic Ocean, while the antipodes of Africaare in the Pacific Ocean.

To make the longest distance trip around the planet a traveler would have to pass through a set ofantipodal points. All meridians can be crossed in one hemisphere--indeed, by walking around one of

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the poles--but such trips are shorter than a maximum circumnavigation. On the other hand, thegreatest straight line distance that could in theory be covered is a trip exactly on the Equator.

The Earth's equatorial bulge makes this slightly longer than one north-south around the world alonga set of meridian lines, or on any other closed great circle route traveling at an angle. In any ofthese cases after half the world is passed every subsequent point will be antipodal to one alreadyvisited.

There are no non-stop scheduled flights between any two antipodal locations by commercial airlineservice—or anything even close. There is currently no commercial aircraft capable of travellingbetween antipodes at full load non-stop.

Q Source: Surprise questions

41 Generally, an economy is considered ‘open’ ifIts foreign trade as a proportion of GDP is quite high1.It is a fast growing economy2.

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It has a stable and large financial system3.

Select the correct answer using the codes below.1 and 2 onlyA.2 and 3 onlyB.1 only C.1 and 3 onlyD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Justification: Statement 1: Total foreign trade (exports + imports) as a proportion of GDP is acommon measure of the degree of openness of an economy.

An open economy trades with other nations in goods, services and at times in financial assets.

First, when a nation buys foreign goods, this spending escapes as a leakage from the circularflow of income decreasing aggregate demand.

Second, our exports to foreigners enter as an injection into the circular flow, increasingaggregate demand for domestically produced goods.

Statement 2: Even a closed economy can be a fast growing economy. So, 2 is wrong.

Statement 3: Number or depth of financial institutions does not show how open an economy is.However, with more openness, one can expect that FIs grow large in number and have deeperpenetration of the economic system.

Q Source: Page 76: 12th Macroeconomics NCERT

42 C. Rajagopalachari's formula (or C. R. formula) was a proposal to

Solve the political deadlock between the All India Muslim League and the Indian NationalA.Congress on the independence of British India Bring a general acceptance to the introduction of Hindi in the Madras Scheme of ElementaryB.EducationWork towards temple entry proclamations in the Madras Presidency and worked towards theC.upliftment of DalitsEnsure a balance between the participation of India in the Second World War and totallyD.boycott of the War

Correct Answer : A

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Answer Justification :

Learning: It was formulated by Chakravarti Rajagopalachari to solve the political deadlockbetween the All India Muslim League and the Indian National Congress on the independence ofBritish India.

The League's position was that the Muslims and Hindus of British India were of two separatenations and hence the Muslims had the right to their own nation.

The Congress, which included both Hindu and Muslim members, was opposed to the idea ofpartitioning India. With the advent of the Second World War the British administration requiredboth parties to agree so that Indian help could be sought for the war effort.

Although the formula was opposed, even within the Congress party, Gandhi used it as the basis ofhis proposal in talks with Jinnah in 1944. However, Jinnah rejected the proposal and the talks failed.

Q Source: Additional Research: Chapter 16: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

43 Which of these events, among the following, in the history of colonial urban development in Indiaoccurred the last?

Dutch establishing their base in MasulipatnamA.First Railway line from Bombay to ThaneB.Beginning of elected representatives in municipalitiesC.First screening of a film at Watson’s Hotel, Bombay D.

Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Learning: Here is the timeline:

On July 7th 1896, the Lumiere Brothers showcased six films at the Watson Hotel in Mumbai (thenBombay) and this marked the birth of Indian cinema as we know it today.

The Lumiere brothers were French Cinematographers who arrived in India after having provedtheir cinematic excellence in Paris. The screening of the films took place on July 7th 1896 at theWatson Hotel in Mumbai and the ticket was priced at Re.1.

The Times of India referred to this event as the “miracle of the century”. The show received anoverwhelming response and motion pictures were soon introduced to India, in Kolkata (Calcutta)and Chennai (Madras).

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Q Source: Page 344: Themes in Indian History – III: 12th NCERT

44 Kukis' Revolt (1917-19; Manipur) was against the

Non-fulfilment of the pledges of the East India Company after the Burmese War A.Occupation of the hilly region by dikusB.Hike in farm tax rates for the locals by the BritishC.British policies of recruiting labour during the first World War D.

Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Learning: The 100 years of the momentous Anglo-Kuki War 1917-1919, will be commemorated bythe Kukis across the globe in 2017.

In 1916 Britain approached the government of India for the supply of a volunteer Labour Corps toserve in both France and Mesopotamia. The Indian government delegated the responsibility to raiseseparate Corps of 2,000 men to United Provinces, Bihar & Orissa, Assam, North-West Frontier,Burma and Bengal.

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The rulers of the Princely States of India demonstrated their support for the Allied war effort invarious ways, and the Hindu Ruler of Manipur in north-eastern India supplied his own labour corpsof 2,000 men.

However the Ruler did not nominate his Hindu citizens for this service, but he recruited 1,200Christian or animist Naga tribesmen and 800 similar Kuki tribesmen from the mountainous areas inhis state.

The head-hunting hill tribesmen were not highly regarded by the Hindus and it is likely that tribalchiefs were just ordered to produce the required numbers of men whether they were volunteers ornot.

However when certain of the more remote Kuki chiefs heard that further labour was needed aninsurrection broke out that lasted for 18 months. But it should be noted that initially theinsurrection was not confined to the Kuki family of tribes, and also that many Kukis remained loyalto the State of Manipur and to the British, some of them assisting the British military effort againsttheir disaffected tribal brethren.

Q Source: Additional Research: Chapter 16: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

45 In the context of Modern Indian History, Patuas and Kumors were

Puppeteers and tradersA.Painters and Potters B.Agricultural labour and royal craftsmenC.Traders and Iron ore SmeltersD.

Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Learning: In the nineteenth century a new world of popular art developed in many of the cities ofIndia.

In Bengal, around the pilgrimage centre of the temple of Kalighat, local village scroll painters(called patuas) and potters (called kumors in eastern India and kumhars in north India) begandeveloping a new style of art.

They moved from the surrounding villages into Calcutta in the early 19th Century.

Q Source: Additional Research: Page 330: Themes in Indian History – III: 12th NCERT

46 Which of these South Asian countries has abolished death penalty completely for all crimes?Bhutan1.Sri Lanka2.Nepal3.Bangladesh4.

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Select the correct answer using the codes below.1 and 2 only A.1 and 3 only B.1 onlyC.2, 3 and 4 onlyD.

Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Justification: Bhutan abolished the death penalty for all crimes in 2004. Nepal did so for ordinarycimes in 1997 and full abolition later.

You can figure this out in this map:

If its not clear, please go to this linkhttps://deathpenaltyinfo.org/abolitionist-and-retentionist-countries There is considerableinformation on death penalty here.

Q Source: Additional Research:http://www.insightsonindia.com/2018/10/13/insights-daily-current-affairs-13-october-2018/

47 Arrange these events in the Modern Indian history chronologically.Establishment of the Indian National Congress1.Appointment of Police Commission under Sir Andrew Frazer to review police administration2.The Ilbert Bill controversy3.The Second Afghan War4.

Select the correct answer using the codes below.

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3124A.4321B.4312 C.1342D.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Justification: INC was established in 1885.

Lord Curzon’s (1899-1905) tenure saw the appointment of Police Commission (1902) under SirAndrew Frazer to review police administration.

The Second Afghan War (1878-80) happened during the tenure of Lytton.

The Ilbert Bill controversy happened in 1883-84.

We will not cover these individual events in detail, they will be covered through questions.

Q Source: Chapter 16: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

48 Who served as the last kotwal of Delhi (Chief of police) in the court of the Mughal emperor BahadurShah II, before the position was abolished following the Indian Rebellion of 1857?

Ghaznafar Khan A.Mir-i-AtishB.Ganga Dhar Nehru C.Rai PithoraD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Learning: He was the father of freedom fighter Motilal Nehru and grandfather of India's firstPrime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru.

When Emperor Shahjahan shifted his capital from Agra to Delhi, in 1648, he appointed GhaznafarKhan as the first Kotwal of the new city, bestowing on him also the very important office of Mir-iAtish (Chief of Artillery).

The institution of Kotwal came to an end with the crushing of the revolt of 1857, the first war offreedom by the British.

Q Source: Page 319 (Side blue box): Themes in Indian History – III: 12th NCERT

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49 With reference to World Food Programme (WFP), a UN Agency, consider the following statements.As per WFP, India is home to a quarter of all undernourished people worldwide.1.In India, WFP provides direct food aid and food-related technical assistance to the Government of2.India.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 only A.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2C.NoneD.

Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Justification: World Food Programme is the UN agency focused on hunger alleviation and foodsecurity. Globally, it responds to emergencies making sure food reaches where it is needed,especially in times of civil strife and natural disasters.

WFP has been working in India since 1963, with work transitioning from food distribution totechnical assistance since the country achieved self-sufficiency in cereal production. With theGovernment now providing its own food distribution systems, our work focuses on supporting thestrengthening of these systems to ensure they become more efficient and reach the people whoneed them most.

Focus Areas: Food and Nutrition Security; Strengthening food-based safety nets; Policy reform toenhance food and nutrition security; Fortification of food; Food security mapping and analysis;Addressing nutrition concerns during the first 1000 days of life; Addressing nutritional needs ofadolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women, and older persons.

Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Agriculture

Flagship Publication/s: The State of Food Insecurity; Food Insecurity Atlas of Rural India; FoodInsecurity Atlas of Urban India.

Q Source: Additional Research:http://www.insightsonindia.com/2018/10/12/insights-daily-current-affairs-12-october-2018/


50 In the context of Modern History of India, the Azamgarh Proclamation is generally associated with

Sepoy Mutiny 1857 A.Swadeshi MovementB.Rowlatt SatyagrahaC.Champaran MovementD.

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Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Learning: This proclamation was published in the Delhi Gazette in the midst of the “Great Mutiny”of 1857.

The author was most probably Firoz Shah, a grandson of the Mughal emperor Bahadur ShahZafar, whose restoration to full power was a main aim of the rebels.

It expressed complete disillusionment with the British Rule and express the fear that Britishmissionaries were, with government connivance, attempting to Christianize India came to ahead among the British East India Company’s sepoy troops.

It is one of the most significant sources of information about the objective of the rebels.

Q Source: Page 301: Themes in Indian History – III: 12th NCERT

51 Consider the following statements.National Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET) will regulate the functioning of1.entities engaged in vocational education and training.National Skill Development Agency’s (NSDA) role is to operationalize the National Skills2.Qualifications Framework (NSQF).

Which of the above is/are correct?1 onlyA.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2 C.NoneD.

orrect Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Justification: The Union Cabinet has approved the merger of the existing regulatory institutions inthe skills space – National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) and the National SkillDevelopment Agency (NSDA) into the National Council for Vocational Education and Training(NCVET).

NCVET will regulate the functioning of entities engaged in vocational education and training, bothlong-term and short-term and establish minimum standards for the functioning of such entities. Theprimary functions of NCVET will include:

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Recognition and regulation of awarding bodies, assessment bodies and skill relatedinformation providers.

Approval of qualifications developed by awarding bodies and Sector Skill Councils (SSCs).

Indirect regulation of vocational training institutes through awarding bodies and assessmentagencies.

Research and information dissemination.

Grievance redressal.

The National Skill Development Agency (NSDA) is an autonomous body under the Ministry of SkillDevelopment and Entrepreneurship. It coordinates and harmonizes the skill development efforts ofthe Indian government and the private sector to achieve the skilling targets of the 12th Plandocument and beyond.

The NSDA’s role is also to anchor the National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) andfacilitate the setting up of professional certifying bodies in addition to the existing ones.

Q Source:http://www.insightsonindia.com/2018/10/11/insights-daily-current-affairs-11-october-2018/

52 Which of the following beliefs defined the extremists in the Indian National Movement?Belief in England's providential mission in India1.Demanded constitutional reforms and share for Indians in services2.Believed that political connections with Britain would perpetuate British exploitation of India3.

Select the correct answer using the codes below.3 only A.2 and 3 only B.1 and 2 onlyC.1 and 3 onlyD.

Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Justification: Differences Between Moderates and Extremists


1. Social base—zamindars and upper middle classes in towns.

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2. Ideological inspiration— western liberal thought and European history.

3. Believed in England's providential mission in India.

4. Believed political connections with Britain to be in India's social, political and culturalinterests.

5. Professed loyalty to the British Crown.

6. Believed that the movement should be limited to middle class intelligentsia; masses not yetready for participation in political work.

7. Demanded constitutional reforms and share for Indians in services.

8. Insisted on the use of constitutional methods only.

9. They were patriots and did not play the role of a comprador class.


1. Social base educated middle classes in towns and lower middle class.

2. Ideological inspiration—Indian history, cultural heritage and Hindu traditional symbols.

3. Rejected 'providential mission theory' as an illusion.

4. Believed that political connections with Britain would perpetuate British exploitation ofIndia.

5. Believed that the British Crown was unworthy of claiming Indian loyalty.

6. Had immense faith in the capacity of masses to participate and to make sacrifices.

7. Demanded swaraj as panacea for Indian ills.

8. Did not hesitate to use extraconstitutional methods like boycott and passive resistance toachieve their objectives.

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9. They were patriots who made sacrifices for the sake of the country.

Q Source: Chapter 4: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

53 Wing Loong II was recently in news because

It is a typhoon that has reoccurred after several decades in South-Pacific OceanA.It is an aircraft that will be sold by China to Pakistan B.It is a refurbished aircraft carrier that has joined the global naval exercise PARAKRAMC.None of the aboveD.

Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Learning: The Wing Loong II is an improved version of the Wing Loong 1 UAV (Unmanned AerialVehicle or an unmanned aircraft) in the category of MALE (Medium-Altitude Long-Endurance)designed and manufactured in China by the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC).

It is a high-end reconnaissance, strike and multi-role endurance unmanned aerial system, capable ofbeing fitted with air-to-surface weapons. It is designed for both reconnaissance and strike missions.

China has agreed to sell 48 Wing Loong II high-end armed drones to Pakistan.

Q Source:http://www.insightsonindia.com/2018/10/11/insights-daily-current-affairs-11-october-2018/

54 Consider the following statements.Indian Universities Act 1904 ensured greater autonomy and relaxed government control over1.universities considerably.Official secret Act 1923 curbed freedom of press and increased the power of magistrates.2.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 onlyA.2 only B.Both 1 and 2C.NoneD.

orrect Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Justification: Statement 1: Indian Universities Act ensured greater government control overuniversities

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The first provision of this act was that the governing bodies of the universities were to bereconstituted and the size of the Senates was reduced. Now the number in the senate couldbe minimum 50 and maximum 100.

Each of them would hold the office for 6 years.

For the Universities of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras, the elected fellows were to be 50 andfor rest of the universities, the number was fixed 15.

This act allowed the Government to appoint a majority of the fellows in a university.

The Governor General was now empowered to decide a University’s territorial limits and alsoaffiliation between the universities and colleges.

The Indian Universities Act made the universities and colleges completely under theGovernment control.

Statement 2: The Official secret Act 1923 is India's anti espionage ("Spy" and "Secret agent") actheld over from British colonisation.

It states clearly that actions which involves helping an enemy state against India. It also states thatone cannot approach, inspect, or even pass over a prohibited government site or area. It curbed thefreedom of speech of the press considerably.

The Act only empowers persons in positions of authority to handle official secrets, and others whohandle it in prohibited areas or outside them are liable for punishment. [2]

Journalists have to help members of the police forces above the rank of the sub-Inspector andmembers of the Armed forces with investigation regarding an offence, up to and including revealinghis sources of information (If required).

Under the Act, search warrants may be issued at any time if the magistrate feels that based on theevidence in front of them there is enough danger to the security of the state.

Q Source: Chapter 4: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

55 The members of Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) includeIndia1.China2.Australia3.Bangladesh4.

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Select the correct answer using the codes below.1, 4 and 5 onlyA.1, 3, 4 and 5 only B.2, 3 and 4 onlyC.1, 2, 3 and 5 onlyD.

Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Justification: The Indian Ocean Rim Association was set up with the objective of strengtheningregional cooperation and sustainable development within the Indian Ocean Region with 21 MemberStates and 7 Dialogue Partners.

India, Australia, Iran IR, Indonesia Thailand, Malaysia, South Africa, Mozambique, Kenya, SriLanka, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Singapore, Mauritius, Madagascar, UAE, Yemen, Seychelles, Somalia,Comoros and Oman are members of IORA.

The IORA is a regional forum, tripartite in nature, bringing together representatives of Government,Business and Academia, for promoting co-operation and closer interaction among them.

It is based on the principles of Open Regionalism for strengthening Economic Cooperationparticularly on Trade Facilitation and Investment, Promotion as well as Social Development of theregion.

Q Source:http://www.insightsonindia.com/2018/10/05/insights-daily-current-affairs-05-october-2018/

56 Consider the following with reference to the Rampa Rebellion of 1879.It was a rebellion against the British in the hill tracts of Vishakhapatnam.1.It was led by the Zamindars.2.Ban of toddy tapping was an important factor behind the rebellion.3.

Select the correct answer using the codes below.1 onlyA.2 and 3 onlyB.1 and 3 only C.1, 2 and 3 D.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Justification: Statement 1 and 2: It was an insurrection by the hill tribes in the Rampa region of

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the Vizagapatam Hill Tracts Agency of Vizagapatam District against the British government of theMadras Presidency and Zamindars. So, 2 is wrong.

Statement 3: The hill tracts of Vishagapatanam were inhabited by hill tribes who led a more or lessindependent way of life for centuries.

These tribes paid a regular tribute to a zamindar or mansabdar who was a subject of British India.

The then zamindar of the region was an oppressive tyrant. There were smaller riots and uprisingsbefore, but to make matters worse, the Madras government introduced a law making toddy tappingillegal and introducing a toddy tax, this wouldn't have been a great deal to the Hill tribes, but toddytapping was part of their culture.

This led to a full-scale rebellion in early 1879.

Q Source: Additional Research: Chapter 13: Spectrum Modern India: Rajiv Ahir

57 With reference to the First World war and nationalist response, consider the following statements.While the moderates supported India’s participation in the war, the extremists rejected any such1.involvement.The British government promised self-government as a tribute to India’s participation in the war.2.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 onlyA.2 only B.Both 1 and 2C.None D.

Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Justification: In the First World War (1914-1919), Britain allied with France, Russia, USA, Italyand Japan against Germaney Austria Hungary and this period saw the maturing of Indiannationalism. The nationalist response to British participation in the War was three-fold:

the Moderates supported the empire in the War as a matter of duty;

the extremists, including Tilak (who was released in June 1914), supported the war efforts inthe mistaken belief that Britain would repay India's loyalty with gratitude in the form of self-government;

the revolutionaries decided to utilise the opportunity to wage a war and liberate the country.

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The Indian supporters of British war efforts failed to see that the imperialist powers were fightingprecisely to safeguard their own colonies and markets.

Q Source: Chapter 4: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

58 Who among the following can be associated with a militant approach to political work towards IndianIndependence?

Aurobindo Ghosh1.Raj Narain Bose2.Vishnu Shastri Chiplunkar3.Surendranath Banerjee4.

Select the correct answer using the codes below.1 and 2 onlyA.2, 3 and 4 onlyB.1 and 4 only C.1, 2 and 3 only D.

Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Justification: By the dawn of the twentieth century, a band of nationalist thinkers had emergedwho advocated a more militant approach to political work. These included Raj Narain Bose, AshwiniKumar Datta, Aurobindo Ghosh and Bengal; Vishnu Shastri Chiplunkar and Tilak. in Maharashtra;and Lala Lajpat Rai in Punjab.

The bask' tenets of this school of thought were: hatred for foreign rule; since no hope could bederived from it, Indians should work out their own salvation;

swaraj to be the goal of national movement; direct political action required; • belief incapacity Of the masses to challenge the authority;

personal sacrifices required and a true nationalist to be always ready for it.

Statement 4: Anti-Partition Campaign Under Moderates (1903-05): The leadership was provided bymen like Surendranath Banerjee, K.K. Mitra and Prithwishchandra Ray. The methods adopted werepetitions to the Government, public meetings, memoranda, and propaganda through pamphlets andnewspapers such as Hitabadi, Sanjibani and Bengalee.

Q Source: Chapter 4: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

59 With reference to the Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), consider the followingstatements.

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Its purpose is to provide refinance facilities and short term lending to industries, and serves as the1.principal financial institution in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector.Life Insurance Corporation of India is the largest individual shareholder of SIDBI followed by the2.State Bank of India.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 only A.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2 C.NoneD.

Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Justification: SIDBI is one of the four All India Financial Institutions regulated and supervised bythe Reserve Bank; other three are EXIM Bank, NABARD and NHB. They play a salutary role in thefinancial markets through credit extension and refinancing operation activities and cater to thelong-term financing needs of the industrial sector.

SIDBI is active in the development of Micro Finance Institutions through SIDBI Foundation forMicro Credit, and assists in extending microfinance through the Micro Finance Institution (MFI)route. Its promotion & development program focuses on rural enterprises promotion andentrepreneurship development.

In order to increase and support money supply to the MSE sector, it operates a refinance programknown as Institutional Finance program.

State Bank of India is the largest individual shareholder of SIDBI with holding of 16.73% shares,followed by Government of India and Life Insurance Corporation of India.

Q Source: Additional Research:http://www.insightsonindia.com/2018/10/04/insights-daily-current-affairs-04-october-2018/

60 Which of the following trade pacts is a revision of the well known North American Free TradeAgreement (NAFTA)?

Transatlantic Trade and Investment PartnershipA.Trans-Pacific PartnershipB.United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) C.Canada: Comprehensive Economic and Trade AgreementD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

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Learning: United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA):

It’s basically NAFTA 2.0, with major changes on cars and new policies on labor and environmentalstandards, intellectual property protections, and some digital trade provisions. The changes include:

Country of origin rules: Automobiles must have 75% of their components manufactured inMexico, the US, or Canada to qualify for zero tariffs (up from 62.5 percent under NAFTA).

Labor provisions: 40 to 45 percent of automobile parts have to be made by workers who earnat least $16 an hour by 2023. Mexico has also agreed to pass laws giving workers the right tounion representation, extend labor protections to migrant workers, and protect women fromdiscrimination. The countries can also sanction one another for labor violations.

US farmers get more access to the Canadian dairy market: The US got Canada to open up itsdairy market to US farmers, which was a big issue for Trump.

Intellectual property and digital trade: The deal extends the terms of copyright to 70 yearsbeyond the life of the author (up from 50). It also extends the period that a pharmaceuticaldrug can be protected from generic competition.

It also includes new provisions to deal with the digital economy, including prohibiting dutieson things like music and e-books, and protections for internet companies so they’re not liablefor content their users produce.

Q Source:http://www.insightsonindia.com/2018/10/05/insights-daily-current-affairs-05-october-2018/

61 The Deccan Riots Commission was appointed toRemodel the police machinery to tackle increasing riots in the Deccan region1.Initiate proceedings against oppressive Zamindars inciting these riots2.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 onlyA.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2 C.None of the above D.

Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Learning: The Deccan peasants uprising 1875 was directed mainly against the excesses of the

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Marwari and Gujarati money lenders.

Social boycott of moneylenders by the peasants was later transformed into armed peasantrevolt in the Poona and Alimadnagar districts of Maharashtra.

By June 1875 nearly a thousand peasants were arrested and the uprising completelysuppressed.

The Government appointed the Deccan Riots Commission to investigate into the causes of theuprising.

The ameliorative measure passed was the Agriculturists Relief Act of 1879 which putrestrictions on the operations of the peasants land and prohibited imprisonment of thepeasants of the Deccan for failure to repay debts to the moneylenders.

Q Source: Page 285: Themes in Indian History – III: 12th NCERT

62 How is the Human Capital Index (HCI) [World Bank] different from the Human Development Index(HDI) [UNDP]?

The HCI uses survival rates and stunting rate instead of life expectancy as measure of health (HDI).1.The HCI uses quality-adjusted learning instead of merely years of schooling as measure of education2.(HDI).

Which of the above is/are correct?1 onlyA.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2 C.NoneD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Background: The World Bank has launched a Human Capital Project (HCP).

The HCP programme is claimed to be a program of advocacy, measurement, and analytical work toraise awareness and increase demand for interventions to build human capital.

There are three components of HCP- a cross-country human capital measurement metric called theHuman Capital Index (HCI), a programme of measurement and research to inform policy action,and a programme of support for country strategies to accelerate investment in human capital.

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Justification and Learning: The HCI has been constructed for 157 countries. It claims to seek tomeasure the amount of human capital that a child born today can expect to attain by age 18. TheHCI index values are contended to convey the productivity of the next generation of workers,compared to a benchmark of complete standard education and full health.

The HCI has three components:

Survival, as measured by under-5 mortality rates.

Expected years of Quality-Adjusted School which combines information on the quantity andquality of education.

Health environment using two proxies of (a) adult survival rates and (b) the rate of stuntingfor children under age 5.


UNDP constructs Human Development Index (HDI) for several years. The HCI uses survival ratesand stunting rate instead of life expectancy as measure of health, and quality-adjusted learninginstead of merely years of schooling as measure of education.

HCI also excludes per capita income whereas the HDI uses it. Two significant changes from HDI areexclusion of income component and introduction of quality adjustment in learning.

Exclusion of income element and introduction of quality adjustment makes HCI far lessrepresentative of Human Capital Development than the Index claims it to be.

Q Source:http://www.insightsonindia.com/2018/10/12/insights-daily-current-affairs-12-october-2018/

63 Consider the following statements.Gandhiji spent a year travelling around British India on Gokhale’s advice.1.Gandhiji first forged the techniques of non-violent satyagraha in South Africa.2.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 onlyA.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2 C.NoneD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

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Justification: Statement 1: He wanted to know the land of India and its peoples, and hence decidedto travel across India on the advice of Gokhale.

Such statements are often asked by UPSC (e.g. see Q on Home Rule Movement CSP 2015 or Q onChamparan Satyagraha in CAPF 2016) despite their inherent subjectivity.

His first major public appearance was at the opening of the Banaras Hindu University (BHU) inFebruary 1916. We have covered the speech in the previous test.

Statement 2: In 1915, Gandhi returned to his homeland after two decades of residence abroad.These years had been spent for the most part in South Africa, where he went as a lawyer, and intime became a leader of the Indian community in that territory.

As the historian Chandran Devanesan has remarked, South Africa was “the making of theMahatma”. It was in South Africa that Mahatma Gandhi first forged the distinctive techniques ofnon-violent protest known as satyagraha, first promoted harmony between religions, and firstalerted upper-caste Indians to their discriminatory treatment of low castes and women.

Q Source: Page 348: Themes in Indian History – III: 12th NCERT

64 2018 Global Hunger Index report was released by

Oxfam InternationalA.Welthungerhilfe and Concern Worldwide B.Calacea Farm, Not For Sale (NFS)C.Chicago Council on Global Affairs Global Agricultural Development Initiative (UnitedD.States/International)

Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Learning: The report is a peer-reviewed publication released annually by Welthungerhilfe andConcern Worldwide.

The GHI scores are based on a formula that captures three dimensions of hunger—insufficientcaloric intake, child undernutrition, and child mortality—using four component indicators:

UNDERNOURISHMENT: the share of the population that is under-nourished, reflectinginsufficient caloric intake

CHILD WASTING: the share of children under the age of five who are wasted (low weight-for-height), reflecting acute undernutrition.

CHILD STUNTING: the share of children under the age of five who are stunted (low height-

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for-age), reflecting chronic undernutrition.

CHILD MORTALITY: the mortality rate of children under the age of five.

Performance of India:

India has been ranked at 103 out of 119 countries in the Global Hunger Index 2018, withhunger levels in the country categorized as “serious”.

At least one in five Indian children under the age of five is wasted. The only country with ahigher prevalence of child wasting is the war-torn nation of South Sudan.

India’s ranking has dropped three places from last year, although the Index says its resultsare not accurately comparable from year to year and instead provides a few reference yearsfor comparable data.

India has shown improvement in three of the indicators over the comparable reference years.The percentage of undernourished people in the population has dropped from 18.2% in 2000to 14.8% in 2018. The child mortality rate has halved from 9.2% to 4.3%, while child stuntinghas dropped from 54.2% to 38.4% over the same period.

Q Source:http://www.insightsonindia.com/2018/10/12/insights-daily-current-affairs-12-october-2018/

65 Hill stations were a distinctive feature of colonial urban development in India. Consider the followingabout it (assuming the timelines of the given events to be correct).

Simla (present-day Shimla) was founded during the course of the Gurkha War (1815-16).1.The Anglo-Maratha War of 1818 led to British interest in Mount Abu as a Hill station.2.Darjeeling was wrested by the British from the rulers of Sikkim in 1835.3.

Select the correct answer using the codes below.1 and 2 onlyA.2 onlyB.1 and 3 only C.1, 2 and 3 D.

Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Justification: The founding and settling of hill stations was initially connected with the needs of the

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British army. Simla (present-day Shimla) was founded during the course of the Gurkha War(1815-16); the Anglo-Maratha War of 1818 led to British interest in Mount Abu; and Darjeeling waswrested from the rulers of Sikkim in 1835. Hill stations became strategic places for billeting troops,guarding frontiers and launching campaigns against enemy rulers.

The temperate and cool climate of the Indian hills was seen as an advantage, particularly since theBritish associated hot weather with epidemics.

Cholera and malaria were particularly feared and attempts were made to protect the army fromthese diseases. The overwhelming presence of the army made these stations a new kind ofcantonment in the hills. These hill stations were also developed as sanitariums, i.e., places wheresoldiers could be sent for rest and recovery from illnesses.

Because the hill stations approximated the cold climates of Europe, they became an attractivedestination for the new rulers.

Q Source: Page 327: Themes in Indian History – III: 12th NCERT

66 The Lucknow Pact, 1916, between Congress and Muslim League brought them together. happened ata time when the Muslim League was gradually turning anti-imperialist. What could have been thepossible factors behind such an attitude of the Muslim League?

Britain's refusal to help Turkey in its wars in the Balkans (1912-13) and with Italy (during 1911) had1.infuriated the MuslimsAnnulment of the partition of Bengal in 1911 was not well received by all sections of the Muslims2.leaders

Which of the above is/are correct?1 onlyA.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2 C.NoneD.

orrect Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Justification: A significant development to take place at Lucknow was the coming together of theMuslim League and the Congress and the presentation of common demands by them to theGovernment. This happened at a time when the Muslim League, now dominated by the youngermilitant nationalists, was coming closer to the Congress objectives and turning increasingly anti-imperialist. There were many reasons for this shift in the League's position:

(i) Britain's refusal to help Turkey (ruled by the Khalifa who claimed religio-political leadership ofall Muslims) in its wars in the Balkans (1912-13) and with Italy (during 1911) had infuriated theMuslims.

(ii) Announcement of cancelation partition of Bengal in 1911 had annoyed those sections of Muslims

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who had supported the partition.

(iii) The refusal of the British Government in India to set up a university at Aligarh with powers toaffiliate colleges all over India also alienated some Muslims.

(iv) The younger League members were turning to bolder nationalist politics and were trying tooutgrow the limited political outlook of the Aligarh school. The Calcutta session of the MuslimLeague (1912) had committed the League to "working with other groups for a system of self-government suited to India, provided it did not come in conflict with its basic objective of protectionof interests of the Indian Muslims".

Thus, the goal of self-government similar to that of the Congress brought both sides closer.

(v) Younger Muslims were infuriated by the government repression during the War. Maulana Azad'sAl Hilal and Mohammad Ali's Comrade faced suppression while the Ali brothers, Maulana Azad andHasrat Mohani faced internment. This generated anti-imperialist sentiments among the "YoungParty".

Q Source: Chapter 4: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

67 Kol Uprisings by the Kols of ‘X’ region led by Buddho Bhagat (1831) against expansion of British ruleon their lands and transfer of their lands to outsiders was eventually suppressed by the government.The region ‘X’ is

Chottanagpur A.TelanganaB.Dang regionC.AndamanD.

Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Learning: The term "Kol people" or Kolarian is used in India to refer to some of the indigenousAustroasiatic tribal groups of India.

In eastern and northeastern India, Kol is a generic umbrella term which includes certain closelyrelated to indigenous tribal groups such as the Munda and Ho as well as the Khasi, Jaintia in Bihar,Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, North Bengal, Bangladesh, and Nepal.

At one time, the name "Kol" was used to identify a group of primitive aboriginal tribes thought to bedescended from Negrito and Australoid peoples who had entered India in prehistoric times. Thesetribes are concentrated in central India and the northeastern regions of the Deccan plateau.

They speak related languages described as "Kolarian," which are known today as the Mundalanguages. The tribes include the Santal, Munda, and Ho. But in modern usage, the term "Kol" isused in a more restricted sense to identify a specific tribe among these Munda-speaking peoples.

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Q Source: Additional Research: Chapter 16: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

68 Consider the following statements about certain events pertaining to the 17th CE, colonial India.The East India Company had purchased the right of settlement in Madraspatam from the local1.Telugu lords, the Nayaks of Kalahasti despite their vehement opposition.Rivalry (1746-63) with the French East India Company led the British to flee Madras and appoint2.residents in the princely courts of Madras.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 onlyA.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2 C.None D.

Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Justification: Statement 1: The local rulers were eager to support trading activity in the region bythe British.

Statement 2: The French were defeated in Madras, not the British.

Learning: The Company had first set up its trading activities in the well-established port of Suraton the west coast.

Subsequently the search for textiles brought British merchants to the east coast. In 1639 theyconstructed a trading post in Madraspatam. This settlement was locally known as Chenapattanam.The Company had purchased the right of settlement from the local Telugu lords, the Nayaks ofKalahasti, who were eager to support trading activity in the region.

Rivalry (1746-63) with the French East India Company led the British to fortify Madras and givetheir representatives increased political and administrative functions. With the defeat of the Frenchin 1761, Madras became more secure and began to grow into an important commercial town.

It was here that the superiority of the British and the subordinate position of the Indian merchantswas most apparent.

Q Source: Page 331: Themes in Indian History – III: 12th NCERT

69 Dadabhai Naoroji's declared at the “X” session of Indian National Congress that self-government orswaraj was to be the goal of the Congress. X is

Calcutta session (1906) A.Lucknow Session (1916)B.Lahore Session (1929)C.

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Benaras (1912)D.

Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Learning: The Extremist Programme Emboldened by Dadabhai Naoroji's declaration at theCalcutta session (1906) that self-government or swaraj was to be the goal of the Congress, theExtremists gave a call for passive resistance in addition to swadeshi and boycott.

This would include a boycott of government schools and colleges, government service, courts,legislative councils, municipalities, government titles, etc. so as to, as Aurobindo put it, "make theadministration under present conditions impossible by an organized refusal to do anything-whichwill help either the British commerce in the exploitation of the country or British officialdom in theadministration of India.

At the Calcutta session of the Congress in December 1906, the Moderate enthusiasm had cooled abit because of the popularity of the Extremists and the revolutionary terrorists and because ofcommunal riots. Here, the Extremists wanted either Tilak or Lajpat Rai as the president, while theModerates proposed the name of Dadabhai Naoroji, who was widely respected by all thenationalists. Finally, Dadabhai Naoroji was elected as the president and as a concession to themilitants, the goal of the Indian National Congress was defined as swarajya or self-government likethe United Kingdom or the colonies'.

Q Source: Chapter 4: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

70 Which of the following hill stations served as the official residence of the commander-in-chief of theIndian army in colonial India?

MussorieA.DehradunB.Simla (Shimla) C.LansdowneD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Learning: During the colonial rule, the Commander-in-Chief, India (often "Commander-in-Chief inor of India") was the supreme commander of the British Indian Army. The Commander-in-Chief andmost of his staff were based at General Headquarters, India, and liaised with the civilian Governor-General of India.

Following the Partition of India in 1947 and the creation of the independent dominions of India andPakistan, the post was abolished. It was briefly replaced by the position of Supreme Commander ofIndia and Pakistan before the role was abolished in November 1948.

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Subsequently, the role of Commander-in-Chief was merged into the offices of the Governors-Generalof India and Pakistan, respectively, before becoming part of the office of President of India from1950, of the President of Pakistan from 1956.

Apart from Simla, prior to independence, the official residence was the Flagstaff House, which laterbecame the residence of the first Prime Minister of India; as Teen Murti House, it is now a museum.

Q Source: Page 328: Themes in Indian History – III: 12th NCERT

71 Who among the following was sometimes referred to as “Gandhi's conscience keeper”?

Motilal NehruA.Maulana Abul Kalam AzadB.C. Rajagopalachari C.Sardar Vallabhbhai PatelD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Learning: Richard Casey, Governor of Bengal from 1944 to 1946, regarded Rajagopalachari as thewisest man in India. The best possible tribute to Rajagopalachari was from Mahatma Gandhi whor*ferred to him as the "keeper of my conscience".

Regarded as a pioneer of social reform, Rajagopalachari issued temple entry proclamations in theMadras Presidency and worked towards the upliftment of Dalits. He played a pivotal role in theconclusion of the Poona Pact between B. R. Ambedkar and the Indian National Congress andspearheaded the Mahabal Temple Entry program in 1938.

Rajagopalachari was considered one of the most able statesmen in the national arena. Critics opinethat he completely failed to gauge the thoughts and feelings of the masses – his introduction ofHindi and the Madras Scheme of Elementary Education have both been extensively criticised whilehis pacifist stance during the Quit India Movement and his "C. R. formula" angered the majority ofhis colleagues in the Indian National Congress.

Q Source: Additional Research: Chapter 16: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

72 The fluvial riverine island is formed by the Brahmaputra river system and is the nerve centre ofAssamese neo-Vaishnavite culture. It has been recently declared as a district of India some time ago.The island is?

Narcondam IslandA.River Island of Majuli B.Mattoa IslandsC.Forest Islands of ThembangD.

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Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Importance: The Guinness World Records has recently given official designation Assam’s Majuli asthe largest river island in the world.

In June 2016, Assam Government had officially declared the island as the district making itIndia’s first island district.

The island has been nominated for the World Heritage Site status. It has been included in thetentative list by UNESCO.

Learning: It is surrounded by Subanisri River in the North, main Brahmaputra River on the Southand kherkatia Suli, split channel of Brahmaputra River in northeast.

The island had some 65 satras (monasteries adhering) to Vaishnavism.

Majuli island is mostly inhabited by Mishing tribal people. Apart from them, there areinhabitants from the Deori and Sonowal Kacharis tribes. On the island languages spoken areMising, Assamese, and Deori

It is the nerve centre of Assamese neo-Vaishnavite culture initiated by saint-reformerSrimanta Sankardeva in 15th century.

The island had some 65 satras (monasteries adhering) to Vaishnavism. But large numbers ofthem were relocated to the mainland after being washed away.

It is home of many rare and endangered avifauna species including migratory birds.

Q Source: Frequently in news

73 As per RBI circulars, a bank can fulfil its Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) obligations in which of theseforms?#00000

Vault Cash1.Gold holdings2.Government security holdings3.

Select the correct answer using the codes below.

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3 onlyA.1 and 2 onlyB.2 and 3 only C.1, 2 and 3 D.

Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Justification: The RBI Act instructs that all commercial banks (and some other specifiedinstitutions) in the country have to keep a given proportion of their demand and time deposits(NDTL or net demand and time liabilities) as liquid assets in their own vault. This is called statutoryliquidity ratio.

The word statutory here means that it is a legal requirement and liquid asset means assets inthe form of cash, gold and approved securities (government securities).

Theoretically, SLR is a monetary policy instrument (a direct instrument). But at the practicallevel, SLR has helped the government to sell its securities or debt instruments to banks.

Learning: Difference with CRR: Cash Reserve Ratio is the percentage of the deposit (NDTL) that abank has to keep with the RBI. CRR is kept in the form of cash and that also with the RBI. Nointerest is paid on such reserves.

On the other hand, SLR is the percentage of deposit that the banks have to keep as liquid assets intheir own vault.

Q Source: Revision: Page 41: 12th Macroeconomics NCERT

74 Consider the following statements. Younghusband's Mission to Tibet (1904)Led to a temporary invasion by British Indian forces under the auspices of the Tibet Frontier1.CommissionIntended to establish diplomatic relations and resolve the dispute over the border between Tibet2.and Bhutan

Which of the above is/are correct?1 only A.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2C.NoneD.

orrect Answer : A

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Answer Justification :

Justification: The British expedition to Tibet, also known as the British invasion of Tibet or theYounghusband expedition to Tibet began in December 1903 and lasted until September 1904.

The expedition was effectively a temporary invasion by British Indian forces under the auspices ofthe Tibet Frontier Commission, whose purported mission was to establish diplomatic relations andresolve the dispute over the border between Tibet and Sikkim.

In the nineteenth century, the British conquered Burma and Sikkim, occupying the whole southernflank of Tibet. The Tibetan Ganden Phodrang regime, which was then under administrative rule ofthe Qing dynasty, remained the only Himalayan state free of British influence.

The expedition was intended to counter Russia's perceived ambitions in the East and was initiatedlargely by Lord Curzon, the head of the British India government. Curzon had long obsessed overRussia's advance into Central Asia and now feared a Russian invasion of British India.

In April 1903, the British received clear assurances from the Russian government that it had nointerest in Tibet. "In spite, however, of the Russian assurances, Lord Curzon continued to press forthe dispatch of a mission to Tibet", a high level British political officer noted.

Q Source: Additional Research: Chapter 16: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

75 Which of these are included in the “Current account” transactions of India with the world?Trade balance for goods1.Flow of remittances2.Trade in invisibles3.Grants given by foreign governments4.

Select the correct answer using the code below.1, 2 and 4 onlyA.3 and 4 onlyB.1 and 2 onlyC.1, 2, 3 and 4 D.

Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Learning: The current account records exports and imports in goods and services and transferpayments.

Trade in services denoted as invisible trade (because they are not seen to cross nationalborders) includes both factor income (payment for inputs-investment income, that is, theinterest, profits and dividends on our assets abroad minus the income foreigners earn onassets they own in India) and non-factor income (shipping, banking, insurance, tourism,software services, etc.).

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Transfer payments are receipts which the residents of a country receive ‘for free’, withouthaving to make any present or future payments in return.

They consist of remittances, gifts and grants. They could be official or private.

Q Source: Page 77: 12th Macroeconomics NCERT

76 The 'Alipore Bomb Case' is a notable event in the Modern Indian History becauseIt was the first state trial of such a high magnitude in India1.It was the first attempt of any extremist at overthrowing the state.2.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 only A.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2C.NoneD.

Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Justification: It became a high profile case.

The British Government arrested Sri Aurobindo, a prominent Nationalist Leader at the time,Barindra Ghose, and many young revolutionaries.

They were charged with "Conspiracy" or "waging war against the King" - the equivalent of hightreason and punishable with death by hanging.

The case dragged on with preliminary hearings in the Magistrate's court, involving 1000 artefactsas evidence and 222 witnesses followed by a trial in Sessions Court, involving 1438 exhibits and 206witnesses. During this period, the under-trial prisoners were illegally held in Presidency Jail undertorturous conditions (including solitary confinement).

The judgment was finally delivered by Judge Beachcroft on 6 May 1909 after a protracted trial ofone year.

Sri Aurobindo was acquitted of all charges with the Judge condemning the flimsy nature of theevidence against him. Of the thirty-seven prisoners on trial, Barindra Ghose, as the head of theSecret society of revolutionaries and Ullaskar Dutt, as the maker of bombs, were given the deathpenalty (later commuted to transportation for life), seventeen others were given varying terms ofimprisonment or transportation and the rest were acquitted.

Q Source: Chapter 4: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

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77 The real exchange rate (RER) is often taken as a measure of a country’s internationalcompetitiveness because

It is not subject to depreciation by destabilizing speculation.1.It takes into account purchasing power of nations involved.2.It is fixed by an agreement between the Central banks involved.3.

Select the correct answer using the codes below.1 and 2 onlyA.1 onlyB.2 and 3 onlyC.2 only D.

Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Justification: Statement 2: The real exchange rate is often taken as a measure of a country’sinternational competitiveness as it takes into account purchasing power at both nations.

The real exchange rates are nothing but the nominal exchange rates multiplied by the price indicesof the two countries.

This means the market price level of goods and services, given by indices of inflation. So if the pricelevel in the US is higher than the price level in India, then the real exchange rate of the rupeeversus the dollar will be greater than the nominal exchange rate.

Suppose the nominal exchange rate is Rs 50 and US prices are greater than Indian prices, a dollarwill buy more in India than what Rs 50 will buy in the US.

Statement 1: Just like NER, RER too is subject to devaluations and depreciation. RER is only amathematical adjustment of NER. If NER is volatile, RER too will be volatile. So, 1 is incorrect.

Statement 3: Since NER is not fixed by an agreement between Central banks, RER too is not. 3 willbe incorrect.

Q Source: Page 79: 12th Macroeconomics NCERT

78 The Durand Commission (1893) was set up to

Recommend changes in the proposed Universities ActA.Bring reforms in Police administration in India on the lines suggested by Lord CurzonB.Define the Durand Line between India and Afghanistan (now between Pakistan andC.Afghanistan) Increase the intake of British army in India from contingents stationed abroadD.

Correct Answer : C

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Answer Justification :

Learning: The Durand Line is the 2,430-kilometre international border between Pakistan andAfghanistan. It was established in 1896 between Sir Mortimer Durand, a British diplomat and civilservant of the British Raj, and Abdur Rahman Khan, the Afghan Amir, to fix the limit of theirrespective spheres of influence and improve diplomatic relations and trade. Afghanistan wasconsidered by the British as an independent state at the time, although the British controlled itsforeign affairs and diplomatic relations.

The Durand Line cuts through the Pashtun tribal areas and further south through the Balochistanregion, politically dividing ethnic Pashtuns, as well as the Baloch and other ethnic groups, who liveon both sides of the border.

It demarcates Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan and Gilgit-Baltistan of northern and westernPakistan from the northeastern and southern provinces of Afghanistan. From a geopolitical andgeostrategic perspective, it has been described as one of the most dangerous borders in the world.

Q Source: Chapter 16: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

79 The Appropriation Bill is introduced as a “Secret Bill” every year in Lok Sabha becauseThe Members of Parliament take an oath of secrecy.1.To prevent the pre-disclosure of sensitive financial information which can be exploited by outsiders2.to gain unfair advantage

Which of the above is/are correct?1 onlyA.2 only B.Both 1 and 2C.NoneD.

Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Justification: Statement 1: It is the Ministers who take an oath of secrecy, not the MPs.

Statement 2: Lok Sabha rules of business say:

No Bill shall be included for introduction in the list of business for a day until after copies thereofhave been made available for the use of members for at least two days before the day on which theBill is proposed to be introduced:

Provided that Appropriation Bills, Finance Bills and such Secret Bills as are not put down inthe list of business may be introduced without prior circulation of copies to members:

Provided further that in other cases, where the Minister desires that the Bill may be

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introduced earlier than two days after the circulation of copies or even without priorcirculation, he shall give full reasons in a memorandum for the consideration of the Speakerexplaining as to why the Bill is sought to be introduced without making available to memberscopies thereof in advance, and if the Speaker gives permission, the Bill shall be included inthe list of business for the day on which the Bill is proposed to be introduced

This means that such bills (even other than Finance and appropriation bills) can be kept as “Secret”if the Minister so desires.

The purpose behind this is to prevent the pre-disclosure of sensitive financial information, whichcan be exploited by outsiders to gain unfair advantage. For e.g. if government has proposed a majortax change on tobacco products, and the information is known before hand by some traders, theycan speculatively trade in stocks of tobacco companies and gain unfair advantage.

Q Source: Revision: Chapter on Parliament: M Laxmikanth

80 Wood’s despatch, Introduction of the Doctrine of Lapse and opening of Anglovernacular schools andgovernment colleges is associated with the tenure of

Dalhousie A.DufferinB.CornwallisC.HastingsD.

Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Learning: The following occurred during his reign:

(i) Second Anglo-Sikh War (1848-49) and annexation of Punjab (1849).

(ii) Annexation of Lower Burma or Pegu (1852).

(iii) Introduction of the Doctrine of Lapse and annexation of Satara (1848), Jaitpur andSambhalpur (1849), lidaipur (1852), Jhansi (1853), Nagpur (1854) and Awadh (1856).

(iv) "Wood's (Charles Wood, President of the Board of Control) Educational Despatch" of 1854and opening of Anglovernacular schools and government colleges.

(v) Railway Minute of 1853; and laying down of first railway line connecting Bombay andThane in 1853.

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(vi) Telegraph (4000 miles of telegraph 'fines to connect Calcutta with Bombay, Madras andPeshawar) and postal (Post Office Act, 1854) reforms.

(vii) Ganges Canal declared open (1854); establishment of separate public works departmentin every province.

(viii) Widow Remarriage Act (1856).

Q Source: Additional Research: Chapter 16: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

81 Why did the Swadeshi movement fizzle out? Pick out possible reasons from the choices given below:There was severe government repression.1.It rejected the techniques that later came to be associated with successful Gandhian politics such as2.noncooperation and passive resistance.Pesantry did not take part in large numbers and the movement was largely restricted to the upper3.social and economic classes.

Select the correct answer using the codes below.1 and 2 only A.1 and 3 only B.2 and 3 onlyC.3 onlyD.

Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Justification: By 1908, the open phase (as different from the underground revolutionary phase) ofthe movement was almost over. This was due to many reasons-

1. There was severe government repression.

2. The movement failed to create an effective organisation or a party structure. It threw up anentire gamut of techniques that came to be associated with Gandhianpolitics—noncooperation, passive resistance, filling of British jails, social reform andconstructive work—but failed to give these techniques a disciplined focus.

3. The movement was rendered leaderless with most of the leaders either arrested ordeported by 1908 and with Aurobindo-Ghosh and Bipin. Chandra Pal retiring from activepolitics.

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4. Internal squabbles among leaders, magnified by the Surat split (1907), did much harm tothe movement.

5. The movement aroused the people but did not know how to tap the newly released energyor how to find new forms to give expression to popular resentment.

6. The movement largely remained confined to the upper and middle classes and zamindars,and failed to reach the masses—especially the peasantry.

7. Non-cooperation and passive resistance remained mere ideas.

8. It is difficult to sustain a mass-based movement at a high pitch for too long.

Q Source: Chapter 4: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

82 Consider the following statements about Foreign Currency Exchangeable Bonds (FCEB).It is a bond expressed in foreign currency, but the principal and the interest of which is payable in1.foreign currency.Prior approval of the RBI is required for the issue of FCEB.2.The bonds cannot be subscribed by a person resident outside India.3.

Select the correct answer using the codes below.1 onlyA.2 and 3 onlyB.1 and 2 only C.1 and 3 onlyD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Justification: Issue of foreign currency exchangeable bonds (FCEB) are regulated by ForeignCurrency Exchangeable Bond Scheme 2008 issued by Ministry of Finance, Department of EconomicAffairs.

What is FCEB?

A bond expressed in foreign currency.

The principal and the interest of which is payable in foreign currency.

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The issuer of the bond is an Indian company.

The bonds are subscribed by a person resident outside India.

The bonds are exchangeable into equity shares of another company which is also called theoffered company.

It may be noted that issuing company is to be the part of promoter group of offered company andthe offered company is to be listed and be eligible to receive foreign investment.

FCEB scheme affords a unique opportunity for Indian promoters to unlock value in groupcompanies. FCEBs are another arrow in the quiver of Indian promoters to raise money overseas tofund their new projects and acquisitions, both Indian and global, by leveraging a part theirshareholding in listed group entities.

Q Source: Additional Research: Chapter 10: Shankar Ganesh: Indian Economy: Key Concepts

83 Montagu's statement made in August 1917 promisedIncreasing participation of Indians in every branch of administration1.Gradual development of institutions with a view to the progressive realisation of responsible2.government

Which of the above is/are correct?1 onlyA.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2 C.NoneD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Justification: His statement was that "The government policy is of an increasing participation ofIndians in every branch of administration and gradual development institutions with a view to theprogressive realisation of responsible government of India”.

Importance of Montagu's Statement

From now onwards, the demand by nationalists for self-government or Home Rule could not betermed as seditious since attainment of self government for Indians now became a governmentpolicy, unlike Morley's statement in 1909 that the reforms were not intended to give self-government to India.

Indian Objections

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The objections of the Indian leaders to Montagu's statement were twofold:

i) No specific time frame was given.

(ii) The Government alone was to decide the nature and the timing of advance towards aresponsible government, and the Indians were resentful that the British would decide what wasgood and what was bad for Indians.

Q Source: Chapter 4: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

84 The Red Shirts movement was launched by

Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan A.P. Krishna PillaiB.Sawai TendulkarC.Maulana Abul Kalam AzadD.

Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Learning: In 1929, the Khudai Khidmatgars or the Red Shirts movement (“Servants of God”)movement, led by Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, nonviolently mobilized to oppose the British in India’sNorthwest Frontier Province.

Ghaffar Khan and the Khudai Khidmatgar movement inspired thousands of Pashtuns (alsocalled Pathans), who were known as fierce warriors, and others to lay down their arms anduse civil resistance to challenge British rule.

Although Ghaffar Khan’s initial reform efforts predated his involvement with Gandhi and theIndian National Congress (INC), he later formed a formal alliance with them and became aformidable force during and following the INC’s civil disobedience campaign of 1930-1931,helping the INC win provincial elections in 1937.

Members of the movement were known as “Red Shirts” because of the red uniforms theywore. Initially they set to work organizing village projects and opening schools, but soon theybecame part of the broader Indian Independence movement, accepting without retaliationsome of the most fierce British repression—mass firings on unarmed crowds, torture, personalhumiliation, setting homes and fields on fire, and even the destruction of entire villages.

Inspired by the dissidence of the INC and the charismatic spiritual-political leadership ofMahatma Gandhi, the Red Shirts blossomed in 1930 during the civil disobedience movement.

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Q Source: Chapter 16: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

85 Purchasing power parity (PPP) method is used to compareStandard of Living across different countries1.Potential of economic growth and natural resource base stock2.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 only A.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2C.NoneD.

orrect Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Justification: It is a method of calculating the correct/real value of a currency which may bedifferent from the market exchange rate of the currency.

Using this method, economies may be studied comparatively in a common currency.

This is a very popular method handy for the IMF and WB in studying the living standards ofpeople in different economies.

The PPP gives a different exchange rate for a currency which may be made the basis formeasuring the national income of the economies.

It is on this basis that the value of gross national product (GNP) of India becomes the fourthlargest in the world (after the US, Japan, and China) though on the basis of market exchangerate of rupee it stands at around the thirteenth rank.

Q Source: Chapter 10: Shankar Ganesh: Indian Economy: Key Concepts

86 With reference to tribal movement in colonial India, consider the following statements.The Santhals under Sido and Kanhu rose up against the British oppressors declaring the end of the1.Company's rule and asserted themselves independent in 1854.The Ahom revolt was organized against the British attempt to incorporate the Ahoms' territories in2.Assam in the Company's dominion.The Khasi uprising was against the British recruiting Khasis in the imperial armed forces against3.the wish of the locals.

Select the correct answer using the codes below.

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1 and 2 only A.2 and 3 onlyB.1, 2 and 3 C.3 onlyD.

Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Justification: The Santhals of Rajmahal Hills resented the oppression by revenue officials, police,money-lenders, landlords—in general, by the "outsiders' (whom they called diku). The Santhalsunder Sido and Kanhu rose up against their oppressors, declared the end of the Company's rule andasserted themselves independent in 1854. It was only in 1856 after' extensive military operationsthat the situation was brought under control. Sido died in 1855, while Kanhu was arrested in 1866.

A separate district of Santhal Pargana!, was created by the Government to pacify the Santhals.

Ahom Revolt The British had pledged to withdraw after the First Burma War (1824-26) fromAssam. But, after the war, instead of withdrawing, the British attempted to incorporate the Ahoms'territories in the Company's dominion. This sparked off a rebellion in 1828 under the leadership ofGomdhar Konwar. Finally, the Company decided to follow a conciliatory policy and handed overUpper Assam to Maharaja Purandar Singh Narendra and part of the kingdom was restored to theAssamese king.

Khasi Uprising After having occupied the hilly region between Garo and Jaintia Hills, the EastIndia Company wanted to build a road linking the Brahmaputra Valley with Sylhet. For this, a largenumber of outsiders including Englishmen, Bengalis and the labourers from the plains were broughtto these regions. The Khasis, Garos, Khamptis and the Singhpos organised themselves under todrive away the strangers from the plains.

The uprising developed into a popular revolt against British rule in the area. By 1833, the superiorEnglish military force had suppressed the revolt.

Q Source: Chapter 13: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

87 The International Court of Arbitration is a branch of the

United NationsA.International Criminal CourtB.International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) C.International Court of JusticeD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

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Learning: ICC is one of the world’s leading institutions for providing international arbitrationservices. The International Court of Arbitration is known for resolving international commercial andbusiness disputes, administering more than half of all arbitration disputes worldwide. The ICC seatis located in Paris.

The International Chamber of Commerce is an international business organization with hundreds ofthousands of member companies in over 130 countries spanning virtually every sector of privateenterprise.

The Lok Sabha has passed the Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Bill, 2018. It will amendthe Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The Act contains provisions to deal with domestic andinternational arbitration, and defines the law for conducting conciliation proceedings.

Q Source:http://www.insightsonindia.com/2018/10/11/insights-daily-current-affairs-11-october-2018/

88 What are the effects of the proclamation of a Financial Emergency in India?The Consolidated Fund of the States are suspended and Parliament assumes full powers of1.managing the financial affairs of the state.The schemes and programmes of States that require significant financial outlays are automatically2.dissolved.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 onlyA.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2C.None D.

orrect Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Justification: The consequences of the proclamation of a Financial Emergency are as follows:

The executive authority of the Centre extends (a) to directing any state to observe suchcanons of financial propriety as are specified by it; and (b) to directions as the President maydeem necessary and adequate for the purpose.

Any such direction may include a provision requiring (a) the reduction of salaries andallowances of all or any class of persons serving in the state; and (b) the reservation of allmoney bills or other financial bills for the consideration of the President after they are passedby the legislature of the state.

The President may issue directions for the reduction of salaries and allowances of (a) all orany class of persons serving the Union; and (b) the judges of the Supreme Court and the high

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Thus, during the operation of a financial emergency, the Centre acquires full control over thestates in financial matters. No financial emergency has been declared so far.

Q Source: Revision: Indian Constitution at Work: 11th NCERT

89 Consider the following statements.C. Rajagopalachari led a salt march from Trichinopoly to Vedaranniyam on the Tanjore coast in1.Tamil Nadu, in support of the Civil Disobedience Movement.K. Kelappan, a Nair Congress leader, launched the Vaikom Satyagraha and marched from Calicut to2.Payanneer in defiance of salt laws.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 onlyA.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2 C.NoneD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Learning: Both statements are correct. C. Rajagopalachari was arrested on April 30, 1930.

Jawaharlal Nehru was also actively involved in the movement and was arrested on April 17, 1930 fordefiance of the salt law. He formulated a radical agrarian programme and suggested formation ofthe Constituent Assembly as the prime political slogan.

P. Krishna Pillai defended the national flag and resisted lathicharge on the Calicut beach onNovember 11, 1930. He later founded the Kerala Communist Movement.

Q Source: Chapter 16: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

90 Which of these provisions/judgments endorsed the Judicial review of the decisions to proclaimnational emergency?

44th Constitutional amendment, 19781.Minerva Mills case, 19802.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 only A.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2 C.NoneD.

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Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Justification: In 1975, the then Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi advised the president to proclaimemergency without consulting her cabinet.

The cabinet was informed of the proclamation after it was made, as a fait accompli. The 44th

Amendment Act of 1978 introduced this safeguard to eliminate any possibility of the primeminister alone taking a decision in this regard.

The 38th Amendment Act of 1975 made the declaration of a National Emergency immune from thejudicial review. But, this provision was subsequently deleted by the 44th Amendment Act of 1978.

Further, in the Minerva Mills case, (1980), the Supreme Court held that the proclamation of anational emergency can be challenged in a court on the ground of malafide or that the declarationwas based on wholly extraneous and irrelevant facts or is absurd or perverse.

Q Source: Revision: Indian Constitution at Work: 11th NCERT

91 Wind energy forms a crucial component of the National Renewable Energy Mission of India. Which ofthese states in India has the largest capacity of installed wind energy?

Gujarat A.MaharashtraB.Tamil Nadu C.Himachal PradeshD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Learning: As of 2016, the installed capacity of wind power in India is nearly 27.6 GW, mainlyspread across the South, West and North regions.

Although a relative newcomer to the wind industry, compared with countries such as Denmark orthe United States, by year end 2015 India had the fourth largest installed wind power capacity inthe world (behind 1. China, 2. USA and 3. Germany, having overtaken 5. Spain in 2015 and ahead of6. UK)

Among states, maximum wind power installed capacity is of Tamil Nadu with nearly 7.5 GWinstalled capacity, followed by Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan. Tamil Nadu shares 35% ofIndia’s total wind power installed capacity.

Q Source: India ranks within top 5 in the Global Wind Power Installed Capacity index

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92 Sanitary and phytosanitary measures are related to

Trade rules in WTO A.Protection of indigenous biodiversityB.Both (a) and (b) C.None of the aboveD.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Justification & Learning: Sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures are measures to protecthumans, animals, and plants from diseases, pests, or contaminants. So, B is correct.

The Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures is one of the finaldocuments approved at the conclusion of the Uruguay Round of the Multilateral Trade Negotiations.So, A is correct.

It applies to all sanitary (relating to animals) and phytosanitary (relating to plants) (SPS) measuresthat may have a direct or indirect impact on international trade.

Q Source: Revision: Chapter on WTO and trade: Shankar Ganesh: Indian Economy: Key Concepts

93 Which of these are/were extra-constitutional advisory bodies to the Central government?Finance Commission1.National Development Council2.Law Commission3.Zonal councils4.

Select the correct answer using the codes below.1 and 2 onlyA.2, 3 and 4 only B.3 and 4 onlyC.2 and 4 onlyD.

Correct Answer : B

Answer Justification :

Justification: Statement 1: It is a constitutional body. It was established under Article 280 of theIndian Constitution by the President of India. It was formed to define the financial relations betweenthe centre and the state.

Statement 2: It was an advisory arm of the Planning Commission. It has been now disbanded andreplaced with Team India.

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Statement 3: Law Commission of India is an executive body established by an order of theGovernment of India. Its major function is to work for legal reform. Its membership primarilycomprises legal experts, who are entrusted a mandate by the Government. The Commission isestablished for a fixed tenure and works as an advisory body to the Ministry of Law and Justice.

Statement 4: Zonal Councils have been established via the States Reorganization Act of 1956, theyare statutory bodies.

Q Source: Revision: Chapter 15: Indian Polity: M Laxmikanth

94 With reference to the Kisan Sabha Movement, consider the following statements.They were organized mainly due to the efforts of the Home Rule activists in Uttar Pradesh.1.The movement pre-dates First World War.2.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 only A.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2C.NoneD.

Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Background and Justification: After the 1857 revolt, the Awadh taluqdars had got back theirlands.

This strengthened the hold of the taluqdars or big landlords over the agrarian society of theprovince. The majority of the cultivators were subjected to high rents, summary evictions(bedakhali), illegal levies, renewal fees or nazrana. The First World War had hiked the prices of foodand other necessities. This worsened the conditions of the UP peasants.

Mainly due to the efforts of the Home Rule activists, kisan sabhas were organised in UP. TheUP Kisan Sabha was Gauri Shankar Mishra and Indra Dwivedi. Madan Mohan Malaviyasupported their efforts. By June 1919, the UP Kisan Sabha had 450 branches.

Other prominent leaders included Jhinguri Singh, Durgapal Singh and Baba Ramchandra. InJune 1920, Baba Ramchandra urged Nehru to visit these villages. During these visits, Nehruwith the villagers.

In October 1920, the Awadh Kisan Sabha came into existence because of differences innationalist ranks. The Awadh Kisan Sabha asked the kisans to refuse to till bedakhali land, notto offer hari and begar (forms of unpaid labour), to boycott those who did not accept theseconditions and to solve their disputes through panchayats.

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From the earlier forms of mass meetings and mobilisation, the patterns of activity changedrapidly in January 1921 to the looting of bazaars, houses, granaries and clashes with thepolice. The centres of activity were primarily the districts of Rai Bareilly, Faizabad andSultanpur. The movement declined soon., partly due to government repression and partlybecause of the passing of the Awadh Rent (Amendment) Act.

Q Source: Chapter 13: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

95 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) ranks nations on the basis of ‘national income’ according to

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)A.Gross National Product (GNP)B.Gross Domestic Product adjusted for Purchasing power Parity C.Gross National Product adjusted for Purchasing power Parity D.

Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Learning: India lags behind 132 countries in per capita income, according to the InternationalMonetary Fund (IMF).

PPP adjusts the national income for standard of living in every nation so that an accurate estimateof national wealth may be arrived at.

India is ranked as the 4th largest economy in terms of GDP (Nominal) PPP by IMF after USA, Chinaand Japan).

Q Source: Additional Research: Chapter 6: 12th NCERT: Macroeconomics

96 Consider the following about “Core Industries” in India.The Eight Core Industries comprise majority of the weight in the items included in the Index of1.Industrial Production (IIP).Among all core industries, electricity has the highest weightage.2.The IIP of core industries has consistently fallen since the 2008 recession.3.

Select the correct answer using the codes below.1 and 2 only A.2 only B.1 and 3 onlyC.None of the aboveD.

Correct Answer : B

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Answer Justification :

Justification: Statement 1: They comprise nearly 38 % of the weight of items included in the Indexof Industrial Production (IIP). So, 1 is wrong.

Statement 2: Electricity has the highest weightage. Coal production (weight: 4.38 %); Crude Oilproduction (weight: 5.22 %); Natural Gas production (weight: 1.71 %); Fertilizer production(weight: 1.25%); Steel production (weight: 6.68%); Cement production (weight: 2.41%); Electricitygeneration (weight: 10.32%); Petroleum Refinery production (weight: 5.94%).

Statement 3: The combined Index of Eight Core Industries stands at 188.0 in March, 2016, whichwas 6.4 % higher compared to the index of March, 2015. Its cumulative growth during April toMarch, 2015-16 was 2.7 %. So, clearly 3 is wrong.

Q Source: Frequently in news due to IIP data

97 Which of these peasant movements happened after the 1857 Sepoy mutiny?Eka movement1.Deccan riots2.Indigo revolt3.

Select the correct answer using the codes below.1 onlyA.2 and 3 onlyB.3 onlyC.1, 2 and 3 D.

Correct Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Justification: Indigo Revolt (1859-60), In Bengal, the indigo planters, exploited the local peasantsby forcing them to grow indigo on their lands instead of the more paying crops like rice.

The planters forced the peasants to take advance sums and enter into fraudulent contracts whichwere then used against the peasants.

Deccan Riots have been covered in another question.

Eka Movement: Towards the end of 1921, peasant discontent resurfaced in some northern districtsof the United Provinces—Hardoi, Bahraich, Sitapur.

Q Source: Chapter 13: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

98 Consider the following with reference to the International Finance Corporation (IFC).It was established as the private sector arm of the World Bank Group to advance economic1.development by investing in strictly not-for-profit activities.

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The IFC is owned and governed exclusively by the G-7 in view of the significant financial2.contributions made by the member countries.

Which of the above is/are correct?1 onlyA.2 onlyB.Both 1 and 2C.None D.

orrect Answer : D

Answer Justification :

Justification: Statement 1: Its aim is to advance economic development by investing in strictly for-profit and commercial projects that purport to reduce poverty and promote development. So, 1 iswrong.

It helps people achieve better living standards by mobilizing financial resources for privateenterprise.

Statement 2: The IFC is owned and governed by its member countries, but has its own executiveleadership and staff that conduct its normal business operations. It is a corporation whoseshareholders are member governments that provide paid-in capital and which have the right to voteon its matters.

Q Source: Covered in UPSC papers: Based on World Bank

99 If men and women have equal population for all major age groups in a country, the populationpyramid will tend to show

Vertical symmetry A.Skewed base with narrow topB.Horizontal symmetry C.Narrow base with thick topD.

Correct Answer : A

Answer Justification :

Justification: The base of the pyramid represents the population of the children. If it is thick orwide, it represents that children constitute a significant part of national population. The opposite ifit is narrow. So, B and D deal with the population proportions of the children and aged andtherefore and incorrect in this context.

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Note that in the above picture, the top section has vertical symmetry. Left side shows malepopulation and right side shows female population.

Even in the case of Japan (2010) in the picture, you can see near equality of male and femalepopulation. So, A is the correct answer.

Q Source: Page 18: NCERT XIIth: Fundamentals of Human Geography

100 Eka Movement was inspired from which of the following issues?High land rent1.Oppression of thikadars in charge of revenue collection2.Arbitrary dissolution of local panchayat3.

Select the correct answer using the codes below.2 onlyA.1 and 3 onlyB.1 and 2 only C.1, 2 and 3D.

Correct Answer : C

Answer Justification :

Justification: Towards the end of 1921, peasant discontent resurfaced in some northern districts ofthe United Provinces—Hardoi, Bahraich, Sitapur.

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The issues involved were:

(i) high rents -50 per cent higher than the recorded rates;

(ii) oppression of thikadars in charge of revenue collection; and

(ii) practice of share-rents.

The meetings of the Eka or the Unity Movement involved a symbolic religious ritual in which theassembled peasants vowed that they would

pay only the recorded rent but would pay it on time;

not leave when evicted;

refuse to do forced labour;

give no help to criminals;

abide by panchayat decisions.

The grassroot leadership of the Eka Movement came from Madari Pasi and other low-caste leaders,and many small zamindars.

By March 1922, severe repression by authorities brought the movement to an end.

Q Source: Chapter 13: Spectrum Modern India by Rajiv Ahir

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Open Attachments Embedded in PDF File With Adobe
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